I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 98 Funeral spread abroad? !The bird of fright! !

Chapter 98 Funeral spread abroad? !The bird of fright! !

"I wipe!!"

"Wait, 50T! You agreed, first send the resources over and we'll plead with Lord Hades!!"

"50T! Sure enough, it's changed, changed, and changed a lot! People from Chrysanthemum Province! The learning materials are really rich and colorful! I like it!!!"

"Wait, let me calculate, 50TB=51200G=52428800M, the size of a 120-minute learning video in RMB format is basically about 1G, that is, it can hold about 3 learning videos, and converted into songs, a song Songs in MP4 format are basically around 13107200M, that is, it can hold [-] ordinary songs! Fuck! Dude! Are you the legendary house saint!!”

The starship had just ascended to the sky, and it was the live broadcast at this time.

In the live broadcast room, netizens from Jiangjiang Country were wailing. After all, their so-called strongest rocket in history actually exploded. Who can accept this?

When one by one pointed the finger at Zhang Lingtian, a person from the chicken country directly distorted the painting style of the live broadcast room with 50T study materials.

"Your hunger and thirst can be felt through the screen. This friend from a new province who is far away overseas, please privately link me. Let me, an upright person, check the authenticity!"

"Brother, this is not an experience. Didn't you say it upstairs? There are 130 learning materials in Zhaisheng! It takes 20-13 years for you to read one book a day, and it takes [-] hours to read ten books a day beyond the limit of human beings. You You have to watch it for more than [-] years!"

"Top Appreciation Master: Brother, why don't you come to work directly? You have already caught up with all my seniority and browsing time. I still have five social insurances, one housing fund and salary!"

After he appeared, everyone focused on the learning materials, after all, 50 T!
At present, the world's largest mobile hard disk storage is 50T.

This brother is too good!

"Mabei Ida Yimeng-chan: Really? You promise? Zhang Sang! Talk to me!"

This house sage has been fooled!
There was also a wave of Zhang Lingtian from Aite in the air.

"Really! The people of the Rabbit Country don't lie to the people of the Rooster Country. As long as you can send over 50 tons of learning materials, even if the volcano dares to erupt, the King of Hades will be able to push back the magma for you! The King of Hades said it!!"

Another water friend continued to add oil and vinegar.


Of course Zhang Lingtian was still in the studio.

But he didn't want to answer such a lively topic.

Because he is not interested in this at all!

He is in a taxi right now.

At lunch today, Captain Qin said that several important people came to have dinner with him tonight.

More important, please spare some time in the evening, or they can adapt to his time.

Thinking about coming back just in time, he is a special talent in the police station, and what the other party just said today is that the police station will be his home from now on.

He thought it might be something like team building, so he came over.

And because I thought I might have a drink, I didn't drive, but when I came to the box, there was no team building, and the person from the mysterious department was on the opposite side!
During this period, I really ate and did not drink alcohol.

So Zhang Lingtian, who could get it wrong, took a taxi home after eating.

Of course, it's not that the other side doesn't send it off, it's that he is not used to sitting in the car of this mysterious department.

It is more comfortable to take a taxi home by yourself.

And the time happened to be eight o'clock on their side.

Feeling bored in the taxi, it happened to be the very popular Starship Ascension recently, so he wanted to click in and take a look. Who would have thought that he would watch the fireworks within a minute after he went in and watched it.

It's outrageous!Isn't that the strongest rocket on land? !
What's even more outrageous is that almost most of the netizens in Jiangjiang country think that he cursed the starship!

Wonderful! !
If I really have this miraculous curse, I'll be fine!

It's obviously because the rocket itself has a problem, right? Is the co-author now an all-round backer?
Zhang Lingtian is a little confused now!
But you said that this accidental composition is related to his system, he has no way to answer, because he doesn't know.

You said it should matter, whichever live broadcast you watch will cause an accident, but some live broadcasts will be fine!

Could the system still recognize hostility and then curse?
If he was really so strong, he would be invincible directly.

But the key system is not so strong.

There are also hotpots and Wanda Plazas that are hot on the Internet. Are there still few shopping malls where they eat hotpots?But why is there an accident with so many families?

If the system is playing tricks in the dark, why do these two?
It's not logical either.

The most logical thing is that they have their own problems, and then they happened to be exposed.

This is an order of being first and then being exposed and receiving punishment.

And he couldn't answer the question asked by the foot-pot chicken netizen.

First of all, the system has no way to predict natural disasters, and at most he can only predict them through curves to save the country.

For example, scan the Douyin made by local residents to determine whether the volcano will erupt.

But there is a BUG, ​​that is, it is said that the residents living in the volcano may run away!

If the other party ran away, the value would be inaccurate.

So when he was on the plane, he acted like a living horse doctor and said a three-day forecast.

If the two netizen netizens scanned didn't talk about Wude and ran away, then he can only resign himself to fate, after all, who told you to come here.

As for whether he should help the netizen of the foot pot chicken to scan it now, he can only say that he is so worried about stealing the job of the big boss Tian?

Besides, they don't have top geologists, so let them measure it.

I said it three days ago.

The smart ones run when they should.

There's plenty of time, too.

If he doesn't run away after saying this, what can he say, the big dye vat of society will always eliminate some mentally retarded people?

Looking at the fireworks in front of him on the other side, Sect Master Xi frowned.

"Boss, he is already trying to control the panic of our people, what should we do next!!"

The assistant, George, asked Suzerain Xi hurriedly!
"Our Jiangjiang country does not allow such a powerful person in this world, unless it is in our country, you follow the plan."

Sovereign Xi signed a boss order with serious eyes!

"it is good!"

George nodded.

spring river.

At this time, eight o'clock was just entering the night.

The news is being rendered in a large area.

[1. On the first day he returned to China, he caught a spy]

The most popular among them is about Zhang Lingtian catching a spy on the first day back to China.

It turned out that after Chunjiang police issued a notification from the bib at noon, the other party sent another police notification with white letters on a blue background at [-] o'clock in the evening, and stated that Yang Jun was formally arrested for espionage.

And such a big event naturally rushed to the top of the hot search list!

[Huanqiu deputy editor: I really didn't expect spies to be so good at disguising. Our ordinary people don't have the ability to recognize them at all. I hope you will keep your eyes open when you encounter spies next time, and you won't be deceived like me. , I also hope that Mr. Zhang can dig out more spies and do more things that are beneficial to the country. I believe our country will definitely get better and better. 】

Today, those well-known big Vs who crazily criticized Boss Zhang as an Internet celebrity clown quickly changed their tone after deleting the post.

"Good guy, play with the wind, don't you!!"

"I remember that the ones who scolded you the most today are you guys. If you delete the post, you think everyone has no memory?"

"Awesome! This is the first time I've seen a face thicker than a city wall in real life! Keep on scolding! Didn't you say you'd lose face abroad?!/Doghead"

"To quote you, it's absurd! It's absurd, right! You've shamed yourself and still licked Boss Zhang in this absurd way! That is, Boss Zhang doesn't have a scarf, otherwise, let him give you some attention!"

However, netizens don't have a ten-second memory like a fish. Everyone remembers the hysterical appearance of the deputy editor spraying dung on the Internet.

Now I don't even want to wash the white door!
【Best-selling author Fang Yuan】

"@卖店作家方圆, didn't you say that you want to guarantee your friend that the other party is not a spy? Why are you so desperate to delete the post now?"

"Come on, this kind of person is actually an idiot! You expect her to respond positively. To put it bluntly, Professor Cai Qiang is not as responsible as it is!"

"No, at least Professor Cai Qiang surrendered himself to the Public Security Bureau, and explained all the details he knew. This person will only hide like a turtle, and he is also a best-selling author. What do you say to restrict her writing, dare not I don’t even know what kind of views this kind of writer can bring.”

【Professor Fu from X University】

"It is said that someone lamented that this is not the place he fought for and asked the police to apologize?"

"You should apologize to everyone! As a university professor, you ask others to apologize without knowing the details of the case!!"

"Professor, such a good word, is now being tarnished by you people, and you are still a teacher!"

Although the two people who were the first to criticize Zhang Lingtian also deleted the post at this time, the netizens did not buy it!
They are also ridiculed under their accounts.

After all, they acted like a mad dog when chasing others to apologize, and now it's their turn to apologize and pretend to be deaf and dumb, which is unreasonable.

However, except for the deputy editor-in-chief, the other two did not reply directly.

Even the other party's wife, the well-known patriotic big V Yuan Banana on the scarf, didn't post another post at this time, which was the complete opposite of Xingshi's appearance this afternoon.

It's as if I don't know who pressed the mute button.

[1. The spy novelist Yang Jun was formally arrested, and his wife Yuan Banana lost contact with him. What do you think of the network big V who was still defending him at noon in the evening and tried to clean up his crimes in the evening? 】

I'm pressing.

This kind of topic must have rushed to the hot search.

And also came to the number one position.

"I'm in the country of Jiang, and I just got off the plane. Let me tell you something more surprising. Not only is Yang Jun a foreigner, but Yuan Banana has a green card for a long time, even though he is a Chinese. Their two children are also studying abroad. I am happy." Let's be happy! I've even thought about the way forward!"

"Fuck! Is it so disgusting!"

"Damn it! I'm a book fan at the scene. I never thought that this bastard is really a spy. I also want to add him to WeChat to discuss the plot with him. Of course, confidential information will not be disclosed. !!"

"This classmate, I believe you, but I still want to say that many people think that they can't disclose classified information, but there are many espionage methods! See how Professor Cai Qiang fell? It is also said that Chunjiang Airport The general manager has also fallen, but he doesn’t know the truth.”

"That's reasonable, there are many spies, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people going in now, maybe some of the details you inadvertently revealed are precious information in front of professional personnel, and because of this, you directly Go in or get deeper and deeper and finally go in, how to get in, you have a status, people say he is a spy, he has taken the information you told him and handed it over to foreign countries, you and him are in the same party, you can either go in or finish it After the mission, immigrate with him, give you a foreign university professor or other social status, what do you do?"

The aggressive water friends directly exposed the fact that the other party's family is abroad.

Originally, some people had doubts, thinking that the other party might have gone astray.

But now it seems almost impossible.

Of course, the most disgusting thing for everyone is that this Yuan Banana is still wearing the scarf while paying the money of the Chinese people while holding a green card to send Xiao Banana to study outside!
Especially those who have supported each other are as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Live Farmer and Snake Plus.

Of course, some people talked about spies.

One of the students said that he would never involve secrets.

However, others soon came forward to express their thoughts on this issue.

Of course, there is no denying the existence of such people.

But there are also people who don't keep their mouths shut or are coerced by certain conditions, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people going in.

In short, this matter is constantly fermenting, rushing to the headlines of various pages.

The time came quickly the next morning.

The press conference was held truthfully.

"Mr. Yang Jun was wronged for questioning and arresting the wrong person by the Director of Foreign Affairs of the relevant country. We can only say that evidence is the best answer. Now that we have sufficient relevant evidence to prove his crime, we are here to advise someone Some countries should not engage in petty tricks and stop doing petty tricks, because these petty tricks will eventually be made public and become international jokes."

Brother Zhao spoke at the press conference and answered the questions raised by the director of the Kangaroo Department.

"Of course, I also saw everyone's espionage incident about whether Boss Zhang has a person with superpowers. We just want to say that this incident is an accident. It's just a coincidence. At the same time, we must abandon unscientific concepts. We must believe in science!"

Just as the reporters from the Kangaroo and the Jiangjiang Country were turned green with anger, reporters from other countries were full of question marks.

If there is no such thing as a foot pot chicken, everyone may still believe your nonsense!
But now in this situation Nima still believes in science! !
The skin is thicker than the city wall!
You ask the foot pot chicken if they agree! !
"Mr. Spokesperson, we all know that your country is the birthplace of the five arts of metaphysics, and it has thousands of years of inheritance, and your country's culture has always had a core value of pragmatism. I use it to add luster to my life, so this thing is a good thing. If a philosophy and religion has been useless, it will be buried in the cultural dust. May I ask this boss Zhang if you have mastered the five arts? A representative of metaphysics, will our Fushishan erupt tomorrow?"

Cocky journalists don't care about spy writers right now.

What they are most concerned about now is the volcano that will erupt at any time.

And seriously suspect that the rabbit has a mysterious organization or some people who master the five arts of metaphysics! !
After all, their country is the birthplace of Wushu Metaphysics.

Although the land of Rabbit Country has been baptized for thousands of years, metaphysics has never been cut off in its culture, and these metaphysics have also bred Taoist priests, alchemy, martial arts, Chinese medicine, fortune tellers, Feng Shui, Yin and Yang, etc. A large number of occupations.

And these are still popular in their country.

For example, fortune tellers, yin and yang, Fengshui, Chinese medicine, martial arts, Taoism and so on.

They don't believe in gods, there are no gods in this world.

But those who master the five arts of metaphysics still believe that there are some! !

Moreover, its culture has always been to spy on the secrets of the sky. Maybe they have endured it for so many years, and it is not necessarily true that they will finally have someone who can do this!
"Thank you for your question. As for whether Fushishan will erupt, I would like to ask relevant experts to be more authoritative. After all, Jiaopenji has the best volcano experts in the world. And Boss Zhang is just an ordinary funeral shop owner. The metaphysics of five arts you mentioned, of course, if Jifang likes the funeral culture of our country, we are willing to support Mr. Zhang Lingtian to open a branch of Ping An Baishi in Jiaopenji."

Brother Zhao replied directly.


"Hahaha, naked threats!!"

"The pattern is too low, brother Zhao's words are obviously pointing at the chicken!"

"That's right, you have to believe in science, there's no such thing as Wushu metaphysics, things that don't exist./Dog head"

Everyone is watching the video too.

In fact, most sane people agree with the statement of foot pot chicken.

The living Hades does not exist.

But maybe Boss Zhang is really a master of the Five Arts and Metaphysics, the type who can measure the secrets of heaven, especially the funeral shop that the other party is engaged in is also related to these, and he has the opportunity to come into contact with it.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with you saying that he is the Living Hades.

After all, the main purpose of funerals is to collect corpses, right?

If you don't listen to the persuasion, this will come if you don't seduce your soul?
And if you understand the five arts of metaphysics and you are careful and observant, wouldn't it be possible to explain the king of Hades who became a criminal?
Just like a top trace expert.

As for those relatively big events, such as the rocket fireworks last night, there are some unexpected elements in it.

This is also understandable. Although life is short for a few decades, some people can always encounter many accidents.

Of course, this is mostly the thinking of reasonable people.

There are a total of about [-] million people who know Boss Zhang, and it is not bad if they can account for half of them.

There are still a small number of people who have already admitted that the other party is Hades!Live!Then it was sealed with abilities and the like!
The other part is neutral, let the bullets fly, and cheer when necessary.

International Forum.

"Hiss——, I'm already packing my things!!"

"Rabbit always talks half and hides half of his speech. The spokesperson of the other party is obviously saying that Fushishan will spray!!"

"I think so too. Think about it, Zhang Lingtian originally opened a funeral shop, and the other party said he supported him in opening a funeral shop in our country. Isn't that saying that many people will die?"

Brother Zhao's speech was also broadcast here in real time.

Immediately aroused infinite panic among netizens with foot pot chicken!
Everyone was terrified to the extreme!
"Hey, don't talk nonsense, Brother Zhao never said such a thing!!"

"That's right, don't misunderstand, we just want to promote funeral culture!"

"Fart! Don't we know the urine nature of your rabbits? Tell me half of it is hidden and half of it is for people to guess! Bad fun!!"

"That's right, negation equals affirmation, there is no metaphysics of five arts → there is metaphysics of five arts → Boss Zhang is ordinary → he is not ordinary → promote funeral culture and open a store here → it is Fushishan who will spray our chickens and become a purgatory on earth! Your name He came to collect the corpse!!"

Zhan You's comrades can't move!
People firmly believe that Brother Zhao means this!
The other party is hinting! !

Especially in their country, the family members of the crew members all slipped away first.

Last night, Boss Tian managed to personally live around the volcano to appease everyone, and the panic that was finally relieved began to collapse again.

[Boss Tian: Everyone, I have lived at the foot of this volcano myself, so why don’t you believe it?Would you rather listen to a nonsensical sentence from the Rabbit Country than believe me?I am with you! ! /chicken flag/chicken flag/struggle. 】

Boss Tian, ​​who lived at the foot of the volcano early in the morning, was stunned.

It's hard to appease the emotions.

Why did it blow up again!
Didn't they say it before, as long as they come to live around, they will believe it.

In order to appease Boss Tian, ​​he came here, but who would have thought that this early in the morning at the press conference at Rabbit Country, Li Zhao said something with ulterior motives, and these people panicked like frightened birds again!

That's abominable! !
It's really disgusting! !

Boss Tian is so angry that his teeth itch!
"Same people have different fates!!"

"That's right, are we the same as you! At that time, you will fly away with a helicopter, what about us? Think about the traffic jam two days ago!!"

"I was so scared to death that night. I was blocked on the elevated road. If the volcano really erupted, I would just watch myself being burned to ashes. There was nowhere to hide. How painful it would be!!"

"The ones we are stuck in front of are desperate. High-voltage lines, spark waterfalls, I have never seen such a miraculous phenomenon in my life. If you tell me that there is no miracle, I will not believe it to death!"

"Stop talking, thank Miss Haruka Kojima, I heard that she sacrificed herself for three days!"

Under Boss Tian's social account, there are many domestic netizens.

People are big bosses.

The helicopter is waiting at any time, can the same fate be the same for different people?

At that time, it really sprayed people's plane and disappeared with a whoosh, and they were stuck on the road waiting to die.

Anyway, whoever is wronged in this wave will stay!
"Mabei Ida Yimeng sauce: Don't get excited, everyone. Rabbit's netizens promised me yesterday that as long as you pass on 50 tons of study materials to them, Hades promised that even if the magma erupts at that time, you can press it back! I have been doing it since last night. Start uploading to a dedicated sharing website! Now the progress is 20%, I believe it should be uploaded before the volcanic eruption.”

After all, it is their own domestic forum.

Zhai Sheng replied under Boss Tian's post at this time.




"Is this the legendary Rip Baiyi?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Some people don't believe it!
There are also people who directly ask if the other party is the legendary ultimate sex monster! !

After all, 50T is really shocking.

Although most nerds will have reserves, but at most it is one or two T.

For the boss level, it is 4 or 5T.

This 50T is already the god of otaku!

"Could it be that our country has fallen to the point of saving it with special learning materials?"

"I'm still skeptical. This shouldn't be true. The King of Hades still wants this? Mabei Ida Yimeng-chan, don't you have hallucinations from over-learning?!"

"It's clearly a hallucination. How is this possible? I still believe Miss Kojima Haruka! Speaking of which, she is really good-looking. Even if I sacrificed it, I would still buy it as long as it is an art film. I hope the relevant companies can do it. Think about it!!"

Of course, some people don't believe it.

I think Zhai Sheng must be hallucinating.

Thinking about it carefully, it is normal for people with 50T study materials to have hallucinations.

[Mabei Ida Yimeng sauce: I heard that some people don't believe me, it's okay, I have already taken screenshots of the barrage in the live broadcast room last night, they said that as long as I upload 50T of data and send it to them, the magma will be destroyed I can press it back!
Image 1.jpg, Image 2.jpg, Image 3.jpg. 】

Zhai Sheng also posted a special post at this time.

At the same time, a screenshot from yesterday's Douyin International Forum is attached.

"Mabei Ida Yimeng-kun is really the most straightforward person I have ever met."

"I'm just kidding! This is simply impossible!"

"That's right, how can you press back the magma after it comes out, what do you think it is?"

Originally, he thought it would change everyone's minds.

The result was unexpected.

But it drew a lot of ridicule.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss, I think brother Zhao's suggestion is good! We can open a branch of Baishipu and go to Jiaopenji!"

It was just past nine o'clock in the morning at Baishipu.

Usually go to work at nine o'clock.

Then go to work and eat breakfast first.

So they are having breakfast now.

In the tea room, although all businesses of Baishipu are in their infancy, it is still possible to install a TV here.

I usually watch current affairs news during breakfast, and watch TV for leisure during lunch. Although there are only three employees now, life must be rich, right?

At this time, what was broadcast on TV was the live news about Brother Zhao.

"Brother Zhao frightened the reporter with a foot pot chicken! You really took it seriously! Right, Brother Tian."

Su Wei said to him at this time.

"The culture is different, and the funeral customs are also different. It is so difficult for us to cross provinces, let alone cross borders, but there is no limit to selling funeral supplies."

Zhang Lingtian, who was having breakfast, nodded.

It is impossible for funeral shops to open branches.

Especially when traveling abroad.

Because cultures are different, of course the most important thing is that funerals involve many things.

The local area does not necessarily give it!

Funeral supplies, however, can be sold far away.

That is not local.

"Yeah, the boss is right. Oh, Ah Wei, why didn't you fix your box properly? If it falls down, the things inside will be crushed. You need to adjust it quickly."

Li Tian dessert nodded.

Suddenly, Li Tiantian looked outside in the tea room.

It was a box for funeral goods.

This is the stock in their store, just delivered.

After all, there must be people coming to buy funeral supplies, right?

So be prepared.

The box is very big, and Su Wei is responsible for carrying it, because the other party will put it where it is for the time being when they are ready to eat.

"Ah? No, isn't it crooked?"

Su Wei was a little surprised.

"It's not crooked. How crooked it is, go and see it quickly."

Li Tiantian urged.

"Oh, it does seem a little crooked."

After Li Tiantian said this, Su Wei felt that it was indeed a little crooked again.

Then don't bother stacking the two together.

Just put it down.

"I will go with you."

Li Tiantian got up.

"No, it's very light, why don't you go with me."

Although the box looked huge, it was very light because it contained funeral items.

"Light? It's okay, it's okay, my favorite thing is to be helpful."

Li Tiantian followed behind Su Wei.

Only Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan were left in the tea room.


Suddenly the next second, there was a scream from outside!

"Why are you pinching me!!"

Su Wei's waist was directly twisted clockwise by a powerful hand! !

"You bitch!!"

Su Wei is taller and Li Tiantian is a little shorter.

At this time, Li Tiantian looked up at Su Wei, staring at him fiercely with a super fierce expression.


Li Tiantian and Su Wei, who looked at the fierce expression, understood! !
What kind of box is crooked here!
He is crooked! !
Li Tiantian pinched him because of his words just now! !


Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian were silent for a while.

These two are really enough!

But it's not bad to be noisy.

Liven up the atmosphere.

"Xiaohan, are you tired?"

Zhang Lingtian asked Jiang Xiaohan in the tea room.


Jiang Xiaohan, who was drinking porridge and watching the news, suddenly became energetic.

"Cough cough cough-"

I couldn't swallow a mouthful of porridge and was choked!
"Boss! I'm in good health! I'm not tired at all!!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly adjusted his state and said to him.

At the same time, thousands of thoughts flashed through my mind.

Could it be that the boss thinks that something is wrong with her and needs to be replaced?

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I mean if you're too tired, I'll hire someone from Baishipu to help you share some tasks."

Zhang Lingtian also has some money on hand now.

After all, I received [-] sauce yuan from Ginza back then.

So recruiting someone is no problem.

"Recruiting people? It should not be used for the time being, I can still handle it."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke to him.

She thought the boss was going to change someone else.

It turned out that he recruited someone to share the task for him.

"Following up with the business expansion of Baishipu, there will be more and more account guarantee reports. You can see if you can find a financial accountant to help you share it."

He is really afraid that his little assistant will burp if he is not careful.

It is purchasing and sales, financial accounting, investment promotion and various business docking. At the same time, it is also responsible for the operation and data monitoring of Internet accounts, as well as a part-time anchor assistant.

The salary of 4500 is simply brought into full play!

"Yeah, then I'll post the recruitment information later. In terms of salary, how much would you like to drive, boss?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian.

After all, in terms of salary level, she must not be herself.

Also have to ask the boss.

"Salary? Just pay 4500 yuan + five insurances and one housing fund + commission + bonus."

Zhang Lingtian said to him.

Although Chunjiang is a provincial capital city.

But this is only a second-tier city, and the salary level is not very high.

A basic salary of 4500 is considered normal, especially with commissions and bonuses.

"Yeah, I'm going to edit a job posting right now."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Su Wei, Li Tiantian, come here first, I'm going to announce something."

Zhang Lingtian called out to Li Tiantian and Su Wei outside.


The two came to the tea room at the speed of light.

"Boss, what's the matter!"

Li Tiantian asked curiously.

[Ping An Baishi Shop recruits a financial officer]

[Requirements: Bachelor degree, accounting major]

[Benefits: five insurances and one housing fund + commission + bonus + irregular team building + meal package + accommodation subsidy + up to 1% off benefits for funeral employees]

[Salary: Guaranteed salary of 4500 yuan, comprehensive salary: more than 4500-10000 yuan. 】

Jiang Xiaohan, who works as a part-time HR, is currently compiling the recruitment information. In fact, it is good to share the financial work.

Although she can also do those reports, she has no other time to deal with investment related matters after dividing her time here. At the same time, she also assists the boss to bring goods and so on. As for the recruitment template, she has a little routine.

Especially the comprehensive salary.

After all, don't others often write a comprehensive salary of more than 2500-20000 yuan when recruiting?

Although everyone knows that the actual salary is 2500, there is still a hope that it is not.

And they are so much more real.

If there are many orders in Baishipu, tens of thousands is not impossible.

For example, before they signed several orders in Baishipu, and closed a few funeral affairs, plus bonus commissions and the like, it was indeed over ten thousand.

It's just only one month.

But this is Chunjiang.

A second-tier city.

The average salary is around 4000.

What is there to be dissatisfied with.

But the boss said that there is something to explain, what is there to explain?

She was a little puzzled.

"In view of the fact that our Baishipu is relatively good in all aspects recently, I decided to give everyone a salary increase, and each person's basic salary will increase by 500 yuan! Of course, I believe that as long as everyone is willing to work hard, the salary will definitely increase in the future! "

Zhang Lingtian announced to him.

He said before that he wanted to raise everyone's wages.

Now that I'm back.

Then give everyone a salary increase according to the previous agreement.

"Wow! It's an increase of 500 yuan! That means my current basic salary is 4700 yuan!"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up!
It hasn't been long since she joined the job!

That's just a few months.

When she joined the company, her salary was 4200 yuan. Because her profession is relatively commissioned, it doesn't matter if the basic salary is lower.

Unexpectedly, the offline boss actually gave her a salary increase.

And just mentioning it is 500 yuan! !
The annual salary increases by 6000 yuan! !
That's a lot! !
And some people's annual salary increase is less than 500 yuan!

Sure enough, Lord Yan doesn't pay much attention to money, he is extremely generous! !
"Thank you, Brother Tian! We must work hard!!"

Su Wei also thanked him.

His basic salary has also been raised to 4700 yuan.

It turned out that their basic salary was only the highest for Xiaohan.

The other party is 4500 yuan, and they are both 4200 yuan.

But now after the boss raises wages, sister Xiaohan's basic salary has become 5000 yuan, and both of them have become 4700 yuan.

"thank you boss."

Jiang Xiaohan also thanked Zhang Lingtian.

Actually raised wages.

Now you can save some more money.

"You're welcome, just work hard! The wages will definitely increase in the future, and we can definitely buy our own house in Chunjiang."

Zhang Lingtian didn't dare to say this before.

After all, the benefit of Baishipu is just like that.

I also live in a small commodity house.

Letting employees buy houses is a bit far-fetched.

But now Baishipu is developing well in all aspects. If you sign more orders and sell more goods, there is still great hope!

"No! Boss! We need to change your car and villa first!!!"

Li Tiantian clenched her fists tightly, exuding the fragrance of flattery all over her body!

"Yes! We don't care, let's change the villa for Brother Tian first!!"

Su Wei followed closely behind.

The two look like one heart!
"Uh... so consciously?"

Zhang Lingtian's head was full of black lines.

Jiang Xiaohan remained silent, and everyone else was the boss trying to squeeze the employees.

To use the old saying, if you work harder, the boss will be able to drive a big car tomorrow, but Baishipu's style of painting is directly reversed.

But after thinking about it, it seems reasonable again that the boss is Hades! !
Don't look back and live in your own little box before buying your own house.

"By the way, boss, do you have time tomorrow afternoon?"

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan seemed to remember something and asked Zhang Lingtian.

"Tomorrow afternoon? I have time, what's the matter?"

There were doubtful looks in Zhang Lingtian's eyes.

"It's like this. We just came back, and the boss's fans have grown to more than 1000 million. I want to plan a live broadcast for you, boss, to say hello to your fans and promote your relationship, so that your image will be completely positive and expand your popularity." The shop's business."

Jiang Xiaohan expressed his thoughts.

"It's okay."

Zhang Lingtian nodded slightly.

Added so many followers, say hello to everyone, it will be easy to sell later!


Jiang Xiaohan nodded, as long as the boss agrees.

"Boss, I guess when you are live broadcasting, people will ask you most often whether the volcano will erupt."

Li Tiantian shrugged slightly.

"Everyone wants to know, right Brother Tian?"

Su Wei also looked at his boss differently.

"Speaking of which, 10:30 tomorrow night is the deadline, and I don't know what will happen to them."

Jiang Xiaohan also nodded.

Calculate the time.

There was movement at the volcano at ten o'clock the night before yesterday.

Yesterday was their first day back, and the boss discovered a hidden spy.

Today is the second day.

Tomorrow is the third day.

And tomorrow night at 10:30 is the deadline.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

During the day, there is basically nothing to do in Baishipu.

Soon it was night.

[3. Countdown to Ukiyo-san zero days]

Ten o'clock at night.

There is a hot search on the scarf.

The countdown has finally begun.

Foot pot chicken netizens shivered.

【4. Don’t misunderstand what Brother Zhao said, you will be fine】

The fourth place on the hot search list is Brother Zhao's speech today. Because too many netizens misunderstood it, it was also on the hot search.

"I believe you bastard! You are very insidious!! /crying/crying."

"The funeral shop is about to open to our side, and he told us not to misunderstand!!"

Although it is a domestic scarf.

But there are also some netizens with foot pot chicken.

From their point of view, ghosts don't believe this! ! !

[5. Ping An Baishipu live broadcast appointment, are you ready to become the chosen one? 】

Ping An Baishipu has been promoted to a ten-million-level anchor.

According to Douyin's regulations here, the appointment time for the live broadcast was extended to one day.

"Hahaha, Boss Zhang will start a live broadcast on the third day! Who do you think will be the chosen one?!"

"Wow, scarf, you don't want to make trouble like this! My friend from Chrysanthemum is already flustered!"

"Speaking of which, could there be fireworks at the beginning of the broadcast?"

"I think so too!!"

"Looks like I made the right appointment. /Doghead."

"No, Zhang Sang!!"

See this hot search.

Many water friends in China were amused.

This scarf is simply too bad! !
He even came up with such a title!
Isn't this a scary pot chicken!

【49. Ping An Baishi Shop Recruitment】

【50. House Saint 50T】


Ping An Baishipu Recruitment is also on the hot search.

Of course, there is also the house saint who is uploading 50T.

Time soon came to the second day.

It starts at [-]:[-] p.m.

And it was time for breakfast at nine o'clock in the morning.

"Boss! Our live broadcast appointments have reached 300 million!!"

Seeing Zhang Lingtian coming to Baishipu, Jiang Xiaohan immediately cast the screen on the computer interface!
300 million live broadcast reservations! !
This is going to explode! !


 An update has arrived!Ask for votes!Ask for votes! !

(End of this chapter)

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