Food Familiar

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
"Wow! Is this the Yuling Chef Association of Bailushan City?"

Looking at the building standing on the mountainside in front of him, Qi Xiaoyu couldn't help but marvel.

Although the other three people didn't exclaim in surprise, they looked at the tall building with expressions of astonishment on their faces.
The Yuling Kitchen Association exists in every city, but each has its own characteristics in shape and architectural style.

The style of the Yuling Chef Association of Bailushan City in front of me is completely different from that of Dongxia City Yuling Chef Association.

From Qin Lang's point of view, this building looks like a church from a previous life.However, unlike the church, there is no cross on the highest roof of the Bailushan Royal Kitchen Association, but a huge snowflake instead.

In the wind and snow, its existence seems to bring peace and hope to people.

"Not bad?" Liu Tianchen crossed his arms, showing a proud expression, "There was an appearance evaluation activity of the imperial chef associations in Tianhua prefecture before, and our imperial chef association in Bailushan City won the No. A good score of 3."

"Then where did you get in Dongxia City?" Zhao Chen on the side couldn't help but ask.

"If I remember correctly, it seems to be the tenth?"

Qin Lang and the others were quiet for a while.

There are only twelve cities in Tianhua Prefecture!

Dongxia City, can you hold your breath!

"Stop sticking around in the wind and snow." Liu Tianchen laughed, "Let's go in quickly, and sign up quickly."


There is still one day before the registration deadline, and there is a long queue at the registration point of the Yuling Chef Association in Bailushan City, which also confirms Liu Tianchen's words.

There will be many players participating in this youth training competition.

After waiting for about half an hour, the four of them had completed the registration process.

They didn't leave the Yuling Chef Association immediately, but in the warm indoor lounge, they browsed through the brochures that were sent to them after signing up.

"The rules are no different from the youth training competition in Dongxia City."

After a while, Du Weiwei closed the brochure.

Having already participated in a youth training competition, she is familiar with it.

The other three had never participated in the youth training competition, so they took longer to read, but they still finished reading the content one after another.

Qin Lang slowly closed the brochure, showing a thoughtful expression.

Compared with training events for all age groups, the scale of youth training games is smaller.

Its schedule is very simple, only divided into two rounds.

The first round is a contest.

The essence of the fighting competition is similar to the scoring competition in cooking competitions. It is an audition process that quickly selects a fixed number of candidates from a large number of contestants.

However, due to the difference between spirit warfare and food fighting, the specific rules of the two are different.

The scoring competition is to select the same theme in advance, let all the contestants cook the dishes on the same stage, and the special judges will give a score, and finally determine the promotion candidates according to the score ranking.

In the contest, contestants have greater autonomy.

The Imperial Spirit Chef Association will arrange ten imperial chefs as "selection benchmarks". The food spirits of these imperial kitchens have similar strengths, but due to their different skills, their strengths and weaknesses are different.

Players can freely choose up to two "battle benchmarks" for a 1v1 duel with food spirits to show their own strength.

According to the time it takes for the player to defeat the opponent, the skills displayed during the defeat and other factors, the professional judging team will give a corresponding score, and take the higher score as the final score of the player.

In the end, the top four will advance to the next round.

The second round is a ranking competition. The specific rules are similar to the ranking competitions of the previous cooking competitions, except that the food fight has become a spiritual battle.

Because the duration of the spiritual battle is shorter and the scale of the youth training competition is smaller, the ranking competition for the four players will be completed in one day.

They will determine the winner/loser bracket and compete for the final ranking within one day.

The simplification of the youth training competition is not only reflected in the scale of the competition, but also in the rewards.

Since the selection competition directly advances to the semi-finals, only the top four in the youth training competition can receive competition rewards. Compared with training events for all age groups, the youth training competition will have less rewards.

The first is the Chengxing Stone reward that Qin Lang is most concerned about.

No.1 can get ten Chengxing Stones, No.2 can get six, No.3 can get three, and No.4 can only get one.

Also in accordance with the principle of step-by-step rewards, at the end of the selection match, when the semi-finals advance, they will get a Chengxing Stone belonging to No.4, and then in the ranking match, the winner group can get No.2 The extra five Chengxing Stones.

In the subsequent ranking competition, the loser group competes for No.3 and gets two extra Chengxing Stones, and the winner group competes for No.1 and gets an extra four Chengxing Stones.

Perhaps in order to encourage young Yuling Chefs to grow up as soon as possible, the rewards for Chengxing Stone are not much less.

But other rewards are less visible to the naked eye.


The value of training event points and cooking event points corresponds. If it is a city-level training event for all age groups, the points for the champion will be the same as Qin Lang's points for winning the city-level cooking championship, which is 100 points.

Therefore, the points reward for the youth training competition was directly reduced by half.

In terms of title rewards, only the No.1 Yuling Chef can get the title of Excellent Trainer, and the second to No.4 have no title rewards.

As for the emblem of the second-level spirit wielder...

The champion reward of the municipal youth training competition does not include this item.

However, as compensation, the champion of the municipal youth training competition has a special reward that the champion of the municipal training competition does not have.

That is to directly qualify for the state-level youth training competition.

Compared with winning the city-level training competition and having to collect the other four second-level spiritual master badges to participate in the state-level competition, the promotion of the youth training competition is much simpler.

After learning about all the rewards in the youth training competition, Qin Lang was slightly disappointed, but not completely disappointed.

A race that can be completed in just a few days, what more bikes are needed.


Liu Tianchen walked quickly to the side of the four of them, and said in a low voice, "I just went to inquire, and the number of contestants who have signed up has exceeded [-]."

This is a youth training competition. It is already very good to have 20 players at a time in the past.

Qin Lang couldn't help but be speechless.

This year is too much, right?

"I'm already mentally prepared to be eliminated in the contest." Qi Xiaoyu put down the brochure and spread his hands, "By the way, have you chosen your opponent for the contest?"

The ten "battle criteria" for the contest are also announced in the brochure.

Their food spirits are all two-star food spirits, and their specific combat skills are different.

Hearing these words, Qin Lang and the others suddenly looked thoughtful.

"I choose No. 5 and No. 7!" Zhao Chen shook his fist heavily, "I think they are the strongest!"

Qin Lang: "..."

Du Weiwei: "..."

Qi Xiaoyu: "..."

Liu Tianchen: "..."

As expected of you, middle school boy!


Quick entry: [monthly ticket] [recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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