Food Familiar

Chapter 235 Exercises

Chapter 235 Exercises
"Boss, bring me a grapefruit fish cake!"

Standing in front of the nearest food stall, Qin Lang, who finally got himself in line, couldn't wait to speak.

"Okay! Wait a minute, young man!" The stall owner was a middle-aged man who looked simple and honest. At this moment, he raised his head and smiled at Qin Lang, and continued to concentrate on his own cooking.

Not long after, a hot freshly baked yuzu fish cake was wrapped in oil paper and delivered to Qin Lang.

It was about one centimeter thick and half a palm-sized round pancake-shaped food. Its surface was golden with a bit of burnt brown, and it shone seductively in the sunset.

A strong fragrance hits the face.

The fragrance contains the freshness of yuzu and the mellow fragrance of pancakes, in addition to the distinctive fish fragrance.

"Eat slowly, both of you." Qin Lang warned, carefully breaking off two big pieces and handing them to Dan Bao and La La, who couldn't wait, then picked up the rest and took a bite.

The unique tenderness of the meat intertwined in the dough made Qin Lang's eyes shine.

That is the unique tender taste of Longli fish.

What is commendable is that the longli fish meat in this grapefruit fish cake is not completely beaten into surimi and flour, but remains in small pieces.

In this way, the unique taste of Longliyu is preserved to the greatest extent, and this ingredient is not "disappeared by everyone".

There are some other auxiliary ingredients in the flour, even Qin Lang can't identify them one by one. Some of these ingredients are soft and waxy, and some have a bit of a crunchy texture, which makes the taste of the grapefruit fish cake more rich and layered .

Such a delicacy only costs 20 yuan, which can be said to be very conscientious.

After all, although Longli fish is not a rare food, it is also a sea fish.

In Mingjing State, which is rich in seafood, almost all sea fish are freshly caught from coastal cities and delivered to various cities on the same day.

If it is in a city near the sea, it can be even cheaper.

"Take a look, take a look! The freshly baked garlic prawns are not to be missed!" The shouts from another booth next to it attracted the attention of one person and two spirits who had finished enjoying the grapefruit fish cake.

"Come three!"

Looking at the head that was several times bigger than the prawn, it was split into two after the shrimp was cut off from the back, and the garlic sauce was evenly spread on it, and the garlic-roasted prawn burst out on the grill, Qin Lang Couldn't help swallowing.

This looks delicious too.

"Ten yuan a piece, thanks for your patronage!"

The stall owner smiled heartily, and after Qin Lang paid, three copies were delivered quickly.

A new round of tasting begins.

When the prawn in his hand was only left with the shell, Qin Lang walked to the next stall without hesitation.

Weird oysters, lemon yellow croaker, spicy squid skewers...

All kinds of delicacies made Qin Lang and the two little ones completely happy.

Before he knew it, Qin Lang walked to the booth with the most people in the venue.

Standing at the end of the long queue, he pondered and concluded while reminiscing about the various delicacies he had tasted just now.

This is also a habit Qin Lang developed after he came to this world.

For every food that he has never eaten before, he will think about the unique understanding of cooking hidden in it, and try to reproduce it in his own way in his mind.

This kind of reflection is of great help to him to constantly absorb and accept new things and improve his cooking skills.

When he finished summarizing the snacks he had just tasted, the long line that kept moving forward finally had his turn.

"What does this customer want?" Facing the enthusiastic greeting from the stall owner, Qin Lang was slightly taken aback.

This stall owner is different from those in the previous stalls.

There are three three-star food spirits flying around him, busy helping with the cooking!

It is not uncommon for the stall owner of the snack stall to be the Yuling Chef, but it is quite rare for a stall owner like the one in front of him who clearly has the strength of three food spirits to still set up a stall.


The other party spoke with an accent from a different place, and he didn't seem to be a native of Yuehu City.

"Customer?" Seeing that Qin Lang was silent, the stall owner spoke again.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Qin Lang came back to his senses, "Give me a piece of vinegar fish, a piece of fried carp flowers, and a piece of wine-smoked abalone."

After speaking, Qin Lang suddenly felt something was wrong.

The price of these three delicacies seems not right?
The cheapest is the delicacy called Qingyu Fish, which costs 15 yuan a piece, followed by fried carp flower, which costs 50 yuan a piece, and lastly, wine-smoked abalone, which costs 120 yuan a piece.

The three different prices seem to divide the three delicacies into different stalls, oriented to different groups.

Coupled with the strength of this imperial chef and his foreign accent...

A bold guess suddenly appeared in Qin Lang's mind.

"Okay." Seeing that Qin Lang ordered a portion of three delicacies at different prices, the stall owner was delighted at once, after all, the diners in front rarely ordered such expensive ones, "It may take a few minutes, after tasting it later Feel free to ask any comments."

After speaking, he buried his head and started to work.

While the other party was busy, Qin Lang suddenly said, "Uncle, you are not preparing for the fish feast, are you?"

"Huh?" Seeing that the stall owner, who was about 40 years old, stopped, he looked at Qin Lang with a slightly strange gaze, "You also participated in the Leaping Fish Feast?"

For a moment, the stall owner's eyes became more vigilant.

But after noticing Qin Lang's age, this vigilance quickly dissipated.

At his age, he wants to participate in all age groups.

And Qin Lang looked only in his teens, so it was obvious that he was participating in the youth group.

There is no competition with each other, so there is no need to be too nervous.

"I didn't expect you to know the rules of the Yueyu Banquet in advance." After relaxing again, the stall owner smiled kindly, "Yes, I am indeed preparing for the Yueyu Banquet."

Qin Lang was stunned.

The specific rules of the Leaping Fish Feast should have been made public ten days before the Leaping Fish Feast, that is, the day after tomorrow.

Relying on Zhou Qing's contacts, he knew the specific rules two days in advance.

Naturally, there are not many other imperial chefs who can inquire about similar news.

But start to set up a stall now... what is the number?
"Uncle, are you practicing setting up a stall in advance?"

"That's right." The uncle laughed, "This stall is quite different from ordinary cooking. I have to be proficient in advance, otherwise I will be in a hurry when I temporarily set up a stall."

"And trying it in advance can also test diners' reactions to different cuisines. If a certain cuisine is not suitable, there is still time to replace it."

"So it is!" Qin Lang felt that he had been taught a lesson.

Previously, his plan was to determine the delicacies to be prepared, practice in advance, and then directly set up a stall at the Yueyu Banquet.

It seems that there are still some omissions in his thinking.

When the food is confirmed, he will also try to set up a stall in advance to find out how he feels.

"Uncle, thank you for your reminder." Qin Lang said sincerely.

"If you really appreciate it, then give me some advice." The stall owner smiled heartily, and handed the finished food to Qin Lang, "Have a taste?"


Quick entry: [monthly ticket] [recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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