Food Familiar

Chapter 276

Chapter 276
"Brother Zhou, pay attention to safety on the road."

Seeing Zhou Tianhao's disappearing figure, Qin Lang put down his waving hand.

He didn't tell the other party that his next destination was also Rancho City.

After all, Zhou Tianhao was leaving tonight, so it was impossible to go together in such a hurry.

When he arrived in Lanqiu City, the other party might not be still there.

"Next, Li Hong and I will return to Tianhua State." Zhou Qing walked slowly to Qin Lang's side and spoke slowly.

He recognized Zhou Tianhao, but they were not familiar with each other, so when Qin Lang and Zhou Tianhao communicated just now, Zhou Qing did not step forward.

"Mr. Zhou Qing, Mr. Li Hong." Qin Lang looked at the two with a bit of reluctance on his face, "Are you leaving?"

"The tickets for tomorrow morning have already been booked, and we will take the train on the return trip." Li Hong smiled, "It has been a long time since we stayed in Mingjing State, and we both have other things to deal with, so we can't delay any longer."

"Qin Lang, are you really sure you don't want to go back with us?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Shen Qian rushed forward to answer, with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face, "Then we will go to Guanling City together!"

She can't let go of this free whoring cooking partner!
"Qianqian, don't make trouble." Shen He, who came to pick up his granddaughter, couldn't laugh or cry, pulled Shen Qian and looked at Qin Lang, "Don't be influenced by Qianqian, make your own choice."

"Well, I'm sure to stay in Mingjing State." Looking at Shen Qian's pitiful expression, Qin Lang smiled dumbly, "It's worth staying in such a place with rich aquatic products, and I promised Uncle Luo Hui that I will give him Take the most beautiful sea view.”

"Yeah!" Shen Qian was the first to cheer.

Her sparring partner has been settled!

Shen He standing beside her didn't speak, but his expression was a little more relaxed.

Although he said to let Qin Lang make his own decision, from his standpoint, he naturally hoped that Qin Lang could stay in Mingjing State for a while.

The presence of an excellent imperial chef of the same age is also a kind of motivation and spur for Shen Qian, and the two of them travel together, and there is also a support on the way.

"Since that's the case, I won't persuade you much, and it's not your first time traveling." Zhou Qing nodded slightly, "But pay attention to safety, and don't forget the Tianhua State cooking competition in four months."

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back before the cooking competition in Tianhua State begins." Qin Lang nodded, "I'm still short of a second-level food recommender badge, and I have to allow time to get it!"

"I don't think a second-level badge can stump you." Zhou Qing shook his head.

For this, he is very confident.

"Xiao Qin won the championship in the youth group today, and you two will leave Mingjing State tomorrow." Shen He smiled, "I prepared a big meal, let's enjoy it together tonight! Let's practice and celebrate! "

Although it was already night, Shen He's proposal was approved by everyone, and soon, a group of five people left the pier and went to Shen He's house.


In the dead of night, when Qin Lang returned to the hotel, he sat at the desk and took out the notebook with an orange-brown cowhide cover.


I want to see too!

Danbao flew unsteadily in the air, and then slowly landed on the desk.

It seemed to have become a little heavier after having a big meal, so that the little egg yolk face drooped slightly at the moment it fell, and then was bounced up again, and it stabilized after a few times.


I want to see too!

Seeing Dan Bao approaching the note, La La landed on the other side of the notebook not to be outdone, and the bubble light group took a while to catch up slowly, and it was fixed on top of its head, changing from green to red from time to time, showing its restless mood.

After three days of hard work, I finally got the glory of the winner.

Thinking that with this notebook, Yuling Chef's cooking skills can become better and more delicious food can be made, and La La's face is full of anticipation.

"Can you two understand?" Qin Lang laughed and complained, regardless of the two little ones who pretended to understand, and slowly opened the first page of the notebook.

What caught my eye was a line of graceful handwriting.

"May you get what you want from it.—Ye Zangqing"

The black handwriting bears faintly discernable imprints, obviously handwritten.

Looking at it, Qin Lang seemed to feel the encouragement from Ms. Ye Zangqing again.

This was the first time he had come into contact with a third-level food recommender, and he was deeply impressed by his approachability.

Then see if there is anything in this notebook that can help you.

Qin Lang's face became a little more serious, and he carefully turned to the second page.

From the second page, the contents of the notebook appeared one by one.

These contents are somewhat fragmented, and judging from the occasional marked time, there is a long time span in between.

Among them are not only some seasoning combinations and ingredient combinations that Ms. Ye Zangqing tried and found to be good, but also the introduction of ingredients and gourmet knowledge from various places.

Obviously Ms. Ye Zangqing has been to many places.

Most of the states in the Samia region had her footprints, and the customs and customs of these places were introduced in the notes, which was enough for Qin Lang to have a more comprehensive understanding of the Samia region.

Ms. Ye Zangqing even briefly visited Sokol, which is across the sea from Samia, and left a little introduction about it.

Although this is still a bit far away for Qin Lang, it is good to know as an interesting experience.

When Qin Lang turned the notes to the last page, it was already midnight when he came to his senses.

Qin Lang, who had just browsed briefly, wanted to take a closer look, but he gave up the idea after noticing the two little ones beside him who had fallen asleep at some point.

The value of this notebook is greater than he imagined, and its value needs to be discovered slowly, so there is no rush.

After carefully putting away the notebook, Qin Lang gently picked up the two little ones, put them on the bed, washed them briefly, and then got into the bed as well.


There was a soft sound, and the room was plunged into darkness, only the moonlight shed a little through the cracks in the curtains.


Although he slept late, Qin Lang got up early the next day.

Because Zhou Qing and Li Hong are leaving Yuehu City.

"Although you are still young, you should also pay attention to rest." Looking at Qin Lang with slightly dark circles, Zhou Qing, who was standing at the entrance with a suitcase, joked with a smile.

"I read Ms. Ye Zangqing's notes in the room last night, and I was fascinated." Qin Lang scratched his head embarrassedly, "It's not usually like this."

"I can understand." Li Hong nodded in agreement, "With such a reward, I really want to read it as soon as possible."

"The next time we meet, it may be Tianhua State's state-level cooking competition." Zhou Qing patted Qin Lang on the shoulder, "Come on!"

There was a prompt for ticket checking in the station, and he waved his hands at Qin Lang and Shen He's grandson who came to see him off, and pulled Li Hong towards the ticket gate.

Looking at the backs of the two, Qin Lang nodded heavily.

"Most definitely."


Quick entry: [monthly ticket] [recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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