Food Familiar

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
Hearing the other party's words, Shen Qian silently took half a step back, and gave Qin Lang a "I'll leave it to you" look.

Qin Lang received so much attention at the Leaping Fish Feast, and was recognized quite a few times in the past two days, and she got used to it.

Of course, after getting used to it, Shen Qian couldn't help complaining.

Myself, who won No.2 in the youth group, was not recognized once...

"You are Miss Shen Qian, right? No.2 in the youth group."

"it's me!"

Shen Qian raised her voice a little, took a big step forward, and gave the girl who recognized her a look of "You are very good" by the way.

Qin Lang, who noticed Shen Qian's small movements, had a smile in his eyes, "I am Qin Lang."

"Wow! It's really you!"

After confirming the identities of the two, several teenagers and girls showed surprise expressions and quickly surrounded them.

"Boss Xiaoqin, I have eaten all four kinds of crab noodles!"

"Me too! Seafood in seafood sauce is delicious too!"

"... "

They were about the same age as Qin Lang, and they talked about how much they liked the delicacies they brought out at the Yueyu Banquet.

And Qin Lang did feel a little familiar with these people, although he didn't have a deep impression.

"Thank you for liking my food." Qin Lang responded politely.

"Yes, thank you for your liking." Shen Qian said with a smile.

It was not easy for her to be recognized once, and at this moment, her heart was full of joy, and there was a little bit of joy in her heart.

"Have you eaten yet?" Shen Qian asked casually.

It was lunch time at this moment, so she only asked this question.

Unexpectedly, after this question was asked, the men and women in front of them were all silent, looking at Qin Lang and Shen Qian with somewhat strange eyes.

"What's the matter?" Qin Lang who noticed the strangeness became curious.

"Hey! We've been suffering so much these past few days!" The leading boy couldn't help but lamented, and then began to explain the reason.

The three men and two women in front of me are from Xiyun City, which is also a city in Mingjing State, located to the west of Lanqiu City.

They are all food lovers, and two of them have become Yuling chefs, but they have just been born as food spirits.

After learning the news about the Yueyu Banquet, the five hit it off and came to Yuehu City together.

During the three-day Leaping Fish Feast, they tasted a lot of food that they had never tasted before, which is like being in heaven for any food lover.

But the problem is that the Leaping Fish Feast is over.

And these imperial chefs who set up stalls at the Leaping Fish Banquet will no longer set up stalls.

That means those delicious foods will never be eaten again.

These five people seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell in one fell swoop. After two days, they still couldn't recover, and they couldn't swallow the ordinary food again.

The reason why they appeared on the deck was because they were not very interested in the food provided on the cruise ship, and they planned to come out to enjoy some wind and relax.

As a result, not long after they came out, they saw Qin Lang and Shen Qian.

After understanding the situation, Qin Lang and Shen Qian looked at each other in blank dismay.

Now, they had a little understanding of the expressions of the few people before.

It's probably like meeting the author's own feelings when being cut off from chapters to the point of pain.

But for this situation, Qin Lang didn't have a good solution.

Make them another crab meal?
I'm afraid this will exacerbate their loss of appetite, right?

It's better to let nature take its course, let them slow down for a few days, and slowly recover naturally.

On the other hand, Shen Qian pinched her chin, showing a thoughtful expression, and then her eyes lit up, "I have a solution!"

For a moment, the six of them looked at her together.

"I also suffered from loss of appetite before, so I have experience with this." Shen Qian seemed quite confident.

"Eat some more stimulating food, you can quickly revive your appetite! For example, more sour or spicy food, in addition to this, there is another kind of..."

Shen Qian drew out her voice and looked at Qin Lang.

Looking at Shen Qian's eyes shining, Qin Lang secretly thought something was wrong.

Based on his understanding of Shen Qian, her expression means...

"Qin Lang, let's compete again!" Shen Qian crossed her arms, "How about letting five of them do the judging?"


Qin Lang showed an "as expected" expression, "Compared to what? You haven't finished talking just now."

"Let me tell you now." Shen Qian said with a smile, "There are some foods that smell bad and taste delicious. From my experience, after eating these foods, no matter how much you lose your appetite, you will immediately recover."

"It's called contrast therapy!"

"How about it, do you want to try it?" Shen Qian looked at the five people, "If you want to try it, you can be the judge between me and Qin Lang! He and I will use the theme of 'smells and tastes' as the theme, Let's fight!"

A big question mark appeared on Qin Lang's forehead.

Are you serious?

Can smelling bad food and eating delicious food treat loss of appetite?
Also contrast therapy?

Why didn't he know there was such a thing!
Qin Lang couldn't help looking at the five people.

Such an outrageous attempt, the other party should refuse, right?

Should be?


"Okay! We want to try!" After the five people made eye contact, they all nodded.

Qin Lang: "..."

Eating everything will only hurt you!
These five people didn't notice Qin Lang's expression at all, and they were full of anticipation at the moment.

It smells stinky and tastes delicious, is there really such a delicacy?

They don't know, at least they've never heard of it.

However, the No. 1 and No. 2 Yuling Chefs of the Yueyuyan Youth Group will definitely not be bad.

Is the point "smells bad"?

No!The point is to "eat well"!
How can it be so unacceptable to eat delicious food?At best, it doesn't smell very appetizing.

It's all minor issues!

Moreover, it is also an interesting thing to witness the competition between the two and serve as a judge!

They can't think of a reason to refuse at all!

Qin Lang was silent for a moment, then sighed softly.

Dan Bao and La La at the side showed expressions of lingering fear at the same time.

The two cubs quickly approached and began to whisper.


Did you bring that thing?


Bring it, I put it in the suitcase myself...


that's over...

After the two eating spirits finished communicating, they cast pitying glances at the five of them.

They have no idea what they will experience next!
"Come on! Qin Lang! Let me show you the special delicacy I have mastered!" Shen Qian showed an expectant expression.

After tasting that kind of food by accident and regaining his appetite, Shen Qian took the initiative to learn and master the cooking method of that kind of food.

It smells weird, but that gourmet taste is really good!

Shen Qian hadn't thought of it before, but now she suddenly thought of it, and she immediately had an urge to let Qin Lang see it.

Qin Lang looked at the expectant Shen Qian with a strange expression.

If you, like me, have delicious food that smells stinky and delicious, then this matter is simply...

Thai cool! ——

Quick entry: [monthly ticket] [recommendation ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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