Food Familiar

Chapter 314

Chapter 314

Shen Qian gently blew on the steaming sea cucumber with a strong fragrance of green onions, and then quickly put it in his mouth to taste.

The slightly thick and delicious gravy on the surface of the sea cucumber is like a scent bomb at the moment of entrance, bursting out amazing and complex scents between the lips and teeth.

The cooked sea cucumber tastes soft and glutinous, and the unique umami taste unique to sea cucumber has not completely disappeared, but has been quietly integrated into the onion fragrance.

The perfect fusion of flavors and the amazing interweaving of taste brought Shen Qian an unprecedented enjoyment.


After savoring it for a while, Shen Qian swallowed the sea cucumber with some reluctance, her face full of unsatisfactory expressions, "This is the most delicious food cooked with sea cucumbers I have ever eaten."

"Me too." Zhou Tianhao on the side had already picked up the second sea cucumber, and he paused slightly when he heard that he was putting the sea cucumber into his mouth.

"But speaking of it, I don't eat sea cucumbers very often. There are very few delicacies made with sea cucumbers in Tianhua Prefecture."

"Then why does Qin Lang know how to cook?" Shen Qian's expression became strange upon hearing this.

When Zhou Tianhao was asked by Shen Qian, he also fell silent.

"Lucky to master such a kind."

Qin Lang let out a haha ​​and fooled around, picked up two sea cucumbers and fed them to Danbao and Lala who were almost drooling, then turned and walked towards the table.

"Go ahead and eat, I'll start making zongzi."

Hearing Qin Lang's words, Shen Qian and Zhou Tianhao hurriedly picked up a sea cucumber and put it in their mouths, then stood up as well.

Food is not to be missed, but Qin Lang's cooking is not to be missed!

Dan Bao and La La still had a strong expression of satisfaction on their faces, but their bodies were already chasing after Qin Lang.

In the cooking process, how can there be no participation of the two of them?

As a result, Shen Qian and Zhou Tianhao's food spirits swarmed over the remaining sea cucumbers with green onions and divided them up.

It just so happened that each food spirit got one, and the rest of the sea cucumbers on the plate were gone.

After tasting the wonderful taste of the sea cucumber in their mouths, the six food spirits looked at each other, and then began to compete for the canola heart dipped in the soup on the dinner plate.

On the other side, Qin Lang returned to the table and began to wash the red beans and mung beans. Compared with glutinous rice, the latter two are quite small.

The cleaned red beans and mung beans and the soaked glutinous rice were mixed together by Qin Lang and placed in a large basin. The off-white glutinous rice was mixed with a little red and light green, which was quite beautiful.

There are many ways to make Zongzi. Whether it is the way of wrapping Zongzi leaves or the choice of fillings, there are great differences in different places, and there are even sweet and salty ones. The only similarity may be that they all use glutinous rice.

And what Qin Lang wanted to do was the fresh meat zongzi that was often made in his previous family.

Different from the usual fresh meat zongzi, some red beans and mung beans are added to their zongzi, which looks better and smells faintly of beans.

The two zong leaves are overlapped in the middle, folded at a right angle and then folded again, and the folded zong leaves are partially bulged, and it becomes a small cone shape.

This is how to fold triangular zongzi.

Under the curious gazes of Shen Qian and Zhou Tianhao, Qin Lang used a small spoon to fill the conical zong leaves with glutinous rice, and when the filling reached half the height, he added a piece of evenly fat and thin peeled pork belly.

Then add glutinous rice to cover the pork belly and fill the entire cone area.

Immediately afterwards, seal the bottom end of the cone with zong leaves, and tie it with string to fix it. A triangular zongzi that looks like a triangular pyramid, but each side is quite smooth is wrapped like this.

"This is Zongzi?" Shen Qian looked at Qin Lang's movements and suddenly felt eager to try, "Can I try?"

From the looks of it, it doesn't seem too difficult and there aren't too many cooking steps.

"I want to try it too." Zhou Tianhao raised a hand and volunteered.



The two puppies who watched the whole process also had the idea of ​​trying.

Even the other six food spirits that came together after sharing the roasted sea cucumbers with green onions halfway had expressions of anticipation on their faces.

"For some delicacies, the process is as meaningful as the result." Qin Lang smiled, "Zongzi is such a delicacy."

"So let's make zongzi together!"

Hearing Qin Lang's words, everyone cheered and rushed forward.

"Qin Lang, can you put something else in the zongzi?"

"Of course, salted egg yolk, ham, and other ingredients can be added, or nothing can be added. After cooking, dip it in white sugar and eat."

"Sounds interesting."

"Then try it!"

"... "

Soon, amidst everyone talking and laughing, two hills of zongzi appeared in front of the table.

The zongzi on one side are all standard triangular zongzi in appearance, while the zongzi on the other side are somewhat different, some are standard, while others have strange shapes.

The latter is the result of the efforts of the eight spirit eaters.

Except for Danbao and Lak, who have the wave of thought, the other food spirits make zongzi through mutual help, which naturally made a lot of jokes.

But obviously, both Yu Ling Chef and Shi Ling enjoyed this time.

"It's ready to eat right away!" Seeing everyone's expectant eyes, Qin Lang smiled and started the steamer, adding the zongzi into it in batches.

Freshly wrapped zongzi, steamed will retain the taste better than boiled.

La La took the initiative to fly over the steamer and began to use the cooking speed.

Soon, the rice dumplings in the steamer were ready to eat.

"Taste and see." After distributing the zongzi to everyone, Qin Lang picked up a self-made zongzi and cut the string tied on the surface with scissors.

In order to distinguish the zongzi made by everyone, different zongzi strings have different colors.

Skillfully peeling off the zongzi leaves wrapped on the surface of the zongzi, and taking a bite at the tip, his face quickly showed an expression of enjoyment.

The freshly steamed glutinous rice is very soft, and the mixed red beans and mung beans have fully absorbed the water and become soft and sticky.

The scent of bamboo in the zong leaves penetrates into the inside during the steaming process, leaving amazing traces in the glutinous rice.

In addition, there is a hint of meat flavor mixed in it.

This is also the reason why Qin Langbao’s fresh meat zongzi chooses the pork belly part with fat instead of pure lean meat.

Fatty meat will ooze fat during the steaming process, and the fat will be absorbed by the nearby glutinous rice, adding a richer aroma to the glutinous rice.

Compared with glutinous rice, the amount of fat is not much, so the overall appearance will not make people feel greasy at all, but will only make people eat more delicious.

After three or two mouthfuls, only the leaves of a meat dumpling were left in Qin Lang's hands.

"As expected of me, it's so delicious!" Shen Qian held a half-eaten zongzi with a satisfied face.

After listening to Qin Lang's introduction, she decisively added salted egg yolk to the rice dumplings and tried different flavors.

"Mine is not bad either." Zhou Tianhao said with a smile, and slowly picked up the second one.

His is ham flavored.

Qin Lang murmured in his heart as he looked at everyone enjoying the fruits of his hard work.

"Dragon Boat Festival Ankang."


Quick entry: [monthly ticket] [recommendation ticket]

Contents of Easter egg chapter at the end of this chapter;

【Packing Zongzi】

(End of this chapter)

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