Food Familiar

Chapter 355 Fishing

Chapter 355 Fishing
Until now, Bai He can still clearly remember the feeling when he went to the Breeze Restaurant and tasted the lying ox pulling silk.

It is precisely because he is no stranger to this dish that he was so shocked when the familiar yet unfamiliar taste erupted between his lips and teeth.

The familiar tight shredded meat creates an amazing sense of elasticity, and there are gaps between the hand-woven shredded meat, which allows it to absorb the deliciousness of the soup to the greatest extent.

In addition, the soup is condensed and thickened by slow cooking and thickening on a low heat, and it hangs on the surface of the "beef noodles" to the greatest extent, showing an extremely rich freshness.

In terms of taste, there is not much difference between the lying oxen and shredded silk that Bai He tasted at the moment and the last time, but comparing the deliciousness of the two times before and after, this time is far better than the last time.

It's spice!
Bai He savored carefully, at least from the taste at the moment, he tasted more than four spices that he hadn't used before, and it was these special spices that were intertwined with each other, which made the deliciousness of the beef a whole new level.

He looked at Qin Lang suddenly, "Did you make the improvement of this dish, or Chef Zhong?"

"It's me." Qin Lang put down the empty steamer, and the remaining pieces of beef were divided among the two little ones.

"It's you..." The shock in Bai He's eyes gradually became stronger, and finally turned into admiration.

If Qin Lang replied that Chef Zhong had optimized this dish, he wouldn't be so surprised. After all, the other party knew this dish well, and he optimized the dish for the competition, and the other party also optimized it, which made sense.

But Qin Lang...

He was able to master this reclining ox pulling silk proficiently in such a short period of time, and at the same time improved it to a certain extent, and the final improvement effect is still so good, which is really scary.

Previously, Bai He's knowledge of Qin Lang was still at No.1 in the Yue Yu Banquet youth group. After facing Qin Lang now, he obviously had a deeper understanding of the other party's cooking skills.

"This time, I lost." Bai He calmly admitted his failure, and then gave the Breeze Restaurant side of the audience a hard look, "But, our Jiuhe Restaurant didn't lose!"

"What's the point of asking for foreign aid? In a few months, our Jiuhe Restaurant's opponent in the qualification competition will choose Breeze Restaurant."

The corner of Qin Lang's mouth twitched slightly. He only hoped that Chef Zhong would make his debut and show the true strength of Breeze Restaurant.

But these are all things for later.

The two sides have tasted the opponent's dishes and have no objection to the voting result, which means that the qualification battle has officially come to an end.

Breeze Restaurant will enter the Tower of Food within a week, and their temporary store location is the original store location of Jiuhe Restaurant.

After that, the location of the store will be sorted according to the rules of the Tower of Food itself according to the score once a month, which requires the chefs of the Breeze Restaurant to work hard.

After the qualification battle was over, Su Henian was in a good mood. He immediately summarized the Breeze Restaurant's understanding of the restaurants in the Tower of Food in a book and handed it over to Shen Qian and Zhou Tianhao.

This is undoubtedly a timely move for the two who are about to undergo the second-level food recommender assessment.

After getting the detailed information, the two soon each had a plan to complete the assessment.

As for Qin Lang, he had a rare free time, wandered around the Tower of Food, and brought his two little ones to taste the delicacies served in the various restaurants in the Tower of Food.

Here, he tasted the local delicacies that he had tasted in Yuehu City and Lanqiu City before, and even tasted the special delicacies from Tianhua Prefecture.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Tower of Food is a gathering place for delicacies from nearby areas.

As soon as the time turned, three days passed.

Hanging the mustard greens that had been steamed for the third time on the balcony, Qin Lang stretched, looking at the dark brown mustard greens in front of him, with a look of expectation on his face, "After drying this time, the dried plum vegetables will be considered complete."

"I watched you make it, and it was not easy." Shen Qian walked out of the kitchen and said with a smile, "Sure enough, if the food wants to be delicious, the production process behind it is hard."

"Indeed." Qin Lang nodded in agreement, then looked at Shen Qian, "Looking at you like this, do you have decided on the food for your appointment?"

"Not bad." Shen Qian nodded.

"Three days ago, I decided to take a second job at a restaurant named 'Langyuexuan' on the sixth floor of the Food Tower. After tasting the other's signature dishes, I spent three full days and finally found a dish that can overwhelm the other party."

"Run to other people's restaurants to take a second job, and specially prepare dishes that beat the other's signature dishes." Qin Lang smiled strangely, "It's just to cooperate with the assessment, otherwise the other party will definitely kick you out!"

"That's hard to say, after all, this girl is very talented, and I don't agree to how many restaurants want me to take up a job!" Shen Qian raised her head pretending to be proud, and then her smile became more intense.

"What's the fun thing to talk about?" Zhou Tianhao hurriedly opened the door and walked in, looked at the two and smiled.

"Brother Zhou, how did your first Shidou go?"

"Not bad, although the process was a bit difficult, but in the end we defeated the opponent 5:2." Zhou Tianhao waved his arm, "The first battle, win!"

"Congratulations Brother Zhou." Qin Lang smiled.

"Brother Zhou's assessment has been completed by one-third, and I have to work hard." Shen Qian said with a bit of compulsion on her face, "I'm leaving today!"

"I've already struck while the iron is hot and completed the second food fight appointment. The opponent is Zhang Zihao, the chef of 'Chuiyun Building'." Zhou Tianhao turned into the kitchen, "It just so happens that you go to take a second job, and I will prepare the kitchen."

"What about you, Qin Lang, what are your plans today?" Seeing Zhou Tianhao busy preparing, Shen Qian turned to look at Qin Lang.

"Among the three of us, I am the most leisurely." Qin Lang shook his head helplessly, "I have almost tasted the food in Yezhi City. Today, Uncle Su invited me to participate in an interesting event."

"Fun competition?" Shen Qian's eyes were a little more eager to try, but when she thought of her assessment, she sighed helplessly, "I don't have time to go, did Uncle Su say what kind of fun competition it is?"

"I said it, it seems to be fishing." Qin Lang's expression was a little weird, "I didn't expect that fishing could be an interesting event."

"Puff!" Shen Qian patted Qin Lang's shoulder with a smile, "Don't say, fishing is such a leisure activity, it's really suitable for you, a big idler!"

"That's right, so I thought I'd be idle, so I'll go and have a look." Qin Lang nodded with a smile, "It is said that all the fish caught in this interesting event can be taken away, and the fish prepared by the event are of top quality."

"I'll catch some more and bring them back for you to try."

"Then you have to work hard!" Shen Qian said dumbly.

(End of this chapter)

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