Food Familiar

Chapter 37 Egg Yolk Crisp

Chapter 37 Egg Yolk Crisp


With the slight sound of the door opening, Qin Lang and Dan Bao went home after a busy day.

In Qin Lang's hand, he was still carrying various materials that he had just bought at the store downstairs and was going to use to make egg yolk cakes.


Danbao didn't feel tired at all, and flew towards the kitchen first, full of energy.

"Wait for me!" Qin Lang closed the door casually and followed with a smile.

Soon, one person and one spirit appeared in the kitchen.

Seeing Qin Lang take out a bag of packaged salted egg yolk from the shopping bag, Dan Bao's eyes narrowed.

It's started!

"It's a good thing the shop sells salted egg yolks, otherwise, starting from the step of making salted duck eggs, I wouldn't be able to eat them tonight." Qin Lang said with some joy, then put the salted egg yolks into a small bowl and poured white wine soak.

Salted egg yolk has a fishy smell, and soaking in white wine can make the taste of the finished egg yolk crisp more perfect.

For this step, you need to wait for about 10 minutes.

Taking advantage of the interval between soaking the salted duck eggs, Qin Lang began to prepare the water skin and pastry in an orderly manner.

The preparation of egg yolk cake and lotus flower cake is similar, but this time no coloring is required, so red yeast rice flour is not added to the water skin, and there is no need to divide it into two.

Watching Qin Lang wrap the water skin dough with plastic wrap and put it aside for cooking, and then divide the pastry into small doses of 15 grams each, Dan Bao's eyes lit up.


I know, this is a small bag of crisps!
Qin Lang told it the difference between the two in the afternoon.

If it is a large bag of crisps, it should be divided into small pieces of crisps after opening the crisps.

"That's right, learn and use." Qin Lang praised Danbao, "Egg yolk crisps are also small buns, just like lotus flower cakes."

Divide the pastry into good doses, and the soaking of the salted egg yolk on the side has also come to an end.

Scoop the salted egg yolks out of the white wine, place them on a baking tray separately and put them in the oven, bake at 160°C and 120°C for 10 minutes.

Taking advantage of the baking time, Qin Lang took out a box of finished bean paste stuffing and divided it into small balls of 20 grams each.

The small reddish-brown balls have the unique aroma of bean paste, so Dan Bao put them together.

what is this?
Let me smell it!

With a crisp sound from the oven, the set baking time is over.

Qin Lang opened the oven door, and a strong aroma of roasted salted egg yolks, accompanied by a trace of wine, quickly gushed out from the inside of the oven, instantly flooding the kitchen, and distracting Dan Bao from the bean paste stuffing.


Or salted egg yolk is more fragrant!
It moved to Qin Lang's side, with expectant eyes, watching Qin Lang bring out the baked salted egg yolk.

The roasted salted egg yolk evaporates the previously absorbed baijiu components, and also stimulates more flavors under high temperature. The bright yellow surface has a little yellowish foam, which means that the moisture has been roasted out.

Flatten a ball of red bean paste, carefully use it to wrap the baked salted egg yolk, close the mouth and arrange the shape into a ball, Qin Lang went on to the next one.

Soon, there was a row of red bean paste stuffed with salted egg yolk, several times larger than before, on the table.

As the salted egg yolk was wrapped in the bean paste filling, the strong aroma in the kitchen was a little bit weaker, but even so, Danbao sniffed from time to time, showing a salivating expression.

Seeing Dan Bao's greedy look, Qin Lang smiled and nodded his head, "Don't worry, the next steps are not many, and you can eat it soon."

After finishing speaking, he removed the plastic wrap from the water skin that had been prepared in good condition, and divided it into small doses of 20 grams.

One should be ready to work, and that's it.

Looking at the water skin and pastry that have been divided, Danbao knows that the next step is to open the crisp.


Is the cake opening this time the same as in the afternoon?

"It's actually not the same." Qin Lang picked up a water skin and a pastry, and introduced while making it, "The lotus flower cake made in the afternoon, because two colors of pastry are used, so there is a separate one. There should not be too many layers of meringue."

"The puff pastry of the lotus flower puff pastry is stacked in threes and twos, but the general puff pastry is not stacked, but rolled." While speaking, Qin Lang had already wrapped the puff pastry with water skin and rolled it into a tongue-shaped long puff pastry. strip.

Roll up the long strip like a carpet, then turn it [-] degrees and roll it into a long strip again, and roll it again.

If you roll it up twice in this way, the actual number of layers will be more than the three-three-two used in the lotus cake.

Prepare all the meringue dough in the same way, cover with plastic wrap and rest for ten to twenty minutes.

The heart of the egg yolk cake is larger, and the puff pastry needs to be stretched thinner to cover it, and the relaxation step needs to be stricter.

The waiting time passed quickly in the chatter of one person and one spirit.

After relaxing, fold back the swirling ends of the two rolls of puff pastry dough, then use a rolling pin to roll out a round puff pastry, wrap the previously made bean paste filling and salted egg yolk puff pastry in it, and pinch tightly Close the mouth and organize the shape.

The round egg yolk crisps, as if by magic, were neatly arranged and appeared on the baking tray under Dan Bao's watchful eye.

A full ten.

"Let's eat five tonight, and the remaining five for breakfast tomorrow?" Qin Lang made a plan.


Dan Bao hurriedly nodded.

Thinking of eating egg yolk crisps tomorrow morning, it has a feeling of bubbling happiness.

"Brush it with egg wash and sprinkle some black sesame seeds..." Qin Lang said while doing it.

In this way, the color of the egg yolk cake is no longer monotonous.

"Pierce another small hole, and you can put it in the oven!" He took out a toothpick and pierced each egg yolk pastry with a small hole for ventilation that reaches the center of the pastry, then picked up the baking tray and sent it into the oven.

Upper heat 230°C, lower heat 170°C, 20 minutes.


As the oven beeped again, Dan Bao's cheers also sounded.

After waiting for so long, it's finally ready to eat!

"Stay away from the oven door." Qin Lang reminded with a smile, and then opened the oven door.

A strong fragrance instantly filled the kitchen.

There is a crisp fragrance in the fragrance, a sweet fragrance of bean paste, and a salty and rich taste of salted egg yolk.

The egg liquid and sesame seeds on the surface add a bit of egg and sesame aroma to it, making it more layered.

It's a scent that makes people want to pick up a taste right away.


Dan Bao couldn't bear it anymore, and the moment Qin Lang put down the baking tray, he leaned over to it, and the little egg-yellow head poked out from his body, and bit it off with a "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

Anyway, it is not afraid of being hot.

With one bite, Dan Bao's eyes almost became heart-shaped.

This taste, love it!
Qin Lang carefully picked up one, blew it cool and bit down.

The outer layer is crispy and layered during the roasting process, while the inner bean paste filling and salted egg yolk are moist but not dry, with a dense texture.

With chewing, the rich taste blends with each other, and the rich fragrance overflows between the lips and teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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