【Mysterious Woman】

"Boss." A pleasant male voice came from a dark basement.

"What do I want you to find?" asked the beautiful woman the man called "boss" as she toyed with a ring on her right hand, a unique ring in the shape of a strange star and heart shape.

"Here, please take a look at the boss." The man in black handed over a thick stack of documents with both hands, and the woman flipped the things in her hand, a bright smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but it disappeared quickly, "What did you do?" Very good, let's go down."

"Yes." After the man left, the woman rubbed her fingers repeatedly on his photo, and murmured: "I'm back, you, remember me? Hehe," her tone was not unpleasant Feeling sad.

(Shang: Who is this woman? What will her return do? What exactly does she want? Dear friends. Read on,)

"Shang Qing, shouldn't we deal with some things tonight? For example, those people who hurt us?" Yumo had a standard "demonic" smile on her lips.

"Hmm, yes." Shang Qing put down the magazine in her hand and smiled charmingly.

Yes, ten years ago, the group of people who hurt us deeply, remember what I promised you?The bloody scene is coming, are you ready?

Three minutes later, Shang Qing, Yi Ran, and Yu Mo arrived at a villa. "Che!" Qing shouted his name.

"En! Come on, bring them here!" You Che gave an order, and a dozen men in black brought the current Mu Ye family, Xueying family and Duanmu family along. "Who the hell are you! Why are you arresting us! Do you know that we belong to the Seven Great Families!" Xue Ying shouted faithfully.

"Hey, what's the matter? It's only been ten years, don't you all know the three of us? Speaking of which, I really feel sad." Yi Ran walked up to Xueying Mengfei and pinched her with her left hand. A wry smile curled up at the corner of her chin, which was replaced by icy coldness, and her right hand hit her face fiercely, and a red handprint appeared on Xueying Mengfei's face in an instant. "Is this your child? It's really carved out of the same film as her mother! ——Same as seduce men!" "You...I'll fight with you!" Xueying Mengfei pounced on her, The dagger hidden behind Yi Ran mercilessly pierced her heart. "It's really dirty blood, but it's okay. With parents like you, I understand."

"You..." Xue Ying faithfully glared at Yi Ran, tightly protecting the dead Meng Fei.However, when he saw the three of them taking off their masks at the same time, everyone in the three major families was surprised. "How could it be you!" Mu Yefeiying sat on the ground frustrated.

"My ms said, 'Ten years later, you just wait for my revenge'." The smile on the corner of Shang Qing's mouth gave people an indescribable feeling.Desolation, hatred, disdain...

It looks like a nightmare like a flower, but it doesn't know the fatal crisis of death!

"Hehe, it's my turn." Yumo stepped forward and slapped Duanmu Sixue, "Smack!"

"Ah 1" Duanmu Sixue was directly knocked to the ground by her, and she lost a little of the arrogance that usually bullied Yumo at school. "Please! Yumo, I was wrong, I know I was wrong! Don't kill me! Don't...don't kill me! We are good friends, right?"

The gentle tears blurred my eyes, blurred my vision, and the hazy picture in my mind became clearer and clearer, and the past kept flashing in my mind like a movie...

"Duanmu Sixue! You are not worthy to remind me of the past! At that time, if my innocence hadn't been used by you, I would not have lost my most important and dearest relatives. Do you know! How much my heart was at that time Pain! How cold! Why? Why! Why did you betray me! Is it because of the interests of the family? Haha, it turns out, it turns out that the friendship between me and you is so vulnerable! You only know how to use it! Benefits! And you know I don't know how many times I woke up from nightmares in the past ten years!" Yumo said, tears welled up in her eyes, and Duanmu Sixue fell into deep self-blame. "I'm sorry, Yumo..."

"Haha, if you can get 'it's okay' by saying 'I'm sorry', then why bother!" Yumo took out the gun from her waist, and pointed the gun at Duanmu Sixue, and she also closed her eyes. Eyes closed.

"Peng" Yumo wiped away her tears and ended her life without hesitation.

"Che, I'll leave it to you all, no one will be left behind." Shang Qing sighed, looked at Mu Yechen for a long time, gave a wry smile, and left here together with Yiran and Yumo.

They are really tired and tired, and their hearts hurt so much.

ps: Dear friends.Please support me a lot. . . .Move your fingers, bookmark + recommend.

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