Chapter 110 Brother Hao gets angry
Reach out and don't hit the smiley man!
What's more, there are so many people here today.

Except for Wu Shihao who looked at Ding Yunfeng and spent a lot of money, spending 10 yuan to make a big dragon and phoenix.

Others, at most, brought one or two opening flower baskets to eat and drink, and even Big Brother B brought a large group of people to make trouble.

Liangkun waved his hand and was a golden God of Wealth weighing 6 catties and 6 taels. No matter how you say it, this is considered a generous gift! ! !

"Thank you, Brother Kun, for showing your love. Come on, Brother Kun, please sit down quickly."

Chen Yaoqing received Ding Yunfeng's wink, and while asking Ah Hong to accept the God of Wealth, he pulled out a chair and invited Liang Kun to sit at the front table.

Liang Kun first nodded to Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao, and then greeted Han Bin and Dinosaur.

Only then did he look at the two younger brothers waiting beside him: "Find a seat by yourself, remember, don't drink too much, it's a big event today, don't be rude in front of people, and lose face for me, Liangkun."

"Understood, Brother Kun! Congratulations, Brother Qing." The two boys bowed to Chen Yaoqing, turned around and left.

Huadi Taibao pretended to come together, and they also nodded at Liangkun, and then prepared to follow the other two boys, and find a random place to hang out...

"Hey, wait a minute, you two sausages, why did you get in here?" Liang Kun frowned and stopped them.

Here, we can see Liangkun's delicacy in life.

Compared with Big Boss B who indulges Ma Zai to make troubles everywhere, Liang Kun has stronger restraint on his subordinates.

It was good that Huadi Taibao left silently just now, but now they all nodded, if something happened to these two, Liangkun would be blamed.

Today he spent so much money to buy the God of Wealth, of course he had to prevent all good things from turning into bad things.

"I... we came in to find our boss..." Huadi blushed and buried himself in the explanation.

Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao followed the sound, and the latter laughed and scolded in a low voice: "Pu Lingmu, this kid looks like a young Luo Ge."

"What's your name, who is your elder brother?" Looking at the two familiar celebrity faces in front of him, Ding Yunfeng already had some guesses in his mind.

"My name is Huadi, he is my younger brother Taibao, and my elder brother is Seventh Brother." Huadi couldn't even handle Chen Haonan, let alone facing the people at the main table, he held back his anxiety and carefully reported to his family.

Hearing that they were from a small society that was not popular, Wu Shihao lost interest and turned to chat with Gan Lianghong.

"Heaven's Love"

The young and Dangerous boy, Huadi, met JoJo, a rich girl.

This is a love story that ends in tragedy.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at Huadi who was trying to stay calm, shook out a cigarette, and threw the cigarette case to the other party: "I don't think this person is a follower of power.

Tell me, why did you sneak in behind Ah Kun? "

Seeing Ding Yunfeng open his mouth, Liang Kun grabbed the wine bottle to help Ding Yunfeng refill, pointed at the two of them and said, "Brother Feng, I probably know about this. I just came in and saw at the door..."

Liangkun didn't add fuel to the picture, but just told the story of Chen Haonan pheasant going to beat Huadi Taibao when he stopped him in time.

The last time Chen Haonan contradicted him on the court, he knocked on a Coke bottle and uncovered it.

Now everyone is in the same family as Hong Xing, and there is no conflict of interest between Big Boss B and him.

Chen Haonan was going to hit someone at the brilliant opening banquet, once this kind of disgraceful thing was brought out, outsiders would only laugh at them for not being able to teach Hong Xing his younger brother.

If Ding Yunfeng hadn't personally intervened, Liang Kun would never have brought it up, and he was even worried that Chen Haonan and his gang would suffer even more if Huadi, the person involved, was asked to talk about this matter.

"Fucking mother!

What handsome Nan?

On the great day of the brilliant opening, how dare a forty-nine boy jump out and make trouble?

Dawei, Serena!
Catch those gangs who are rushing to the street! "

Wu Shihao was held down by Ding Yunfeng only once before, how could he bear it now!
The leader of Yiqun tapped the table, and the originally noisy hall became silent for an instant.

Seventh brother, the big brother of Huadi, was originally befriending several popular people in the Jianghu.

He followed the sound and found that Huadi and Taibao were standing with their heads buried next to the main table, facing the furious Liehao.

It's over, this time I must be killed by these two guys...

Seventh Brother secretly complained, but he still poured a full glass of wine, then endured the panic, and quickly walked towards the main table...

Dawei led a crowd of volunteers to surround him: "Brother Hao, who do you want to arrest?"

"Let this kid take you to identify people, go quickly." Wu Shihao shouted, pointing at Brother Hua.

Seeing that the leader of Yiqun suddenly went into a rage, many bigwigs present asked each of the horsemen they brought, which one would drink too much and dare to make trouble on such an occasion?

"Sister Liang, except for punching a little louder, no one messed around." The lion's head was sweating profusely and ran to Sister Liang.

Sister Liang's pretty face eased, and she looked at Wu Zhiwei and the others with a smile: "You guys, be careful.

Yiqun just got on the big water hose, maybe brother Hao took the opportunity to do something to show the donor, don't hit the muzzle of the gun. "

"Ah Liang, it's not the first day I've been out walking the rivers and lakes, so I don't need you to remind me..." Wu Zhiwei snorted.

Just at this time, his leader, the Hornet, ran over.

Hearing that the people who knew Dongxing didn't do anything wrong, Wu Zhiwei smiled and looked at the other people at the same table playfully.

Boss B waited and waited, but he couldn't wait until Chen Haonan came to report his safety.

Brother B was very anxious, but he pretended to be calm and scolded with a smile on his face, "What are you looking at? Do you think my big brother B can't teach younger brothers?"

"This kind of thing is so hard to say...

At Huihui's side just now, there were people of all sizes occupying the chairs..." Han Chen was stunned by the boss B's instigation to inquire about Gan Lianghong, and at this moment, he immediately made insinuations in his male voice.

Big Brother B was furious when he heard the words, and stared at Han Chen angrily.

Han Chen sneered, raised his glass and looked at the main table.

Today, the Ni family sent him alone. Yiqun leader's anger could not be sprayed on him, Han Chen. He must be the calmest person present.

At this time, Blowing Chicken smothered the remaining wine in the glass, and put down the glass with a bang: "A Le, go and call the brothers, just say that someone smashed Ah Qing's place, everyone is ready to do something."

"Okay, Uncle Blowing Chicken!"

Although Lin Huaile wished that Chen Yaoqing would be embarrassed, he knew that if outsiders stepped on the door, he and Liansheng would have to agree with each other.

Otherwise, let Fat Deng know afterwards that they didn't make a statement, and the two of them will definitely be escorted to the execution hall for a walk.

Dawei and Xiaowei took Huadi away, and quickly brought Chen Haonan and others over. Liangzi Nan's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. It seems that he should have tried to resist, and then was suppressed by Dawei and others.

"Liangkun! So you betrayed us!!!" Seeing Liangkun sitting at the main table, Chen Haonan raised his head and shouted.

When Liangkun heard this, his complexion darkened: "Shut up! What is your status, Chen Haonan, and what is my status, Li Qiankun, and you yelled at me when you came up, didn't boss B teach you the rules?
Also, you guys dared to hit someone at the opening banquet, who gave you the courage?
If Mr. Jiang is present, believe it or not, the old man will give you three slaps first and then ask you a question? "

(End of this chapter)

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