Chapter 120

Under Zhong Tianzheng's disappointed gaze, Ding Yunfeng left the hospital ward without looking back.

Lu Jiayao pushed him, and happily persuaded: "Brother Zheng, forget it, you have survived six years, why take risks at this time, and the remaining ten years, minus some commutation, just grit your teeth and pass..."

"Convex (哉盘哉). Use what I taught you to persuade me? You are really talented!!!" Zhong Tianzheng poked Lu Jiayao's head with his index finger.

Lu Jiayao avoided it with a smile, and helped him put down the pillow behind his back: "Endure the calm for a while, take a step back and open up the sea and the sky, you taught me."

Seeing that Zhong Tianzheng was speechless, Lu Jiayao lowered his voice: "Besides, there are so many people around Da Mi, even if I help you, you and I have no chance to deal with him."

"Choose! You know what a fart!
Since Boxing King Peak came to power, from the ghosts above to the prison guards below, which one has not had a huge increase in income?
Now that Big Mi is acting like this, he has become the public enemy of this group of Sirs!

If Stanley Overlord was willing to accept me just now, believe it or not, someone would provide us with it, not to mention those sharpened toothbrushes, laundry room scissors, and spray guns.

You idiot, you don't know how to rush, you don't know how to hide.

If you just said a few words for me, maybe this thing will be done! "

Zhong Tian was sighing long and shortly at Lu Jiayao.

Lu Jiayao smiled stupidly. Compared with Zhong Tianzheng, who was good at maneuvering and maneuvering, he had such an honest character that he would never bounce back unless he was forced into a desperate situation.

When Ding Yunfeng returned to the office, he found that Qiu Jinjiang had already returned.


"I think you should be familiar with everyone. I guess Brother Xiong told you about those positions?"

"Brother Xiong basically told me! Brother Feng, I want to be in charge of the prison dispatch, which is the position you took over from Brother Ming." Qiu Jinjiang recognized Ding Yunfeng as the boss since the police academy, so he has ideas, so he can speak directly.

Ding Yunfeng nodded: "Okay, you can get acquainted with Liu Lahua and the others first, and I will write a report to Smith in a week.

The prison is much simpler than the police force. You have been a plainclothes detective, and one week is enough for you to get started.

Unlike me, it took a full month for a blank sheet of paper. "

"Okay! By the way, Brother Feng, the warden's expenses..."

"Get out! The boss who has called me for so long, can I still let you pay for this money?
Remember, Dongxing's Dasha is one of his own;
He Liansheng's Shabiao and Hongxing's Fat Sheji are half of us;

Han Kun from the Big Circle Gang...just treat him as a normal prisoner;

As for the Big Mickey at United, that guy is not human! "

While talking, Ding Yunfeng opened the closet, which was filled with various brands of cigarettes: "These are all Stanley's hard currency, you take some with you.

Usually you have to find the prisoners to take care of you, and give them some afterward depending on the situation.

If you encounter ignorance, you should use your fist and stick, and you don't have to hesitate. If something goes wrong, I will help you carry it. "

Qiu Jinjiang nodded as he took a few packs and took them with him.

Just now at Zhong Chuxiong's side, several movie fans have already helped him popularize the prison rules set by Ding Yunfeng.


a week later.

Holding a stick in one hand and akimbo in the other, Qiu Jinjiang looked at Da Mi with a stern face, and lay two rotten Union Boys clutching their heads and howling under his feet.

"Qiu Sir, may I ask my two inmates, what offended you?
So much so that on the first day you took office, you overturned the two of them. "Big Mi held back her anger and asked in a deep voice.

Qiu Jinjiang leaned over slowly, staring at Da Mi with cold eyes: "They insulted my profession, is this enough reason?"

"What? It's impossible!" Da Mi was frightened into a cold sweat and insulted the guards in the prison. This kind of thing is no joke!

A clumsy boy with Liansheng who was covering his head raised his head and argued: "Boss, we don't have any..."

"You didn't? Dare you say that I brought people over just now, and you weren't laughing, saying that I look like a certain actor in a film, with a silver pewter gun head, and I only know how to do things?" Qiu Jinjiang suddenly lowered his head , a stick ready to move.

The big girl froze when she heard the words, and couldn't answer the words.

If it is exposed that the fighting spider spirit is your hatred of Sir, then they will be punished today;

But after admitting it, he also ridiculed the newly appointed Qiu Sir, who is like an actor in a film, a parallel importer who is not useful, and he also has to deal with it.

"You are all in prison in Stanley, what chance do you have to go out and watch a movie? If it wasn't intentional, why did you say this while I was walking by?" Qiu Jinjiang yelled at Da Mi.

Immediately without waiting for Da Mi to react, Qiu Jinjiang waved the rubber baton, and the two bad guys from the union groaned and rushed to the street together.

"Come here! Tell the hospital to send someone to wash the floor. Now I announce that the internal affairs are temporarily inspected!" Qiu Jinjiang first gave Da Mi a slap in the face, and then gave an order, and several grassroots prison guards trotted in, rushing towards the beds of each prisoner. Turn over, copy out many contraband.

Shabiao and Fat Sheji smiled at each other, they got the information in advance.

He Liansheng and Hong Xing have already transferred many gray materials, except for two deliberately left hand-painted pokers that were copied out to fill up;
Others are full of dirty female star pictorials, bamboo tubes with different diameters, and these are completely worthless toys that are about to rot after being used.

But the United Association suffered heavy losses, not only a large number of cigarettes were copied by Qiu Jinjiang, but also a few sharpened toothbrushes and bamboo thorns.

"What are these? Do you want to give me an explanation?" Qiu Jinjiang asked Da Mi while holding several murder weapons.

At this time, Big Mi didn't know that this was an operation specifically aimed at him.

"Chou Sir, there is something to discuss.

People from my society will come to visit the prison tomorrow, and I will ask Lao Ding to prepare for your share..." Da Mi chose to give in, the evidence is solid, and he can't rely on it at all.

Qiu Jinjiang's face remained unchanged, and he handed the things to the guy next to him: "Very good, now I'm going to sue you for bribery!"

"Chou Sir, do you want to kill them all?"

"Big Mi! This month, a total of four prisoners were sent to the hospital.

I found a batch of crime tools from your bed tonight. I have reason to suspect that you made them!

If you feel unjust, tomorrow you can apply to report the situation to the Correctional Officer Sir Ding, or the Senior Correctional Officer Sir Zhong, or even to the Warden Smith.

Someone, take them all away and temporarily detain them in the mouse warehouse! "

Qiu Jinjiang grabbed Da Mi's collar, stared at him fiercely and shouted.

Seeing Da Mi's gang being dealt with by Qiu Jinjiang, Sha Biao winked at Fat Sheji: "Wow! Brother Feng transferred this guy from the police force, he is so sharp in his work!

Look at Da Mi's expression just now, as if she has eaten poop. "

"There are no weak soldiers under a strong general, silly Biao, I have received the wind. It turns out that Qiu Sir has followed Brother Feng from Huangzhukeng. This one belongs to the veteran faction."

"Damn it, is it so big?
Qiu Jinjiang, Qiu Jinjiang, I will call him a ghost in the future, even I, an old ghost in Stanley, will be worried when I see it! "

(End of this chapter)

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