Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 122 (Additional updates, plus 14 more updates for those who give rewards)

Chapter 122 (Additional updates, plus 14 more updates for those who give rewards)

Cheng Ren, from "The World of Black Panther", is a cheat who is proficient in gambling.

The self-introduction is very flamboyant: "My name is Cheng Ren, people call me blackJack lover, at 21 o'clock, you can call me Brother Ren, or Brother Qing!"

Judging from this guy's frivolous behavior in the movie, Ding Yunfeng felt that he should have won the heart of the ghostly senior official's wife from the Architecture Department this time, and then fell into Ma Jun's hands.

"Ah Xiong! The man Ma Jun captured this afternoon, does he look like this..." Ding Yunfeng pulled Zhang Yaoxiong to make gestures, and the latter nodded repeatedly.

At this point, Ding Yunfeng had his way, he asked Chen Xijiu for a favor, and that night he took Cheng Ren out of the Shau Kei Wan police station.

"Oh, let me tell you, if I hadn't drunk a cup of hundred paces from Mrs. Rose, that guy named Ma would never have been able to beat me."

Listening to the sissy talking beside him, who obviously has a tough face but pretends to be a soft guy, Ding Yunfeng thoroughly confirmed the identity of the other party.

"Don't talk nonsense, if I don't help you, even if your friends from your circle come to rescue you after the incident, your suffering during the detention at the police station will definitely be indispensable!

I, Ding Yunfeng, do you recognize this favor? "

"Oh! So you are the overlord of Stanley. No wonder you can get me out of Inspector Abalone's hands with just one word..." Cheng Ren put away his smirk, sat up straight and looked at Ding Yunfeng: "Yes! Of course, yes. Everyone, sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, must distinguish between grievances and grievances!"

"That's good! I need your help with something."

"Fuck! Do you need to be in such a hurry? I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"Don't worry, I'm not telling you to do it right away, it will be the end of the month at the earliest. I'll take you to dinner first, and we'll talk about it later."

"It's almost..."


It was already midnight when I left the Shau Kei Wan Police Station.


In Hong Kong Island, a city that never sleeps, if you have money, you can eat big meals at any time.

Abalone, shark fin, bird's nest, lobster...

Order whatever is expensive, Ding Yunfeng is generous.

Cheng Ren was also not surprised. He ate gracefully, and the speed at which he destroyed the food was equally fast.

"Uh..." After a full hiccup, Cheng Ren picked his teeth and asked, "Brother Feng, I'm full, you can tell me what to do now."

"I want to find something from a person."

"No problem, I need that person's profile, plus a photo of the thing you're looking for.

If you don't have a picture, you can tell what the thing looks like. " Cheng Ren laughed when he heard this, this task is not troublesome.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him: "That thing may be a document, it may also be a list, it may even be a box..."

"Wait, wait, Brother Feng, it's hard for you to behave like this.

You don't even know what it is, how do you want me to help you get it back? "Cheng Ren almost stuck a toothpick in his throat, he looked at Ding Yunfeng helplessly and said.

"I'll give you another 1000 million for saving your favor!" Ding Yunfeng raised a finger.

Cheng Ren's complexion changed drastically, he tapped the cigarette case with his fingers, and a cigarette fell into his mouth precisely: "I, Cheng Ren, have been debuting for so many years, this is the first time I have received such a big order!
According to what you just said, Brother Feng, I understand that you want all the text, audio and video materials that that person carries with him.

I can't do this list by myself, I have to find someone to help me..."

"Yes, but the person you are looking for has to be tight-lipped." Ding Yunfeng roughly guessed which helper the other party was looking for.

Sure enough, Cheng Ren patted his chest and made a promise: "You can rest assured about this!
My circle is very disciplined in doing things, no matter whether it is successful or not, it will never involve the financial backer.

However, the sale is so big this time, can Brother Feng pay a deposit.

It's not that I'm greedy, but that the people I'm looking for are all the best of the best, and their prices are not cheap. "


Ding Yunfeng gave Cheng Ren a deposit of 200 million yuan, and the latter was shocked by the two boxes of banknotes sent by Zhan Milianye.

"Brother Feng, this person looks very unreliable." Watching Cheng Ren leave with the banknotes, Zhan Mi said worriedly.

Ding Yunfeng smiled: "I have to do a lot this time, and we can't handle it with our current strength. It's a gamble of 200 million. If it succeeds, the reward will be more than 200 billion in the future!"

Zhan Mi stopped talking, he felt that Brother Feng had fallen ill again.

The last time I took him and Coolie Qiang out to the sea to patriotize, and swam back and forth in the middle of the night, I haven’t seen any rewards yet, and today it’s worth 200 billion.

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say." Jamie asked the boss to pay the bill, while helping Ding Yunfeng light a cigarette: "I'm blowing chicken in the afternoon, and he said, next time we have a meeting to pay the bill, He will propose to let Ah Qing take up his post, so that Brother Qiang and Ah Qing can get ready."

"Well, for big bottoms like Lenglao and Feihua, if you give them some money, it's like feeding the dogs.

Ah Qing and his two companies are both in the construction industry, and he has a background in the world, so it will be easier for him to do things in the future. "

Ding Yunfeng doesn't care about money. Money is actually enough for him now, so he wants to make arrangements slowly so that he can save some effort when his hometown takes over in the future.

While helping Ding Yunfeng open the car door, Zhan Mi replied, "I'll make arrangements this afternoon.

He was the proposer and gave him 20 yuan; the others and Lian Sheng Da Di each received [-] yuan; the old guy and the fat guy, I am going to give him [-] yuan. "

"Okay, this is a lot more!

After all, Brother Hao piled up the firewood so high, even if we don't pay, Fat Deng will still lift Ah Qing to the top. "Ding Yunfeng became more and more satisfied with Zhanmi's work.

Zhan Mi drove Ding Yunfeng home. At midnight, Shi Shi had already gone to bed, and Ding Yunfeng tiptoed into the bathroom.

After a while, he rushed to the bed like a wolf, poked his hands, and found that the size was wrong...


The next morning.

Ding Yunfeng pushed away Wang Xia's arms tightly hugging him, washed his face and brushed his teeth and walked out of the room.

Shi Shi looked worried, and sat alone at the dining table. On the plate in front of her, a ham sausage was finely cut into 81 sections.

Ding Yunfeng blushed slightly: "Shi Shi, I came back last night..."

"Okay! No need to explain. It's not that I don't know the relationship between Xiaoxia and you. She knows you before I do..." Shi Shi said, his eyes turned red.

Even if some things are prepared in the heart, it is still very uncomfortable to meet them in person.

Shi Shi himself did not expect that yesterday, when he brought a few friends to the Dashuangkou barbecue restaurant with strong coolies, he would meet Wang Xia who brought a group of sisters.

Hearing the strong coolie's subordinates keep calling Miss Xiaoxia, Shi Shi glanced curiously, and this glance just led to the first meeting between the first room and the second room...

Needless to say next!

Whether Shi Shi wanted to swear sovereignty, or she wanted to pretend to be generous, she brought Wang Xia back.

In the end, the two of them fell asleep while chatting, which was cheaper than Ding Yunfeng who came home in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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