Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 129 Ghost guys are also ghosts

Chapter 129 Ghost guys are also ghosts

Who said ghosts can't move?
Money can turn ghosts around, isn't a ghost a ghost?

Fighting ghosts, this is not Ding Yunfeng's first creation!

Lei Luo forbade Ding Yunfeng to kill the ghost, so Ding Yunfeng spent money to find a big ghost to beat the little ghost.

In the afternoon of the same day, Miao Zhishun, who was disheartened and decided to fish for a living, was suddenly notified that the director was looking for him.

"Hmph! This ghost, doesn't he think that I can solve a kidnapping case every day and have money to blackmail him every time, right?" Miao Zhishun endured his displeasure, and lazily knocked on Henry's office.

Seeing Miao Zhishun push the door in, Henry reluctantly took out a lockbox from under the table: "Detective Miao, this is the ransom you handed over to the evidence room yesterday.

After investigation by the Director, it turned out that the person guarding the evidence room stole it himself, falsely claiming that there was a fire, and swallowed the money! "

"Director is wise!" Miao Zhishun held back his surprise and gave Henry a step up against his will.

Seeing this, Henry looked a little better. He took out a document and slammed it on the cash box: "I heard that the money from the suffering master was borrowed. Give it back to them.

This is the relevant document, I have already completed it, you notify the sufferer to come to collect the money, remember to ask them to sign for it. "

Are you done with the formalities?

Damn, this ghost won't be caught by a ghost, right?
Miao Zhishun snatched it up, took a look at the documents, and found that there were seals of various departments, as well as the signatures of the relevant responsible persons.

Among them, Henry's signature is so powerful that the back of the paper, Miao Zhishun speculates that it should be caused by the director's over-excited mood when he wrote the pen.

"Okay, nothing else, Inspector Miao can leave."

"Yes, Sir!"


Since I was at the Kowloon Police Station yesterday, I heard that the 50 ransom was burned in the evidence room.

Uncle Biao, who had ups and downs several times in a day, finally couldn't hold on and passed out.

"Sister-in-law, you are watching here, I'll go back to catch up on sleep first." Ah Zun was busy all day and night, and finally waited until Aunt Escort and Lin Meiya came to take over.

"Uncle Xi, go back and rest quickly, we are here..." Aunt Dart also looked grim, but Zhaodi was safe and sound, she was already very satisfied.

Looking at the radar dart staring blankly at the ceiling, Ah Zun walked out of the ward while shaking his head.

However, he soon had a happy face and came back with two uniformed policemen: "Brother, sister-in-law, the money was found, and the 50 was found!"

"50, are you kidding me again???" The radar guard turned over and sat up. He pushed Azun away, looked at the two military uniforms and asked: "Sir, my money..."

After the two uniformed police officers' personal explanations, Uncle Biao's family finally believed the good news. They cried with joy. 50 Guili, in less than half a year, could already force their whole family to go to the rooftop.

In order to prevent the night from having more dreams, Uncle Biao decisively pulled out the needle and rushed to the police station with his family.

Looking at the familiar cash box in front of them, the members of the Lei family carefully counted all the banknotes, finally signed the document, and left with the money.

Meanwhile, on the second floor of the police station.

Watching Lei's family walk away downstairs with 50 yuan, Director Henry smashed a lot of things.

He greeted Smith all afternoon in Scottish slang.

Lei Luo had a strong control over the police force. Uncle Biao's family had just retrieved 50 yuan from the Kowloon Police Station. In less than 10 minutes, he knew the whole story.

"Good boy, how did this guy do it?
For 50, ask the boss of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for help?

Impossible, how could Ah Feng be so cunning to do such a loss-making thing?

It's better to give 50 to my cousin's family directly! "

The more Lei Luo thought about it, the more excited he became. Although he was so majestic outside, in fact, he was always at a disadvantage in front of the ghost.

But this time, Ding Yunfeng did what he always wanted to do, but couldn't - make Henry feel embarrassed.

"Forget it, in the evening, I'll find out if I ask Ah Feng face to face." Resisting the urge to call Ding Yunfeng again, Brother Luo, who is used to being a boss, of course wants to save face.

Uncle Biao's family raised the ransom, and immediately ran to Guili to write off the account.

After paying an interest rate that made them heartbroken, Uncle Biao took back the IOU and tore it into pieces. His chest, which was not breathing well, suddenly—it didn't hurt anymore.

At the same time, Ding Yunfeng came to Smith's office with 30 cash.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng brought the money over so quickly, Smith smiled happily.

Last night he was determined to intervene in this matter, and immediately made a phone call with Yuan Zai's ancestor's home.

Within a few minutes, the Smith family immediately sent someone to visit the family of the first brother of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

One is a traditional aristocrat who has been passed down for hundreds of years, and the other is an emerging aristocrat who has a flimsy foundation and always hopes to integrate into the circle of big aristocrats.

Whoever backs down first, now it seems that the result needs no explanation.

"Ding! Show concern for your friend for me.

As for the money, I put it away.You know, if you want to ask someone to do something, you need to be more thoughtful. "Smith smiled super fake, put away the cowhide bag full of banknotes.

Ding Yunfeng nodded in agreement, "Mr. Smith is right... By the way, Henry's side..."

"Don't worry, I'll let the elders of the ancestral family find Brother Yi's family directly. Brother Yi put pressure on him today. This kind of rotten person, I'm afraid it's too late now, so how dare he come out to make trouble?"

"Good, Smith, please help me to thank the elders in your family."


Ding Yunfeng chatted with Smith for a while, then went to the third prison area to inspect, and then skilfully skipped work and went home.

That night!

The Lei family all dressed in fancy dress, got in the car that Lei Luo had arranged to pick them up in advance, and came outside Ding Yunfeng's villa.

"Remember to call someone, don't be rude." Aunt Dart gave her last advice.

Lin Meiya wore a black dress that leaked from the front to the back, her eyes, expressions, and movements were all open.

Lin Xiaohua has grown her hair long since she went to a missionary school. She is wearing a white suspender tutu tonight.

Needless to say, recruiting a younger brother, a little boy, wearing a pink princess dress and a bowler hat, was tightly pulled by the escort's side, for fear of being kidnapped again.

"Let's go!" The radar dart tightened his tie, put on a face of death, and took the lead to walk in the front.

The doorbell rang and the servant opened the door.

Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo who came earlier were drinking tea on the sofa, Shi Shi, as the hostess, came forward to welcome Lei's family.

Seeing Shi Shi, whose appearance crushed his eldest daughter and second daughter, Radar Dart looked unnatural.

He found that his previous worries were all superfluous, and Ding Yunfeng didn't seem to need to covet his daughter.

Compared with the radar dart who ran to the sofa and sat down, Aunt Dart was much more polite. She first introduced her three daughters, and then chatted with Shi Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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