Chapter 131
Thunder Tiger shows off his power, he really can eat people.

Dong Biao was sweating profusely. He really didn't know how to explain this kind of bad thing that was destined to be wrong.

If it hadn't been for the Radar Dart's guarantee that the family and Lei Luo would have no contact for many years.

Dong Biao would never take the risk to change the surnames of Brother Dai and Brother Lai. He knew very well that Lei Luo could rely on Lei Luo to gain a foothold in the police force.

Luo Ge is from Hailufeng, Guangdong Province, where family inheritance is extremely important.

If this matter breaks out, the radar bodyguard is protected by the bodyguard, but he is not, and it will definitely become Lei Luo's punching bag.

as predicted!

A sudden kidnapping case brought the Lei family, who had no contact with Lei Luo for many years, back into Inspector Lei's sight.

Brother Luo wanted to investigate the matter within the police force, so his little actions naturally couldn't be hidden!

Dong Biao came here uninvited tonight because he wanted to take the initiative to plead guilty and strive for a lenient treatment.

It's a pity that for the whole night, apart from eating and drinking, Radar Dart was unconscious at all, and there was also a brother from the same mother who was going to be liquidated by Luo Ge.

"If it's not at Ah Feng's house tonight.

I will definitely kill you bastard with one shot!
Make a report by yourself tomorrow, apply for transfer to guard the pond, and never appear in front of me!roll!Get out now! Lei Luo cursed a few times, and hit Dong Biao on the forehead with the butt of his gun.

Dong Biao covered his wound in shame. While shouting to thank Luo Ge for not killing him, he pushed away Lin Dazun who wanted to come to help him, and staggered away from Ding Yunfeng's house.

The two elder brothers left one after another, and Ah Zun became more and more embarrassed.

Just when he was about to say goodbye and leave, Ding Yunfeng suddenly said, "Hengfeng Bank went bankrupt, does Mr. Lin have any plans?"

"Ding Sir, I haven't made up my mind yet. I wonder if you have any suggestions?" Lin Dazun held back his excitement, looked at Ding Yunfeng and asked.

Ding Yunfeng looked him up and down, and immediately asked a few questions.

I learned that Lin Dazun had been trained as an account manager for a long time before his accident at Hengfeng.

Ding Yunfeng immediately decided that before the Hong Kong government took action to rescue Hengfeng Bank, he must be intercepted.

"Mr. Lin, I happen to have a job here..." Ding Yunfeng offered a salary that was not inferior to Hengfeng Bank, and then showed a few industries, drawing a big cake.

Ah Zun didn't know that Hengfeng Bank would come back to life in a few days, but when he heard that Ding Yunfeng had given him a lot of real power, he would be able to stand alone soon if he did well, so he immediately agreed with a pat on the chest.

Ding Yunfeng gave Zun a business card of Zhan Mi, and then made a phone call with Zhan Mi on the spot.

When Zhan Mizai heard that Brother Feng had picked up a manager of Hengfeng Bank, his laughter was so pervasive even to Lei Luo.

When Ding Yunfeng sent Azun away, Lei Luo took out a cigarette from Ding Yunfeng's cigarette case: "My cousin's niece looks good, I didn't ask you to marry a real wife, why are you pretending to be confused tonight?"

"Brother Luo, I already have Shi Shi and Xiaoxia, and..." Secretly telling Lei Luo about his relationship with Zhao Su, Ding Yunfeng received two contemptuous looks from the other party.

"There are only three, and you can't stand it anymore? Huh! Follow me, the boss is outside..." Lei Luo started blowing.

Ding Yunfeng was too lazy to listen to Luo Ge's flamboyant history, he decisively changed the topic: "Luo Ge, talk about serious things!

Robinson is going to start the casino business, he wants to transform Liu Yaozu's small casinos and clubs into a chain..."

"Well, now Hong Kong Island, except for Hong Guang, no one is playing so big.

The casino is on Hong Kong Island, which is not a legal business like Haojiang. Hong Guang is known as the gambling king of Hong Kong Island. His basic game is actually on the high seas. He has two gambling boats.

As for the underground casinos of the major associations, those who pay monthly fees to our police force are actually not worth it, and they are nothing compared to the professional casinos you mentioned.

I have two suggestions.

Liu Yaozu's small casinos, you might as well turn them into mahjong parlors, and I can help you get the relevant licenses.

As for Liu Yaozu's small clubs, first use the membership system to screen customers, and then you build a few luxurious small casinos inside the club, and you only need to deal with the ghosts above, naturally there will be no problem. "

Lei Luo thought for a while and made two suggestions.

Ding Yunfeng nodded again and again, he said hello to Lei Luo today.

Let the other party know that Ding Yunfeng is also involved in Robinson's affairs. In the future, lard boy will charge fees, or the police will do things, and he will give some face.


Kowloon Walled City, Ghost Hand Liu's black clinic.

Chen Haonan was hanging in front of his chest with a splint in his right hand, Chaopi carefully supported Da Tianer to feed water, Baopi stood guard at the clinic door, and dealt with the pheasant without saying a word.

"Let's go. It's almost ten days. Brother Nan won't see you."

"Baopi, I don't believe it, I've been with Brother Nan for four or five years..."

"Peasant, don't embarrass me, let's go quickly."


Hearing the pleading voice of the pheasant outside, Chen Haonan stood up and said, "Baopi, let the pheasant come in."

"Brother Nan!"

"Brother Nan, what did you see that good-for-nothing doing?"

Da Tianer and Chaopi looked at Chen Haonan in astonishment. They were almost trampled to death in Fulinmen ten days ago.

For the sake of face, Da Tian Er shot his own head, and Chen Haonan took the initiative to cut off his hand.

Although Pheasant's starting point is good, he didn't consider everyone's feelings. He actually knelt down and begged for mercy under the watchful eyes of everyone. This added a cheap filter to their "sacrifice".

"The pheasant ran to Ding Yunfeng and knelt down to beg for mercy because of me.

I, Chen Haonan, can't let go of this love. "Chen Haonan twisted his neck and said.

Da Tian Er and Chao Pi stopped talking when they heard the words, their small group has always been dominated by Chen Hao Nan.

Since Brother Nan is willing to accept the pheasant today, they can only obey.

However, in their eyes, the pheasant kneeling down has no spine, and he is not qualified to be their brother in the future.

"Brother Nan, how are you? Are you feeling better?" Pheasant was finally allowed to see Brother Nan. He was very happy, and the concern in his eyes couldn't be faked.

Chen Haonan showed a forced smile: "I was in a bad mood a few days ago, Pheasant, don't blame me."

"We are all brothers, Brother Nan, what are you talking about? By the way, I have stewed pork bone soup, Brother Nan, drink it while it's hot." Pheasant laughed heartlessly, opened the basket, and took out a cup stew.

"Wow! There's soup!"

"Made, Chao Pi, find a bowl for Brother Nan first."


Seeing the nest skins and bracts scrambling to drink the soup, the pheasant, which has never been in the kitchen, smiled even more happily.

After a while, Pheasant put away his things and bid farewell to Chen Haonan: "Brother Nan, I will come to see you tomorrow, and then I will bring pork bone soup."

"Remember to add a little more salt, the taste is mild today." Chen Haonan said while sitting on the sofa, smoking a lit cigarette from the nest skin.

Pheasant said repeatedly that he was accepted by the organization again, and he walked out happily, and turned around just in time to see the ghost hand Liu who always had a poker face.

"Dr. Liu, thank you for curing Brother Nan. My name is..."

"Your name is Pheasant, and your name is Zhao Shanhe. I heard a few of them talking about it." Ghost Hand Liu spoke slowly.

Pheasant scratched his head: "Yes, yes, Doctor Liu, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Wait a minute, I have a sentence for you." Guishou Liu stopped the pheasant, and under his surprised eyes, said slowly: "This sentence, I am in my hometown, I once gave it to my big brother." Apprentice, I will give it to you now! To be a man, you still have to rely on yourself. Pheasant, remember!"

 I have something to do tonight, I only wrote 2 chapters, one chapter is missing, I will add it tomorrow morning
(End of this chapter)

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