Chapter 149 Liu Yaozu is in jail

Ding Yunfeng immediately dialed the phone, and when he knew that Robinson was free at home, he drove over immediately.

After about half an hour...

A police car drove to Robinson's villa.

Chen Jiaju got out of the car with two attendants, Da Zui and Tai Bao (Uncle Fei Da), and strode into the villa.

After a while, the three of them walked out with a barely human-shaped man.

"Jia Kui, I will trouble you with this matter." Ding Yunfeng patted Big Nose's shoulder.

He ordered his men to lock Liu Yaozu, the suspect who had 'absconded for many days', into a police car.

Chen Jiaju turned around and said: "Why bother! I also have to thank Ah Feng for giving me credit!

Boss Sun, in a moment, a colleague of mine will come to take notes for you. "

"No problem, I will instruct the housekeeper to let them in." Robinson replied flatly.

Chen Jiaju took Ding Yunfeng to chat for a few words, got into the police car, and drove away.

Looking at Liu Yaozu who was full of joy, grabbed the iron net of the police car, and stared at him viciously.

Robinson snorted coldly: "That little bastard, I guess he's still dreaming, so he can escape from my hands."

"Okay! You are already old, if you continue to keep this kind of scum at home as a dog for several years.

He hasn't turned into a dog yet, but every day when you see this pounce on the street, you will think of your daughter who died tragically.

Touching things hurts feelings for many years.

If this is not the case, you will go down before him..." Ding Yunfeng patted Robinson on the back to persuade him.

Robinson took out a towel and wiped his eyes: "Ah Feng, don't let him die too easily."

"It was a reasonable request, and I agreed."


It involved a murder case, and the sufferer was a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, and Huang Dawen, a barrister, personally acted.

In less than a week, Liu Yaozu, who had just regained three points of vitality in the hospital, quickly went through a set of legal procedures, was sentenced to 40 years, and was imprisoned in Stanley No. [-] Ward.

bibu bibu...

Familiar voices, familiar vehicles.

The last time it carried Qian Wendi, this time it carried Liu Yaozu.

The former was not evil, and Ding Yunfeng spoke again. Although he was frightened by Zhong Chuxiong once, he didn't suffer much.

Liu Yaozu was miserable. Before he came, the news about him killing his wife and framing Robinson was spread all over Stanley under the encouragement of Ding Yunfeng.

"Which scum is called Liu Yaozu?" Zhu Huoji held gold-rimmed glasses, and the eyes behind the lenses were like laser beams, scanning the male prisoners coming out of the prison van inhumanely.

The prison guard who escorted the car pointed to Liu Yaozu, who was also wearing gold-rimmed glasses: "Miss Zhu, standing under the streetlight, that black and thin one is."

"Oh! It's you!" Zhu Huoji sneered: "Come here, I will take care of you personally, go check your body first. Go quickly! Don't block the road."

Ms. Zhu personally took Liu Yaozu through the 'VIP passage'. Zhong Chuxiong held up a handful and kept pressing the opening and closing switch.

Seeing Liu Yaozu who dismissed him in the VIP room back then, Brother Xiong smiled cheaply: "Mr. Liu, be good, get down..."

After a few seconds.

A miserable scream came from far away.

Ding Yunfeng took Qiu Jinjiang on a tour, saw the big girl lying on the innermost bed of the prison with a bruised nose and swollen face, he paused slightly, and asked Qiu Jinjiang to transfer the prisoner to the upper bunk.


Liu Yaozu, who went through the prison formalities from afternoon to dark, was dragged in by two prison guards.

With tears in his eyes, he covered his buttocks with one hand and waved vigorously with the other, shouting and complaining non-stop.

Many inmates in the prison pointed at Liu Yaozu and laughed. This embarrassing look, one can tell that Killer Xiong has deliberately taken care of him.


Zhong Chuxiong is the first Chinese correctional officer!
Even if Ding Sir stole the limelight later, but now he has been promoted to Senior Correctional Officer, if he hadn't determined you, how could he have ended up in person?
Recently, Shabiao was scolded by the community because of the laundry room, and he was in a bad mood.

Coming over with a few of his subordinates, Shabiao pushed Liu Yaozu hard: "Hey! Stop shouting. Who are you?"

"Prefix? I don't have a prefix.

This big guy, may I ask, the big brother of the United Agency, is he in this warehouse? "Liu Yaozu endured the severe pain and squeezed out a smile.

"Are you looking for big mi? Damn, what a bad luck!" Silly Biao glared at Liu Yaozu, with a disgusted expression on his face, he led his men away.

Han Kun and Fat Sheji glanced at each other, and they both looked at Da Mi who was leading the team.

"Labor and capital are Da Mi, who are you?" After Da Mi was imprisoned, the United Society asked Liu Yaozu to be a financial sponsor, and he naturally didn't know her.

"Big brother, I'm Liu Yaozu, a 'good friend' of your joint agency." Looking at these gangsters with bruised noses and swollen faces, Liu Yaozu held back his doubts and replied.

"Liu Yaozu, you are Mr. Liu???" Big Mi's eyes lit up, and she grabbed Liu Yaozu's arms vigorously.

Smelling the smell of sweat coming towards his face, Liu Yaozu showed disgust and struggled hard: "Yes. I am Liu Yaozu, big brother, I..."

"Made, you bastard finally came in!
Brothers, call me! "Big Mi laughed ferociously, and punched Liu Yaozu in the stomach.

A few bad guys from the union next to him followed suit, and Liu Yaozu was soon beaten up all over his body.

About 10 minutes passed...

Chou Jinjiang blew the police whistle, ran out with a few buddies, and ordered his subordinates to separate the elders and the others, and carry the half-dead Liu Yaozu to the prisoner's hospital.

Qiu Jinjiang held the baton and pressed Da Mi's chin: "Da Mi! If you continue to make trouble, I will ask Brother Feng to greet the warden, and then lock you in the criminal investigation bed for a week!"

Big Mi's eyes twitched violently: "Chou Sir, I promise, I won't do it again next time."

"Hmph! Better not! If I get the chance, I'll beat you all at once." Qiu Jinjiang said harshly, waving his baton: "Turn off the lights, rest!"

In the middle of the night, Lu Jiayao glanced at Zhong Tianzheng who was sleeping across the street: "Brother Zheng, isn't Liu Yaozu the benefactor of the United Society? Why did Da Mi beat him?"

"Hey! Big Mi hit him right!

I heard from a few bigwigs that Liu Yaozu had been embarrassing a long time ago, and he even caused the United Association to be deliberately targeted by many big water pipes.

During this period of time, did the Union not send supplies?
It is said that this is because their society has suffered heavy losses, and they can no longer take care of Stanley..." Zhong Tian was showing off information.

However, the more he talked, the more surprised he became. He suddenly thought why Liu Yaozu, who had been on the run, suddenly appeared in Stanley, and was greeted by Killer Xiong himself just after he arrived.

Combined with the news that the person who framed Robinson was about to go to prison, it suddenly spread throughout Stanley in the past two days.

Zhong Tianzheng felt that there was an invisible hand pushing behind all this.

Could it be Brother Feng?
He touched a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but Zhong Tianzheng did not light it. He smelled the aroma of tobacco and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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