Chapter 15 Who is the Oriole
"Sister Zhu Di, Liangzifeng is seriously injured..."

"That dinosaur named Dinosaur is too fierce, if this goes on..."

"Oh, I can't stand it anymore."


On the fourth floor of the North Building, a group of wealthy women covered in jewels surrounded Tang Zhudi. The latter looked cold and turned his eyes to the East Building.

Liu Yaozu, who also paid attention to this side, raised his glass with a smile: "Sister Zhu Di? What's the matter, can't you bear the pretty boy in the ring?

Otherwise, if you help Liu get involved in the development of the two buildings of the Wang family in Kowloon, I will immediately ask the dinosaur to save his life! "

"Sister Zhu Di..." Mrs. Zhao and the others looked anxiously at Tang Zhudi.

Tang Zhudi's beautiful eyes were full of evil, she didn't need to speak, just a look in her eyes immediately made several people shut their mouths.

Tightening the foot-long pure gold cigarette rod, Tang Zhudi knocked on the railing of the stand, and shouted to the ring downstairs: "Liangzifeng, you must have heard what Boss Liu said just now, right?
What do you say, can you still cover it? "

Upon hearing Tang Zhudi's words, Serena said enviously: "Brother Feng is very lucky, this Tang Zhudi, it seems that he is going to save him."

Aping, Dawei and Dumb nodded repeatedly, but Wu Shihao curled his lips in disdain, he knew——Ding Yunfeng would never give up!
There was no other reason, ever since he was at the pier that night, Wu Shihao could tell that Ding Yunfeng, like him, was an extremely proud and confident person.


As soon as Tang Zhudi finished speaking, Ding Yunfeng jokingly looked at the fourth floor of the east building where Liu Yaozu was.

"No matter how incompetent I am, Ding Yunfeng, I wouldn't kneel down and beg for my life to a bum who forced his wife to death and took away his father-in-law's wealth, right?"

As soon as Ding Yunfeng said this, the audience fell silent, and the dinosaurs standing opposite him showed admiration, and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

"Dinosaur, cut off this kid's head!" Liu Yaozu expressionless, drank the red wine in the glass, turned and walked into the private room.

Meng Na took a deep look at Ding Yunfeng, and followed quickly. She knew Liu Yaozu's temperament very well, and knew that the handsome young man on the stage was finished.

Tang Zhudi also didn't expect that Ding Yunfeng's mouth was a big move. Seeing that Liu Yaozu almost lost control of his expression control, she felt very happy.

"Immediately call St. Teresa's Hospital for me, and ask Dean Paul to call the chief surgeon, Dr. Smith, back to the hospital to stand by, and then ask him to send a white car to wait outside the Kowloon Walled City."

After ordering the bodyguards to do something, Tang Zhudi looked at Ding Yunfeng who was holding a bayonet to support the machete, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"My name is Dinosaur, I take people's money and help people eliminate disasters, brother forgive me!" Kicking Ding Yunfeng in the abdomen, Dinosaur clenched the machete with both hands and slashed down hard.

Ding Yunfeng rolled to avoid the blade, before he got up, the bayonet in his hand was already red, Matsuda Taro staggered back, clutching his right leg, he thought he could make trouble, but Ding Yunfeng was on guard.

The sneak attack failed again. Taro Matsuda avoided the blade of the dinosaur and blocked Peter with a jab with his right hand.

It's a pity that his left shoulder was injured in the front, and he couldn't block Peter's backhand punch. He was hit in the temple, and immediately spurted blood and knelt down.

After several outbursts in succession, plus being stabbed a few times by the man with the long gun, Peter had reached his limit. Regardless of A Bing's scolding, he raised his hands above his head, twisted and jumped off the ring.

"Damn it! Did the foreign devils surrender?"

"Ma De, unfortunately, I thought that this street-slammer has a better chance of winning."


Gamblers who bought Peter's win complained.
Ah Bing grabbed the doll Qiang's skirt, spitting and asking the other party, why did he lend himself a wonderful flower?
The doll was so annoyed by his troubles that he finally couldn't help getting angry, and called two swordsmen from the city wall to drag A Bing away forcibly.

"Peter won several people earlier, why didn't you speak?
Didn't you see that he was bleeding almost dry on stage?
What's more, even if he continues to fight, it is impossible to defeat the dinosaur and Liangzifeng in this state.

Convex (艹盘哉), I have seen a lot of non-gamblers, but I have never seen you so helpless! ! ! "

Pointing at A Bing's nose and cursing, the doll forcibly took out the IOU prepared in advance, and someone forced A Bing to put his fingerprints on it.

"You lost 20 to Chen Xijiu in the last game. At that time, you only had 13 in cash, and I paid for the 7 that was short!"

Fat Zaichao also walked out with a sneer: "This time, you lost another 50 yuan! For the sake of Lord Yan, you can count it as a round number, a total of 55 yuan!
Go away, raise money quickly, otherwise you will make huge profits, and you will not be able to pay even if you sell yourself! "

After the two finished speaking, there were waiters present who were in charge of making tea, boiling the kettle, and handing hot towels.

Putting on a cold expression one by one, they took out a knife from their bodies, and indifferently held Ah Bing and his party like ducks, and escorted them downstairs.

The arena battle is coming to an end, and Chengzhai has earned all the money he deserves.

A Bing's use value is squeezed out, Doll Qiang and Fat Zaichao let him leave the IOU and leave, which can be regarded as saving Yan Tong's face.

He can not only hide the knife in his smile, but also turn his face and deny people.

This is Fat Boy Super and Doll Qiang!

This pair of combinations resembles an idiom - working together.

After casually dismissing A Bing, Fat Zai Chao and Doll Qiang walked to the stands side by side.

The two were surprised to find that Ding Yunfeng's fight with the dinosaurs had reached a fever pitch in just a short while.

Ding Yunfeng was holding half of the bayonet, staring at the dinosaur with cold eyes. The machete in the latter's hand had fallen to the bottom of the ring, and there was a penetrating bloody hole on his right arm.

"Made! You are simply inhuman..." Recalling the scene where Ding Yunfeng stabbed the bayonet into his right arm before the machete hit his neck, the dinosaur said in horror.

Ding Yunfeng wiped the blood flowing from his forehead with the back of his hand, and smiled at the dinosaur.

Seeing this, the dinosaur swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he involuntarily stepped back half a step.

Wu Shihao, who was watching the battle standing under the ring, and Li Jie, who was standing on the second floor of the west building, both sighed almost at the same time: "The dinosaur is going to lose..."

At the same time, in the private room on the fourth floor of the east building, there was a faint sound of breaking utensils.

"Tell Fatty Chao to send the check to Shau Kei Wan Police Station tomorrow." Chen Xijiu checked his watch, put on his suit, turned and left.

Screen switching...

Kowloon Walled City Center, the five-story building where the Walled City Arbitration Committee is located, looks like a living room.

But in fact, there are three thresholds when entering from the main entrance.

In the innermost room, there are two rows of red sandalwood chairs on the left and right.

There is an incense table in the middle of the hall, on which there is a wooden bucket-shaped ritual vessel, with the handsome flag of "Commander of the Three Armies" inserted on it, "Wood Standing Fighting World" written on the bottom, and "Muyang City" written on the front. .

The green smoke is lingering, solemn and solemn.

The man in a fine suit smiled and opened the suitcase beside him, which was neatly piled up with shining gold bars: "Master Ding, Lei Luo is new to the city, so I will buy tea for you uncles."

"Detective Lei is too polite." The thin old man sitting next to the incense table smiled lightly.

Seeing this daring Wanchai inspector who came to negotiate alone, Master Ding knocked on the table: "Man, the Walled City will never hand over!
However, I can assure Inspector Lei that this time Aqiang will be deprived of his status as an external speaker.

Of course, at that time, I have to trouble Inspector Lei to cooperate with me to make a big dragon and phoenix. "

"Master Ding is serious, no matter what Brother Qiang says, he is the outsider of the Walled City.

That day, how much cooperation do you need from Lei Luo, you can always speak up..." Seeing Master Ding finally let go, Lei Luo said hastily.

Master Ding nodded in satisfaction. He only had a nephew, the doll, so of course he would not agree to hand him over.

At this time, a burly man in black and shorts strode in: "Master Ding! Shau Kei Wan Inspector Chen Xijiu asked for an interview downstairs, and he said he had made an appointment with Inspector Lei..."

"Oh, Xijiu came in with me." Lei Luo said quickly with his eyes moving.

Master Ding glanced at Lei Luo with a half-smile: "Inspector Lei is very clever. I said why Aqiang didn't show up all night. It seems that Inspector Chen managed to hold him back."

(End of this chapter)

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