Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 151 A fierce fight in the toilet

Chapter 151 A fierce fight in the toilet

"Thank you."

Liu Yaozu's eyes lit up, and he quickly put away the toothbrush.

Touching the sharp toothbrush handle with his fingertips, Liu Yaozu, who had been in panic all the time, finally calmed down a bit.

Seeing Liu Yaozu fall asleep, Zhong Tianzheng got up silently and walked back to his bed.

Lu Jiayao, who was in charge of watching the wind but didn't know what Brother Zheng was talking to Liu Yaozu, saw him coming, and hurriedly followed him with his head down.

In Stanley, people like Zhong Tianzheng and Lu Jiayao, who are not covered by a society, have always slept in the worst bunks in the prison.

However, ever since Ding Yunfeng locked the criminal investigation bed and Dami and his gang were released, Shabiao and his club bosses have become more and more disgusted with them.

In the words of Fat Snake Ji, the people in the United Association smell like feces and urine, and they are too close to each other, which affects their sleep.

Therefore, Shabiao, Fat Sheji and Han Kun joined forces and drove them to the Sanren group.

The big mi took the little brother back from the toilet to drain the water, saw Zhong Tianzheng and Lu Jiayao, and pushed them away forcefully: "Pu Street, don't get in the way!"

Pulling Lu Jiayao out of the way, Zhong Tianzheng walked back to his bed with his head down and lay down.

However, when he saw Da Mi and his gang surrounding Liu Yaozu, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just handed over the guy to the other party, if these bastards find out, not only Liu Yaozu will be finished, but he may even be implicated!
Just when Zhong Tian was thinking hard about how to break the situation, Han Kun thumped the bed board: "Big Mi! Don't forget, this is a prison. If you mess up here, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Boss Han is quite right, you are not taboo about meat and vegetables, but we find this kind of thing disgusting!" Sha Biao stood up with a cigarette in his mouth, leading He Liansheng's subordinates.

Fat Sheji shook his arms, pointed at Big Mickey and cursed: "If you dare to make the whole room smell like shit, I'll bring someone to beat you tonight, Ma De!"

Seeing that his behavior caused public outrage, Da Mi was very upset, and he slapped Liu Yaozu's ass hard a few times: "You're lucky~"

After saying that, Da Mi and a group of subordinates found their respective beds and lay down on them.

Han Kun and the others scolded a few words, and when they saw Da Mi pretending to be a dead dog, they all fell asleep.


It hadn't been 5 minutes since everyone lay down, and Qiu Jinjiang led four fellows to turn on the lights.

Looking at the prisoners squinting to adapt to the light source, Ah Qiu knocked on the iron bars with his baton: "54651, 65454, 12545...

Your new prison uniforms have arrived, but the truck from the garment factory is in a hurry to go back. I just read it, so immediately go to the stadium with me to help move the shirts! "

"Wow! There are new clothes!"

"Hey, hurry up, my set is almost washed out."


Seeing Gui Jianshou's roll call, many prisoners who originally thought that something big had happened cheered as if they were celebrating a festival.

Glancing at Lu Jiayao who was transferred to help, and then looking around the big mi, besides the boss of the union, Zhong Tianzheng knew the rest of the gangsters named by Qiu Jinjiang.

"Shut up! Everyone wants to rebel?" Qiu Jinjiang knocked on the iron bars with his baton a few times.

Seeing this, Shabiao, Fat Sheji and others hurriedly held down the little brother, and even Han Kun, the unsmiling big circle helper, could hardly squeeze out a smile at this time.

Having new clothes to wear is a rare benefit in Stanley.

What's more, Gui Jianchou just promised that those who go to the stadium tonight to help with clothes will not only be able to record a day's salary, but the prison they are in will also be able to send clothes in advance!

"Hey, all of you, be careful, remember to help me choose a suit that fits me well." The big mi told the little brother, and then lay down happily, dreaming of wearing a new shirt.

Qiu Jinjiang quickly took more than 20 prisoners away.

Although Qiu Jinjiang ordered the lights to be turned off before leaving, the prisoners who stayed in the cell were overjoyed at the thought of having new clothes soon, and they whispered to the inmates in the neighboring bunks.

Da Mi's popularity is too low, the younger brothers were all transferred away by Qiu Jinjiang, and no one around him was willing to talk to him, listening to the whispers around, the more Da Mi listened, the more angry he became.

Looking at Liu Yaozu who was covered with a quilt and fell asleep bent over.

Big Mi licked her lips, got off the bed and walked over, patted him on the shoulder: "Hey, it's midnight, get up and put some water on."

"I'm not in a hurry to urinate..." Facing the threatening gaze of the big girl, Liu Yaozu swallowed the last part of the sentence, and was half-forced to be pushed into the toilet by the other party.

Shabiao, Han Kun and others all saw this scene.

However, as long as Big Boss doesn't shit in front of them, they don't bother to stop.

Previously, the few people thought the big mi was disgusting, and they didn't want to help Liu Yaozu get ahead. The latter didn't do them any favors, and they didn't care whether they lived or died.

Zhong Tianzheng glanced in the direction of the toilet, and walked over while clutching his stomach.

Seeing this, Fat Sheji smiled and said, "Hey, Ah Zheng, you don't want to have a second sip of soup, do you?"

"Oh, brother Ji, don't be joking, I have a stomachache..." Zhong Tianzheng replied a little angrily.

When Sha Biao and others heard this, they all laughed.

However, the laughter was too loud, and he was quickly warned by the prison guard on duty by knocking on the iron bars.

Zhong Tian was taking the opportunity to sneak into the toilet. He saw that Da Mi was busy with errands, and Liu Yaozu was already holding the toothbrush that he had worn for several days by taking advantage of the dark environment of the toilet.

After dozens of seconds, Big Mi shivered.

Liu Yaozu fought back vigorously, the big girl who was in a slack was stabbed in the right eye, let out a miserable scream, and kicked Liu Yaozu flying.

Seeing this, Zhong Tianzheng groaned inwardly. He picked up a plastic bucket from the reservoir, and wrapped it around Da Mi's head.


The sharp toothbrush handle was pressed by the plastic bucket, and immediately pierced half of the eyeball, and the big girl screamed wildly.

Zhong Tianzheng made an assist and ran out: "Big Mi and Liu Yaozu are fighting."

In fact, at this time, Shabiao and others who heard the movement had already led their men into the toilet.

Seeing Zhong Tian running out in horror with a positive expression, none of them suspected, and let him run behind them.

"Hehe, one-on-one."

Looking at the bloody face, with a toothbrush stuck in his right eye, who still made Liu Yaozu vomit blood, Shabiao was a little shocked, but there was a playful smile on his face.

Han Kun snorted disdainfully: "Big bastard, you don't treat people as human beings. Sooner or later, there will be such a day. Liu Yaozu, hit him with your head!"
Mad, you can't beat him like this, don't expect to survive tomorrow. "

"He used to be a big boss, so it's very rare to do this with bare buttocks." Fat Snake Ji said sarcastic words loudly, while winking at Sha Biao: "Hey, what a great opportunity, if you don't come, I will Called someone to do something..."

"What do you want to do? Hey, there is something, don't hide it from me?"

Han Kun looked at the two vigilantly. He was originally in the mentality of watching a play, but suddenly found that there seemed to be a lot of coincidences tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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