Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 160 Forced to poach someone

Chapter 160 Forced to poach someone

Detective Robin, who was standing aside watching the excitement, never expected that he would eat melons tonight...

Inspector Robin glared at Ding Yunfeng, you kid is not a good person, thanks to me helping you achieve good things, you actually dragged me into the water?

That's the Black Panther Sect. A dignified head was brutally assassinated. If you think about it for a while, you will know how complicated and troublesome this kind of thing is.

I'm a retired detective. I go back to Hawaii to sunbathe and see that bikinis don't smell good. Silly, how many of you can help me?
Thinking of this, Robin shook his head repeatedly. He was about to refuse, but when he saw the pleading eyes of his little niece, he opened his mouth a few times, and finally agreed.

"No eavesdropping!" Robin pointed at the others at gunpoint, and led Ding Yunfeng onto the deck.

Seeing the angry look of the little old man, Ding Yunfeng handed over a cigar: "Isn't it so stingy? Tat for tat, dare you say that Qingqing was eavesdropping outside just now, and you didn't encourage me to come here?"

Robin put away the revolver, took the cigar and lit it: "You bastard is more annoying than Ayo!

Didn't you realize that I just secretly set you up with Qingqing?
Brat, it's fine if you don't thank me, but you actually took revenge and dragged me, an old man with one foot in the ground, into the water?
Picking, it's really kind and unrewarding! "

Spraying and cursing, if it wasn't for the great difference in altitude between the two sides, the cigar in Inspector Robin's hand would definitely have poked Ding Yunfeng's nose.

"Wow, now you admit that you are old? That's not what you said in the bar just now!!!" Ding Yunfeng smiled intentionally.

Inspector Robin was furious, and after a few cursing, he laughed instead.

"Actually, when I received her call before, I already had a premonition that when I came back this time, I would either die during the mission, or after the mission was completed, I would stay in Hong Kong Island and return to my roots."

Patting the iron bars on the bow, Inspector Robin continued: "To be honest, when I boarded this cruise ship, I already regretted taking this mission.

After all, she refused to even come to see me, and even left a little girl for me to take care of..."

Seeing Robin's disappointed expression, Ding Yunfeng didn't know how to persuade him.

Fortunately, Inspector Robin quickly controlled his emotions: "It wasn't until I met you, the slugger, that I suddenly felt that it would be okay to come back. It's been a long time since no one bickered with me like this..."

"What about Tianzi 99? Didn't he fly to Hawaii with you to live in seclusion?"

"Ah, you said? I left five years ago.

Before he died, he hoped that she could fly to America to meet him.

Hehe, I'm stupid too, Ayo can't wait for her before she dies, and I ran back eagerly, how could she show up? Detective Robin laughed at himself.

Ding Yunfeng stood with Robin for a long time, during which time, he heard a lot of interesting stories about him, Ye Laixiang and Tianzi No. [-].

For example, Dou Hiroshima Taro, teased Director Fat Pig, and cheated Kabang boss...

"It's almost time, I guess, they should be waiting, let's go back." Inspector Robin said with a smile as he flicked away the remaining cigars.

Ding Yunfeng grabbed his arm: "I haven't told you yet, but that person's name..."

"Ha, do you need it?

My Detective Robin's signboard is not enough to save one person in front of two juniors? "Inspector Robin showed his two revolvers, and quickly spun them a few times with his fingers and put them in his gun bag.

Seeing the fame that Robin had staked his entire life on, Ding Yunfeng leaned down and whispered a name in his ear.

Inspector Robin was taken aback: "Ah Feng, are you right?

I heard Qingqing say that this person is already dead. "

"One hundred percent sure it's him."

"Okay, I know what's going on, let's go, go back and meet them."


On the other side, inside the cabin.

Seeing Inspector Robin leading Ding Yunfeng away, the black panther grabbed Qingqing's fair wrist: "Qingqing, do you know what you promised just now?"

"Black Panther, what do you mean?" Qingqinglu raised the sword, forcing the Black Panther to let go of her: "Master has a great favor for me, if you don't avenge him, I will of course avenge him!

Now that I have the opportunity to know the identity of that person, I must not miss it! "

"Qingqing, don't be angry, I want to ask you, you just agreed to Ding Yunfeng..." Seeing Qingqing's angry look, the black panther didn't dare to say any more.

Mrs. Rose smiled with her eyes bent like crescent moons: "Oh, Black Panther, are you deaf? Detective Robin asked very clearly just now, and she answered very simply..."

"Shut up!" Black Panther/Qingqing shouted together.

Madam Rose snorted, and sat aside with her waist twisted. She rested her chin on one hand and shook her folding fan vigorously with the other.

In fact, Black Panther and Qingqing have been inseparable from each other since the accident in their school.

However, tonight, Inspector Robin messed up the mandarin ducks and suddenly stuffed Ding Yunfeng in. The black panther who always thought that Qingqing had affection for him suddenly became a little unconfident.

No way, Ding Sir is too handsome.

He, Black Panther, thought that ten years ago, he could compete with Ding Yunfeng in terms of appearance.

But time ruthlessly makes people old, and now he is at most an attractive middle-aged uncle.

And Qingqing, a little junior, is only around 25...

When Ding Yunfeng and Inspector Robin came back, they found that the three of them were posing without saying a word.

Mrs. Rose looked at the sea outside the window, shaking her fan rapidly;

The black panther closed his eyes and said nothing, leaning against the door frame with his hands in his arms to play cool;

Qingqing pretended to be calm, but seeing her hastily avoiding Ding Yunfeng's gaze, and quickly grabbed Inspector Robin, she could tell that this lady Bingshan was in a mess.

"Ah Feng has already told me the identity of that person, and now I'm using the signboard of my sharpshooter Robin as a guarantee, do you have any objections?" Inspector Robin asked, looking at Black Panther and Qingqing.

"The detective is a senior expert, and I, Black Panther, can trust him."

"Uncle Robin, of course I believe it, but that person..." Qing Qing anxiously grabbed Inspector Robin's arm.

"Hey, Qingqing, since everyone has chosen me as the middleman, they are just optimistic about my reputation as Robin!
Excuse me!
I have to wait for Ah Feng to find evidence of that person's identity before I can announce it. "

Qingqing was greatly disappointed, and Black Panther secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ding Yunfeng laughed and glanced at this guy who was concerned about gains and losses: "Since everyone trusts Robin, Miss Qingqing, I would like to ask you to withdraw from this mission.

Since time is running out, it's time for us to get started. "

"We will release the water during the hands-on period. Hurry up and don't let Jiang Zhen see the clues. Uncle Robin, let's go."


After finding Cheng Ren who was busy helping the big-boobed foreign woman change the sheets, the Black Panther ordered him and Mrs. Rose to be in charge of cleaning up the soldiers.

With the skills of these two people, it only took a few minutes to beat Hong Xing on the boat, cut their throats one by one and throw them into the sea to feed the fish.

Standing in front of Jiang Zhen's bed, the God Whip King, with his eyes closed and knees crossed, suddenly got up and pushed the former: "Mr. Jiang, there are guests coming outside, the old man went out to say hello."

 Let’s post a chapter first, I’ll squint for 12 minutes to get back to my senses and write again, I can’t sleep for too long

(End of this chapter)

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