Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 163 Central District Chapter Officer

Chapter 163

The Gan family and the Le family are family friends. The former's core industry is civil aviation airports, and the latter has a lot of energy in the media field.

It can be said……

Gan Lianghong was beaten up by Yazi since he was a child.

Seeing that the eldest sister was serious, Gan Shao immediately gave up. He told the other party frankly that today he was arrested by a friend and came to help this bar to clean up the place.

"Hmph! Just came back from abroad, and you know this kind of cronies. If your father finds out about this, you will die." Yazi patted Gan Lianghong on the head.

Le Huizhen pretended to be a tiger, put medicine in both hands and nodded.

Gan Lianghong pulled Yazi: "Sister Yazi, save some face, so many people are watching..."

"Face? If you don't go back again, believe it or not, I'll beat you right now so that you can't take care of yourself for half a month?"

"Don't be like this, my friend, he really can't get away..."


After some bargaining, Gan Lianghong verbally promised countless unequal treaties, and finally persuaded Yazi and Le Huizhen to let him go.

Calling Zhan Mi to arrange a booth with the best view on the second floor for the two aunts, Gan Lianghong secretly scolded himself for being cheap, and unexpectedly sent him to his door to be slaughtered.

as predicted.

Seeing that he hadn't come back for a long time, Lei Luo, Wu Shihao and the others looked over curiously.

Brother Luo has also entered the upper-class circle of Hong Kong Island, and when he finds the sisters of Lejia, he grabs the lame Hao who wants to join in the fun, and arranges for Chen Xijiu to take a few plainclothes to protect secretly.

Luo Ge can ignore the juniors of ordinary wealthy families on Hong Kong Island.

But at the level of the Gan family and the Le family, he, Chief Inspector Hua, is really nothing.

Because the heads of these two families are already qualified to talk to the big bosses of the security department.

Lei Luo is not necessarily afraid, but if there is a chance to take care of the other party's junior, if we meet on some occasions in the future, won't we be able to strike up a conversation?

"Hey, hey, Ah Hong is telling the truth. Will there really be a group fight later?"

Le Huizhen was very excited. She just heard that there would be a large-scale fighting in the streets outside.

If Yazi and Gan Lianghong hadn't stopped her, she would have asked the little fat man's attendant to drive a broadcasting car over to broadcast live.

Yazi stuffed her with a glass of orange juice: "Shut up, you think I'm going out in the middle of the night to get drunk? Do you know who the owner of this bar is?"

"How would I know? I thought you woke up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet..."

Le Huizhen was biting the straw, she accidentally discovered that Yazi was going out in the middle of the night, so she pestered her to follow, she didn't know the details.

"It's that brother Feng of yours, Ding Yunfeng!" Yazi sighed unhappily: "This guy has the position of a Stanley Correctional Officer on the surface.

In fact, He Liansheng, Hong Xing and even Dongxing have his people.Look at that pretty boy in the flamboyant purple suit below..."

"Which one?"

"The one standing next to Lei Luo.

His name is Zhan Mi, and his real name is Li Jiayuan.

A year and a half ago, Zhan Mi was just a small street vendor who was blackmailed by young and Dangerous boys every day.

I don't know where your Feng brother got his name, and ordered the coolie who had just transferred from Fuyixing to Liansheng to accept him as the winner.

Ding Yunfeng has a lot of businesses outside, and Zhanmi has always been in charge of him. This person has been resigned recently, and he is currently He Liansheng's white paper fan..."

Le Huizhen groaned, stretched her neck and looked at Zhan Mi, and found that even in the face of Lei Luo and Wu Shihao, the gang of black and white giants, the latter was still talking and laughing happily, without any stage fright.

"Sister Yazi, are you going out tonight for Zhan Mi, or Brother Feng standing behind Zhan Mi?" Le Huizhen asked belatedly.

Yazi patted his strong thigh: "That's right, I will be transferred to Three Flags and Uncle Chen soon.

Ding Yunfeng, I think he is not simple. Collect more information about him, which may be useful in the future. "

Le Huizhen rolled her cute eyes and said, "Everyone looks like a bad guy all day long. I really don't know. When I asked you to join the police, what did the family do right or wrong?"

Yazi doesn't bother to pay attention to this cousin who is sometimes shrewd and sometimes silly.

She couldn't just say that since the last time she guessed that Ding Yunfeng's butt was facing the opposite bank, the elders in the family advised her to get in touch with him, lest one day Hong Kong Island be taken back and Le family would not be able to board the boat in time.

"Miss Le, Miss Le." Chen Xijiu took some plainclothes and sat in the booth adjacent to the two women, and greeted them with a warm smile.

"Inspector Chen, I'm sorry." Yazi smiled and raised his glass.

Chen Xijiu didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly toasted in return. Before coming, Brother Luo told him that this girl had already registered with Three Flags.

He is a detective in Shau Kei Wan, maybe next time we meet, he will salute and call him Madam.

As time went by, more and more people from the rivers and lakes came to the scene.

Some unnamed dansan were cleaned out one after another, and there was a seat left in the room, and they were basically big brothers who got famous names on the road.

"Brother Luo, Young Master Gan, Mr. Jiang, the time is up." Zhan Mi looked at his watch frequently, and when he saw the three hands on 12, he immediately walked up to Lei Luo and said solemnly.

Lei Luo and Gan Lianghong stood up with a smile. The former grabbed a microphone and made a few opening remarks.

The general meaning is that this site will be listed as a separate area in the future.

The above has already been negotiated, and the head of the Hongxing Hall, Liang Kun, is authorized to bring people in to plant flags and stand up sticks.

If anyone is not convinced, as long as he beats Liang Kun away with half of the troops within six hours, he is eligible to replace him.

After this period of fermentation, combined with Jiang Zhen's departure from Hong Kong yesterday.

The inside story of this matter, the large and small clubs present, are all well-informed, and naturally no one jumped out to refute the rules set by Lei Luo.

After Lei Luo finished speaking, Jiang Tiansheng took the microphone.

He first asked Liang Kun to come out to make an appearance, and then announced as the leader of Hong Xing. From then on, Liang Kun was the talker of Hong Xing Central District, and Tuo Di was located in this night bar.

Anyway, with Jiang Tiansheng's words, Liangkun finally has a legitimate land.

As for whether he can keep it, it depends on whether his life is hard enough.

Gan Lianghong represented Ding Yunfeng, and he handed a red envelope to Liang Kun.

Liang Kun took it with both hands, expressing that he accepted the viewing fee of Ye Se Bar.

Flicking his suit jacket, Liang Kun took the machete from Sha Qiang with a straight face, walked out of the bar with a dozen of his confidants, and stood proudly in the middle of the street.

"The big scene you want to see has begun. Inspector Chen, please help me find an empty ice bucket." Yazi opened the glass window of the booth facing the street, and seemed to be talking to Le Huizhen, but actually looked at her. Chen Xijiu.

Le Huizhen couldn't care less about an ice bucket, her palms were sweating right now.

Just now Liangkun brought a dozen swordsmen and she was already very excited. Now seeing hundreds of Hongxing swordsmen standing outside the street, she regretted even more. Why didn't she bring a camera out? After taking pictures of this scene, I will definitely have it tomorrow. Make headlines.

(End of this chapter)

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