Chapter 172 The Doctor Appears
Arriving here today, Gan Lianghong's mission has been completed.

When Ding Yunfeng was brought into the jewelry showroom, Gan Lianghong made up an excuse and Li Jie escorted him out.

Seeing him hurrying, Wang Wanwan seized the opportunity to sneer, but Tang Zhudi felt more and more uneasy.

She took a glass of champagne and walked slowly towards Ding Yunfeng.

Tang Zhudi had a premonition that in just two years, the previous one, from a boxer in the walled city, to befriend a wealthy man like Gan Lianghong, must know something inside...

Because Feifei was settled in advance by Li Jie and the man-in-law.

The doctor placed people in various departments of the Cointreau Hotel, and without Feifei's order, no one was willing to go out of their way to prevent Gan Lianghong from leaving.

He's just a young man from a wealthy family, let him go if he wants to.

If anyone comes out to stop them, if they get angry and expose the doctor's plan, they will die.

Gan Lianghong escaped danger and was sent out of the hotel by Li Jie.

Seeing the two of them coming out, Yuan Haoyun, who was pretending to be a waiter, followed behind pushing a small iron cart.

There was a big cloth bag on the iron cart, and the man and woman walked beside her with a mop in one hand and the bag in the other.

"Young Master Gan is out, Lan Bao, drive over to meet Yuan Haoyun and the man-in-law." Miao Zhishun said while holding a walkie-talkie, sitting in a command car and looking at the small screen.

"Received!" Lan Bao, who looked very much like Luo Ge, drove a van with the logo of a cleaning company, came from the intersection, and slowly stopped at the hotel entrance.

In a certain room in a nearby building, a fellow doctor with a Nanyang appearance was also observing the situation at the Cointreau Hotel.

Seeing an ordinary cleaning vehicle coming over, the man withdrew his gaze and turned his attention to other places.

Yuan Haoyun threw the big cloth bag and the small trolley into the van, and the man jumped on and closed the rear door.

"Go!" Yuan Haoyun got into the passenger seat, leaned over and took out the OK-47 under the base.

Seeing this, Lan Bao slammed on the accelerator, and the cleaning car quickly started to leave.

They had just left, and there were three expensive sports cars behind them, which stopped at the entrance of the Cointreau Hotel almost at the same time.

On the black sports car with the Mitsubishi logo, the big star Long Wei screamed strangely, turned over and jumped out of the driver's seat.

While he was doing his haircut, he smiled a self-confessed gentleman, and walked to the red Ferrari in the middle: "You two beauties, it turns out that you are also here to visit the Tsarist Russian Royal Jewelry Exhibition. I just have an invitation here..."

"No need! We have things like invitation letters." Yazi opened the car door and pushed Long Wei away.

Le Huizhen was wearing a pink off-the-shoulder dress, and she followed Yazi closely with a Kun bag: "Yazi, don't be fooled, this Longwei doesn't have a single word of truth in his mouth."

"Call me sister. Besides, you just need to take care of yourself. If it weren't for me, you would have been tricked by Ding Yunfeng last time." Yazi twisted her little cousin.

Le Huizhen hurriedly dodged, took out an invitation letter from her bag, and handed it to a simple-looking, long-haired welcome.

"Miss, the venue is on the 75th floor, please go this way..." The welcoming lady smiled professionally and stepped forward to lead the way.

Long Wei quickly chased after him, and Long Bo grabbed his son who was about to chase into the elevator: "Shanzi, what do you want to do? Did you forget to remind me boldly?"

"Oh, old bean, get out of my way!
Do you know who they are?
The two daughters of the Le Group!
As long as I get married, I won't have to work hard to make movies for the rest of my life. "Long Wei pushed Uncle Long away, and Charlie, the manager, hurriedly supported the old man.

At this time, the doctor who got off from the last red Porsche slowly walked to Long Wei, and said with a playful smile: "Big star, people, you must rely on yourself."

"Rely on yourself? I used to think the same way, but later I found out that your thinking is really stupid!
Who wants to climb the stairs when there is an elevator in front of you?

Rely on yourself, the stairs are next to you, you climb up to the 75th floor first, and then tell me this sentence! "

Long Wei walked into the elevator and pressed the door close button, and gave the doctor a look that deserved a beating.

Seeing the doctor's skin twitching constantly under the pressure of Long Wei, Long Bo and Long Wei's manager, Charlie, hurried over to apologize.

The doctor closed his eyes and was too lazy to speak, while Long Bo and Charlie looked at the rapidly ascending elevator screen, feeling extremely anxious.

Boldness has always been reliable, and they all know the reason why they were reduced to Hong Kong Island.

Since he said that a doctor may appear, the accuracy rate of this intelligence will not be lower than 80%.

Helplessly, Long Wei has been so smooth in the past few years that he would not hesitate to put himself in danger in order to have a soft meal from Lejia.

"What should we do? Uncle Long?"

"Don't worry, don't panic, let's find a bold discussion."

Long Bo made a final decision, turned around and left with Charlie.

The doctor walked into the elevator back to the first floor. After a few tens of seconds, he walked to the venue of the jewelry exhibition in a suit and leather shoes.

"Feifei. Feifei." Taking out his mobile phone, the doctor smiled and looked coldly at the audience.

Ten seconds later, the doctor who confirmed that Feifei had lost contact took away a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray: "Man, you must rely on yourself."

With a sigh, he walked to the corner of the exhibition, took out his mobile phone and called the subordinates outside: "Notify Rabbit, Sangbang, to act in advance."

After saying that, the doctor hung up the phone.

At this time, Ding Yunfeng, who got rid of Tang Zhudi's entanglement, also noticed the doctor's call.

Ding Yunfeng originally wanted to go directly to catch the culprit, but he didn't intend to see it during these few seconds.

Not only the security personnel in charge, but also a few of the guests approached the doctor's direction.

"This guy……

Not only the security company was infiltrated by him, even the guests were pretended by his people..." Ding Yunfeng cursed the doctor for being cunning, turned and walked towards the stairs.

It was hard to support him alone, and the members of Group A were waiting for him on the rooftop in full gear. It seemed that a head-to-head confrontation was finally coming.

Ding Yunfeng pushed open the iron door of the safe passage, and the host behind him was holding the microphone and announcing: "Tonight's Tsar Nicholas II jewelry exhibition sponsored by TNT security system officially begins..."

"Hey, what are you sneaking here for?"

At this time, a palm suddenly touched Ding Yunfeng's shoulder.

Ding Yunfeng was wary of an elbow, but the opponent blocked it with a bent arm, and took a step back with a muffled grunt.

Turning around and pulling out his gun, Ding Yunfeng saw the delicate little face with a thin and angry face, and said with a wry smile: "Miss sister, if there are no lights in the corridor, you will die today."

"Do you still dare to say? I felt something was wrong with you just now, and said, are you also here for the doctor?" Yazi rubbed his wrist and put on a serious expression.

Ding Yunfeng was slightly startled when he heard the words, he glanced at the meeting place behind him, and dragged Yazi to the rooftop: "How did you know about this?"

"I should ask you this question! We have been with the doctors for a year, and a few days ago, we even sacrificed a fellow!"

(End of this chapter)

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