Chapter 178 Perfume Smell

"Huh? The commander of this operation is actually from the correctional system?

James, I am going to transfer Sir to the Hong Kong Island Police Force. It is too wasteful for a talent like him to stay in Stanley. Gebo looked at Ding Yunfeng in surprise, then turned and said to Sir James.

At this time, transfer me to the police force.

In a few years, don't I want to argue with people from ICAC?

Compared to Lei Luo who was grinning from ear to ear, Ding Yunfeng was a little anxious. Fortunately, without his expressing his opinion, an acquaintance had already pushed through the crowd and rushed in.

"Gebo! Sir Ding can also have a bright future in the Correctional Services Department!
You poached someone in front of Sir James while we were away from the Correctional Service.

This kind of behavior is really despicable! "Will, who was promoted to the Correctional Services Department, looked at Gogbo angrily.

In terms of rank, Will, the supervisor of correctional affairs, is naturally not as good as Yi Gegebo.

However, the family behind Will is an old aristocrat of his ancestors, and his energy in London far exceeds that of the new aristocrats like Gebo.

If you wrestle with the wrist, he will not embarrass the other party.

"Okay, okay! There are many media friends here..." Sir James made a final decision, holding down the dispute that caused him a headache.

Lei Luo and Ding Yunfeng knew that next, it was the stage for the ghosts.

The two of them took Ma Jun and the others to retreat. When they saw Yan Tong and his party standing dejectedly at the entrance of the hotel, Lei Luo smiled contemptuously. He didn't even bother to show off.

"By the way! Ah Feng, where is your friend Li Jie?
Where is he?Why didn't I see him all night. Seeing Ding Yunfeng being pulled by the nurse to bandage the wound on his hand, Lei Luo asked loudly.

"Ajie's wish is over, he needs to be alone now. Besides, he doesn't care about things like merit." Ding Yunfeng replied.

Lei Luo nodded, and before Ding Yunfeng climbed into the white car, he gestured to him to show that he understood.

"Miss Nurse, it's just a scratch on the glass, just take me to the hospital for a few stitches, don't you need to be so exaggerated with IV drip?" Ding Yunfeng asked with a wry smile as the nurse proposed a 1L saline solution.

The nurse smiled and pointed behind him, Ding Yunfeng turned around quickly, and saw Le Huizhen holding a huge syringe with a smile: "It's less fun..."

"Hey, hey, Ah Zhen, don't be impulsive, just speak up if you have something to say..."


Le Huizhen obviously just wanted to scare Ding Yunfeng. If it wasn't for the driver, doctor and nurse in the car, Ding Yunfeng might have given her a beauty injection instead.

Blushing and straightening up the somewhat messy collar and skirt, Le Huizhen helped Ding Yunfeng get off the white car, followed by doctors and nurses who walked like blind men with their heads bowed.

"This is a private hospital sponsored by my father, and sister Yazi is also treated there.

Tonight, she was kicked in the right arm by the criminals, just now I accompanied her to take an X-ray, luckily no bones were injured..." Le Huizhen was chattering.

Ding Yunfeng clicked his tongue secretly, Lejia is really not easy, it even sponsors a private hospital!

"Mr. Ding, please lie down..."

The two walked into the gate of the hospital, and two ghost doctors and foreign nurses came up with wheelchairs.

Le Huizhen couldn't help but push Ding Yunfeng up, and then he checked it down one by one. Not only did Ding Yunfeng's wounds be treated, but the length and thickness were accurately measured.

"Huh!!!" Flipping through the medical records, Le Huizhen suddenly blushed, and she hastily stuffed the medical records under Ding Yunfeng's pillow.

Ding Yunfeng was confused by Le Huizhen, thinking that he had been found out with some serious problems.

Just when Ding Yunfeng was about to take out the medical records, Yazi pushed open the door of the ward with a bang: "Ah Zhen, it's not good, it's not good!"

Le Huizhen's eyes were puzzled, and when Yazi saw Ding Yunfeng lying on the bed, her small face instantly pulled down: "Why is this Pujie here?"

"I brought Brother Feng here! To save me, the gangster cut his palm with glass." Le Huizhen replied confidently.

Seeing this, Yazi became even angrier, she pulled Le Huizhen up, and then shouted at Ding Yunfeng: "If the wound is healed, you should get out of here quickly, and just lie down with this small injury, how shameless you are? "

"No..." Ding Yunfeng felt that he was wronged, from the entrance of the Jundu Hotel to the hospital bed, it was all arranged by Ah Zhen.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Le Huizhen quickly changed the topic: "Sister Yazi, don't talk about Brother Feng, you ran in in a panic just now, what happened?"

"Yes! I was dizzy from this pervert..." Yazi patted his forehead, looked at Le Huizhen and sighed: "Didn't you bring a small video camera to the exhibition? Later, the police learned about it and they borrowed it Take the videotape back as evidence?"

"Yeah! I was going to make the video headlines tomorrow.

However, my colleagues all ran to the scene at this time. If the police don't return my video tape, it doesn't matter. "Le Huizhen said with some frustration.

Yazi looked at her with pity: "It would be great if the police didn't return this videotape!
I'm telling you, Le Huizhen, you're screwed.

You forgot to turn off the camera at that time, and the scene hanging on the pervert was captured.

After the people from the police force read it, they sent the tape home.

Your father, your mother, my father, my mother, now everyone knows how embarrassing you are. "

Woohoo, my club is dead!

Le Huizhen's smile froze, and she looked at Ding Yunfeng with red eyes.

Ding Yunfeng coughed lightly, and in front of Yazi's angry eyes, he hugged Reporter Le into his arms: "Don't worry, if uncle and aunt scold you, you will push it all on my head, Ding Yunfeng."

"Hmph! Pushing on your head, can you bear it?
Wait, no, let you carry it, wouldn't it be cheaper for you? "

Yazi pulled Le Huizhen behind her: "Ding Yunfeng, I warn you, you already have two women in your family, don't provoke Ah Zhen."

Seeing reporter Le standing behind Yazi, secretly winking at him and blowing kisses, Ding Yunfeng really wanted to say something back to Yazi—now it's your cousin who is provoking me.

Ding Yunfeng still left the hospital in order to avoid being knocked on the door by Le's parents in the middle of the night.

Ever since Lei Luo suddenly led his troops away last night, Shi Shi was very worried about Ding Yunfeng.

At this time, when Ding Yunfeng came home, seeing his palm wrapped in gauze, Shi Shi's eyes turned red, he covered his mouth, and began to cry.

"Okay, okay, it's just a little wound, it doesn't matter..." Ding Yunfeng knew that he couldn't hide this matter.

After all, this matter will definitely be published in the newspaper tomorrow, in order to prevent Shi Shi from thinking wildly.

Ding Yunfeng picks out those who can talk, avoids the most important and ignores the less important, and tells Shi Shi the process of his teaming up with Lei Luo to deal with the doctor gang this time as a story.

Shi Shi listened very intently, but when she knew that Ding Yunfeng actually taught Li Jie how to cut the power cord of the bomb.

She couldn't help questioning Ding Yunfeng, if he cut it wrong, wouldn't everyone be killed?
Naturally, Ding Yunfeng couldn't say that he had watched "Die Hard" many times in his previous life, and he knew in advance how the doctor designed the bomb.

From moving his mouth, to moving his hands, and finally using his feet, Ding Yunfeng finally calmed the excited Shi Shi.

After a busy day, Ding Yunfeng hugged Shi Shi and was about to sleep peacefully.

Shi Shi suddenly said, "Brother Feng, why do you still smell of other women's perfume?"

(End of this chapter)

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