Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 181 The Metamorphosis of the Pheasant

Chapter 181 The Metamorphosis of the Pheasant

Looking at the headlines in the morning newspaper, Guishou Liu was in a very complicated mood.

His great apprentice died, and in terms of qualifications, a hundred pheasants are no match for a doctor.

If he was willing to teach back then, the big apprentice would calm down and learn.

In terms of attainments in Eight Cutting Swords, the doctor will sooner or later surpass himself and his senior brother Geng Liangchen.

It's a pity that Guishou Liu has long seen that the big apprentice doesn't like him at all.

Back then, he learned surgical first aid skills from him, and went to join the army without saying a word. After retiring from the army, he taught himself how to make bombs in the army.


The last time I accidentally saw him accepting the pheasant, the doctor suddenly went into a rage, and it was not because he really wanted to learn his knife skills, but because he was angry...

Watching the pheasant knelt on the ground and burning the paper, he muttered: Big brother bless the master to live a long life;
Big brother bless me to learn sword art and become famous, earn a lot of money to buy roast goose to honor my master...

Ghost Hand Liu grinned, and he went to pull the pheasant up: "It's enough to make a point, there are guests coming, come and help."

"Huh? Shall I help?" Pheasant pointed at his nose in surprise.

Ghost Hand Liu Li said confidently: "Who else is it if it's not you?
After learning my knife, do you still want to be a knife hand for others in the future?

Starting today, apart from learning knives, you have to follow me to learn medicine every day! "

The pheasant had a bitter face, but before he could refuse, Coolie Qiang had already led someone past him, clasped his fists at the ghostly hand Liu who was standing inside the clinic door, and saluted: "Senior Liu, this junior has a friend who was shot, please help me!" Get out and save him."

"2000 yuan, have you brought the money?"

"Senior, the consultation fee is here."

"Okay, pheasant comes in, ready for surgery!"

Hearing this, coolie looked at the pheasant next to him whose temperament and appearance had changed a lot. He suppressed his doubts and nodded with a smile.

Pheasant blushed and called Brother Qiang. When Brilliant Company opened, he came to make trouble with Chen Haonan and Big Brother B.

Pheasants naturally recognize strong coolies.

Just now seeing the other party, Pheasant was still worried about whether Coolie Qiang would make trouble for him, but unexpectedly, this He Liansheng Red Stick showed him a smile.

Putting the two eight-cutting knives on the knife holder of the altar, Pheasant hurriedly put on plastic gloves to clean the operating table under the reminder of the ghost hand Liu.

Seeing this, the plane was a little dissatisfied, and he asked in a low voice: "Brother Qiang, this operating table is more dirty than my back after running all the way, why don't you ask Brother Feng to call the foreign hospital..."

"Shut up the plane! You can think of it in your head, but Brother Feng and Zhan Mi couldn't think of it?
This person must not be seen in the light. Guishou Liu has a good reputation in the Walled City, don't worry. Coolie Qiang mentioned the plane.

After hearing the words, the plane stopped talking. After a while, Shan Ji helped the ghost hand Liu to make preparations before the operation, and ordered the plane to unload Li Jie on the blood-stained operating bed.

"You all go out, don't worry, this kind of minor injury, my apprentice can do it." Ghost Hand Liu Dan calmly gave a scalpel to the pheasant.

Pheasants, coolies, and airplanes all have question marks on their heads. Are you kidding me?
"Airplane, I think what you said just now makes sense." Coolie took a deep breath, stepped forward to stop Liu who was trying to close the gate of the clinic: "Senior, this person was shot for a few hours, before going ashore He was still soaking in the sea for a long time, although he did simple treatment himself, but his injury is not serious..."

"Shut up, since you brought him to me, you can trust me!

What's more, with his current condition, by the time you send him to a large hospital, this person will almost be gone.

Let my apprentice do this operation now, this person still has a chance to survive, otherwise, if it continues to be delayed, he will also lose too much blood and die. "

If the pheasant made it, it would be close to death;
If you don't do it, you will die without life.

From a rational point of view, Li Jie must be handed over to the pheasant to practice, but the coolie dare not make this decision!

It's okay that the surgery is fine, but if something goes wrong, how can he explain to Ding Yunfeng?

"Hurry up, wait a few more minutes, and you can carry it directly to the funeral parlor." Guishou Liu glanced at his pocket watch and urged coldly.

Pheasant was very nervous, he glanced at Coolie Qiang with some fear, the latter took a deep breath, not only did not get angry, but looked at him with a smile and said: "Brother Pheasant, this person is Brother Feng's friend, please You must do your best."

"Ah! This person is Brother Feng's friend?" Pheasant became even more nervous after hearing this, Coolie Qiang and Qi Ji nodded together.


"Don't look at me, I only talk about this operation and don't do it. If you want to help your friend save someone, you have to be more confident."

"This... okay, okay, I'll do it!"


Pheasant was cornered by the ghost hand Liu. He gritted his teeth and clenched the scalpel. Under the guidance of his master, he slowly cut open the wound Li Jie had burned with fire.

Seeing the iron door of the clinic closed by the ghost hand Liu, Coolie Qiang was very anxious. Fortunately, Ding Yunfeng learned the whole story from Zhan Mi who was rushing to Tsuen Wan, and immediately took him over.

"Pheasant? Apprenticeship to Master Guishou Liu?" Ding Yunfeng learned the whole story from Coolie Qiang, and found that with his own involvement, the fate of many people has changed.

Thinking of Brother Pheasant holding a scalpel inside, Ding Yunfeng laughed out loud.

Coolie Qiang and the plane looked at each other, neither of them could figure it out.

At this time, Brother Feng shouldn't care about Li Jie who is undergoing surgery, why is he still laughing loudly?

"Okay, don't think too much, Guishou Liu also wants the pheasant to learn more skills.

If Li Jie is in danger, he will not sit idly by. "Ding Yunfeng took the cigarette handed by Zhan Mi and said.

Finding that Zhan Mi was also not in a panic, Coolie was confident.

At this time, in Dongxing's leading camel's home, Skinny Xiang knelt on the ground tremblingly, with several stacks of banknotes on the coffee table next to him.

The camel respectfully paid homage to Guan Erye, drying his skinny bones to the brim.

He put the incense into the incense burner, then turned around and sat down, took a sip from the cup of tea: "Ah Xiang, I have a hard time dealing with you."

"Leader, save me, I don't want to die yet!
The 30 yuan here is enough to ask the society to protect my family. "Shou Guxiang was almost frightened to urinate when he heard this.

Luo Tuo didn't even look at these banknotes, he snorted coldly: "You have a wicked mind, you tried to seduce and harm people but failed, and you were killed by others instead!
Now you want me and the community to be the master for you.

What can I do?You are wrong!

Could it be that because of you, Dongxing wants to have a big show with Tonghe Liansheng? "

Luo Tuo poked Skinny Xiang's forehead with his index finger until the other party was spread like mud on the ground, then he put away his prestige: "However, you are the hall master of Dongxing, whoever wants to touch you, at least I have to nod just work.

Coolie Qiang, this person has just emerged, I will try to help you suppress it. "

(End of this chapter)

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