Chapter 187 Ding Yunfeng Suspicion

The next morning.

Ding Yunfeng was invited out by a phone call from Le Huizhen, and went to a Cantonese-style tea house for morning tea.

Reporter Le brought a kraft paper bag containing a contract in Russian and a Chinese translation.

"Buy two tons of high vodka?"

Before Ding Yunfeng could sit still, he immediately opened the kraft paper bag.

First look at the signature on the last page of the original Russian document—flying and dancing, chic and stylish, it is indeed my own handwriting! !

Then, looking at the content of the translation, Ding Yunfeng realized that what he worried about all night was actually a contract to buy wine? ? ?

"Brother Feng, my father has asked someone to inquire about it for you, and this business is not a loss.

If you exclude the freight and labor, you can still earn about 10,000+. "Le Huizhen happily helped Ding Yunfeng pick up a shrimp dumpling and said.

It's a bit weird!

If those two brats want to repay their life-saving grace, how can they get it for a mere 10,000+ Hong Kong papers?
Expatriate consuls, these two guys are important figures in Mao Xiong and Ermao's country, right?

People of this class either owe favors or are generous.

What's more, yesterday I risked my life to accompany a drunkard. With the character of a bear, I shouldn't be so petty...

Ding Yunfeng felt suspicious in his heart, but his expression was not showing.

While sprinkling dog food with Le Huizhen, he carefully put away the two documents.

The Yihai Group owned by Gan Lianghong's family is an airline company.

The Gan family should have offices in major countries in the world, so they can definitely check this document for themselves in Xiong Country.

The matter was very important, Ding Yunfeng accompanied Le Huizhen after breakfast, and after sending her to the TV station to work, he immediately drove to find Gan Lianghong.

At the headquarters of Yihai Group, Gan Lianghong, who had been busy for a while, finally had time to greet Ding Yunfeng.

Both of them are acquaintances, and with the doctor's attack on the jewelry exhibition, Ding Yunfeng also helped Gan Lianghong avoid this danger, and the relationship became closer than before.

As soon as Ding Yunfeng wanted to confirm a contract, Gan Lianghong personally started it. Coincidentally, this wealthy young man who returned from studying abroad actually knew Russian.

"Brother Feng, there is no problem with this document!

The terms of the contract are very professional, without any commercial loopholes or word traps. "Gan Lianghong reviewed it three times with the eyes of a businessman, and said with a confirmed face.

Ding Yunfeng passed a cup of Gongfu tea with a tea clip, and put it on the coaster in front of Gan Lianghong: "Ah Hong, the people from Hong Kong Island TV have seen this thing, and they have translated it for me. There should be no commercial on the fault.

I want to ask you for help today, can I ask my acquaintance in Xiongguo to check the contact information above for me.

For example, the address, phone number, and person in charge, check to see if it matches what is written in the document. "

"Xiong Guo..." Gan Lianghong took out a very thick folder: "Brother Feng, wait a minute, we don't have much contact with this country, I have to look it up..."

"It's okay, I have a lot of time! Come on, Ah Hong, drink tea first."


The crown prince of the Gan family did things in person, and the international network accumulated by Yihai Group in civil aviation for many years was immediately activated.

After a multi-layered relationship, a cross-border phone call was made from the distant Xiongguo to Gan Lianghong's office.

Gan Lianghong picked up the receiver, babbled, and quickly hung up the receiver in satisfaction: "Brother Feng, I've confirmed that the address, contact person and phone number on the document are all correct.

The other party is a medium-sized winery run by Xiongguo, and the price of this batch of wine is an internal price that their own people can easily get..."

"That's it..." Ding Yunfeng was a little disappointed when he heard this.

Didn't you say that Maozi is very bold?
Dare I save the other party's four lives, and then accompany them to drink half to death, only to earn a hundred thousand?

Am I, Ding Yunfeng, short of this money?
Seeing that Ding Yunfeng's expression was a little off, Gan Lianghong thought he was worried about the problem of transporting the wine: "Brother Feng, while you're in touch, why don't I make arrangements to transport the wine over there by air. As for the payment, I'll allocate funds to help you pay for it." .”

"Well, that's fine, you can do it for me." Ding Yunfeng nodded in response. With the friendship between the two, this trivial matter is just a sentence.

Ding Yunfeng left the documents at Gan Lianghong's place so that the staff of Yihai Group could transfer them to Mao Xiong's side.

Declining Gan Lianghong's invitation to stay for a meal, Ding Yunfeng drove away from Yihai Group alone.

Feeling depressed, Ding Yunfeng lowered the window of the car, facing the cold wind blowing on his face, and unknowingly, he drove to the top of Victoria Peak.

Smoking cigarettes one by one, Ding Yunfeng sat on the top of the mountain until the sunset, and he suddenly laughed out loud: "I always scold Ah Qiang for being stupid, but this time I got into the wrong place myself!
Which law stipulates that everyone must revolve around me, Ding Yunfeng?

The profit of 10,000+ Hong Kong paper is actually not that small. It is enough to buy three tenement buildings in this era!
Let it go for a few more decades, no matter how you calculate it, it will exceed [-] million..."

Shaking off the grass clippings on his suit, Ding Yunfeng stamped out the cigarette butt, got into the car, lit the ignition and stepped on the gas pedal to get down Taiping Mountain.

After an afternoon of self-reflection, Ding Yunfeng's mood improved a lot.

The identities of Ivanov and Sergey are too special. Even if he has doubts, he can't come to verify with documents, right?
Besides, as the director of Stanley Correctional Services, he is not qualified to visit these two foreign consuls.


Lejia Villa, Le Xiaowen Study Room.

The CEO of Hong Kong Island Television personally opened a bottle of French red wine that he had treasured for many years.

On the European-style wooden table in the room, there is a plate of ham that glows red, and a box of high-end cigars that are difficult to buy in the market.

After a while.

A middle-aged strong man who was about seven points similar to Le Xiaowen in appearance and far more majestic than him walked in.

"Awen, you can just call if you have something to do, two brothers, do you want to make such a big fight?"

The name of the visitor is Le Yiwu, the owner of the Le family in Hong Kong Island, brother Le Xiaowen, who owns the Hong Kong Island Daily and Le's Films, and is also Yazi's old bean.

"Brother, let's have a glass of wine first..." Le Xiaowen smiled and handed over a glass of red wine.

Le Yiwu grabbed it boldly, raised his head and suffocated.

Le Xiaowen, who was holding the goblet next to him with a standard gentleman's hand, saw this and said with a wry smile: "Brother, French red wine, do you think it is the white wine from your hometown?

This kind of cattle drink, people will see it, and it will be a joke. "

"What a joke, the last time the ancestral hag came to inspect, I saw it at the Hong Kong Government Reception, people just grab the cup and drink like this, how can there be such filthiness as you taught me?
All right, don't talk about these optional things with me, just talk about things, fart if you have something, I don't know you yet? "

While smiling, Le Yiwu took out a cigarette from the inner pocket of his suit, and then the big boss actually took out a box of matches and lit it with a click.

Seeing the big brother's appearance like a bandit, Le Xiaowen frowned again and again.

However, he also knew that this big brother who dared to fight pirates with a short dog had always had this kind of personality. He disliked him drinking red wine and smoking cigars to put on airs, and disliked the smell of kerosene from lighters.

"Brother, do you still remember that Ding Yunfeng?" Le Xiaowen asked with a deliberate tone.

"Oh, that kid? Why, he dares to bully my bud?"

Le Xiaowen quickly waved his hands: "No, no, it's good that the princess of our Le family doesn't bully others, who can bully her?

I mean, the more I think about it, the more I feel that the other party is not good enough for Yazi, so why not let Ah Zhen approach him instead? "

As soon as these words came out, Le Yiwu suddenly raised his head, his gaze was like a knife: "Ah Er, you have something to hide from me!"

(End of this chapter)

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