Chapter 189
The brawny bear got the letter of approval from Ding Yunfeng, and he left soon.

Before leaving, this honest man kindly reminded Ding Yunfeng while stuffing money in his pocket.

Since this side has decided to buy a big ship, follow the stipulations in the contract.

Within one year, Ding Yunfeng must pay a deposit of US$1000 million.

As for the rest of the final payment, we will wait for Ding Yunfeng to go to Xiongguo to choose a suitable big ship, and then settle the bill according to the market at that time.

Lu Binsun endured his doubts, took Qian Wendi, and helped Ding Yunfeng send the brawny man out of the hotel.

They had just returned to the office when Robinson hurriedly asked, "Ah Feng, our entertainment city hasn't opened yet, why do you want to engage in boat gambling again?
The deposit for buying a boat is 1000 million U.S. dollars, and the final payment may be nearly [-] million. Suddenly, you are playing so big, I'm afraid even my old bones are not enough! "

Ever since the brawny bear found the Cointreau Hotel, Ding Yunfeng had guessed it.

When he was drunk that day, he might use the name of partnering with Robinson in the entertainment city to make a contract with Ivanov.

Therefore, he couldn't hide this matter from Robinson.

Instructing Qian Wendi to go out to guard the door of the house, Ding Yunfeng pulled Robinson to sit down, and informed him of his plan to buy a boat from Xiongguo and give it to his hometown.

After hearing this, Lu Binsun smiled and pointed at Ding Yunfeng: "No wonder the two from the chamber of commerce have a good impression of you, and I'm not mistaken..."

Glancing at the door vigilantly, Robinson lowered his voice and said: "Pujiezi, I, Robinson, are also Chinese, why do you hide things like patriotism from me?

Don’t worry, it’s only 1000 million US dollars, I’ll get it to you as soon as possible.

However, if you go to Xiong Country to pick a boat in the future, you can't leave me behind!

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I, an old bone, steal your limelight, but that the water for guys like Dachuan is very deep.

You and I are both laymen, so we can't grasp it.

Wait until I go to the chamber of commerce to find out some ship kings, pick a position and come to help like us.

Without an expert as a staff member, we are not only easy to be tricked during the purchase of the ship, but it is also not an easy task to pull the ship back after the purchase. "

After hearing Robinson's words, Ding Yunfeng pulled out his right hand from the inner pocket of his suit, and slapped a black star on the table in front of the two of them: "Sorry, old Sun, the matter is very important. I just suffered from acquaintances, We have to guard against it."

"Haha, why are you apologizing?

This is a big head-scratcher. If you show your cards to me without any preparation, I will underestimate you!

You didn't come out with a gun this time, but took out a cigar and threw it to me. I have to report this matter to the two members of the chamber of commerce, and they will arrange manpower, and even do it myself!
Because, your heart is not cruel enough, your temperament is not stable enough, if you continue to participate, it may cause bad things! "Looking at the loaded Black Star, Robinson was not angry but happy.

Ding Yunfeng smiled wryly: "Robinsun, don't exaggerate. In fact, I'm already embarrassed. I don't have the original contract..."

When Robinson heard this, his smile froze.

After listening to Ding Yunfeng's narration, Robinson squinted his eyes and lit a cigar: "According to what you said, the documents for buying the ship, I think, should have been outsourced by Lejia."

"Today Le Huizhen gave me a contract to buy wine, I felt very wrong.

If you just want to have a drink with me, Ding Yunfeng, then spend more than ten or two hundred thousand to send me away.

These two consuls can contact me directly through the Hong Kong government or even the Correctional Services Department.

Adopting this method of meeting in private, once found out by interested people, it is easy to fall into the shoes of others. "Ding Yunfeng was a little annoyed. Apart from worrying about the contract, he was also not sure what role Le Huizhen played in this, whether he knew it or not?
"According to my understanding, the hearts of the Le family brothers are still towards their hometown.

Especially the boss of Lejia, Le Yiwu, a few years ago, through the media under his command, he publicly made remarks that embarrassed the Hong Kong government.

This incident led to Le Yiwu being forced to dismantle the Hong Kong Island Television Station under his name from the Le Group and hand it over to his second brother Le Xiaowen to take over.

By the way, your little girlfriend Le Huizhen is Le Xiaowen's daughter.

Le Xiaowen is far more ruthless than Le Yiwu in doing things. If I'm not wrong, that thing must fall into his hands. "

Seeing that Lu Binsun was so precious to the Le family brothers, Ding Yunfeng secretly sighed that a family with an old man is like a treasure.

"Next week, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce will hold a reception, and at that time, Le Yiwu will definitely attend.

Let me help you find out his tone, don't worry, although Le Yiwu is domineering, he has always been upright.

Yes, yes, no, no, he doesn't bother to lie. "Lu Binsun stabilized Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng chatted with Robinson about several backup plans to deal with Lejia, and then left the Cointreau Hotel.

After driving back to Stanley, he looked at the two business cards in front of him and pondered for a long time. In the end, Ding Yunfeng decided not to disturb these two big men for the time being.

After all, according to Robinson.

In the future, going to Xiongguo to buy a big boat will not be easy, and it will definitely have to rely on the strength of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

With these two positions and positions, as long as they know about this matter, they will definitely do their best to help.

Now asking them to come forward to put pressure on the Le family, Ding Yunfeng believes that on the one hand, it shows his incompetence, and on the other hand, it praises the Le family too much.

"If you are upright and ask to participate in this matter, with my current strength, there is really no way to stop you!

But since you guys are playing dirty tricks, don't blame me for reciprocating courtesy. Ding Yunfeng put away the two business cards and dialed a phone number: "Hey, Black Panther."I'm Ding Yunfeng, help me steal something, 500 million, this time you don't have to fight with others, it's easy to earn. "

Tell Panther that one of his files has been maliciously dropped.

This time, Ding Yunfeng only used 500 million yuan, and he invited this black panther master to help out.

Even, Black Panther heard it on the phone.

The documents I was looking for this time were all written in Russian.

The task object is just an ordinary businessman with considerable wealth.

He readily agreed, but the only thing he didn't understand was that Ding Yunfeng deliberately emphasized that this matter should not be known by Qingqing.

After hanging up the call from Ding Yunfeng, Black Panther frowned: "Could it be that this document involves Wadao?
It doesn't make sense, most of the confidential documents related to Frog Island are in English, it is impossible to use Russian..."

Unable to come up with any results, the Black Panther could only ride a Harley motorcycle and sneak into the building where Hong Kong TV Station was located according to the information given by Ding Yunfeng.

That night!

Ding Yunfeng was watching TV at home. Although the Cointreau hotel case had passed for three days, the interest in the news has not subsided.

This time, not only did Lei Luo get enough of the limelight, but even the ghosts in Luo Ge's faction were very proud. Among them, those with connections even flew back to London to see the newspapers and make fun of them.

Shi Shi was wearing a silk nightgown and sitting on the sofa with her calves bent. She was happily watching the screen of Ding Yunfeng and others being interviewed on the TV.

 I should have caught a cold last night. I will try to write three chapters tonight. I guess I still have to owe it and try to make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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