Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 193 Brother Feng Says He Wants to Fight

Chapter 193 Brother Feng Says He Wants to Fight

While talking, Ding Yunfeng took the hot towel from Qiu Jinjiang, and covered his face with all his strength to sober up.

Zhang Yaoxiong sat at the door of the box with his head down and wiped his gun. Just when he saw Zhan Mi approaching, he immediately dragged Ah Chou in to follow.

Now it seems that there is indeed a big event.

The strength that Brother Feng is supporting Liansheng has recently teamed up with Dongxing to show off his horse! ! !

"Brother Feng, now Luotuo has already announced that he is going to fight, and Fei Deng is also going to fight on the spot. Ah Qing and I would like to ask what you mean." Zhan Mi said with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ding Yunfeng tore off the towel, dissipated seven points of the alcohol, and shouted with twinkling eyes: "Fight! This time I called him Fat Deng's favor.

You tell Ah Qiang not to hold back, just take Saigon down to me!
Hmph, not showing off his muscles makes him give up, that fat guy will come out from time to time to be disgusting! "

"Okay! With your words, we will leave the rest to us." Zhan Mi laughed when he heard this.

Among the Ding family, except Zhan Mi, no one knows how many banknotes he holds in his hand.

Don't blow it up, just Dongxing, who still relies on Hong Xing for food now, and the banknotes in Zhan Mi's hands are enough to fight a protracted war until Dongxing goes bankrupt.

"Ah Qing is not allowed to participate this time. Those two small properties are very important to Brilliant Company. You tell him that he is not allowed to participate in the war under my orders." Ding Yunfeng decided to show off his muscles, so he naturally became serious.

Zhan Mi nodded in response, and Ding Yunfeng continued: "This time, A Qiang's men and Big D's men will join the battle.

Don’t save money, I’ll greet Brother Hao later, bring the money and go directly to him, ask him to help you hire 300 swordsmen in the Walled City, and we’ll finish it off in one battle and take Saigon down! "

"okay, I get it."

Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhang Yaoxiong: "Axiong!"

"I'm here, Brother Feng, please order!" Zhang Yaoxiong quickly stood up.

"I remember you said that you know all the police officers in the remote areas of Hong Kong Island?"

Zhang Yaoxiong smiled sinisterly: "That's right. Back then when I was sitting on the bench under Huo Qilin, everyone rushed to the street, hugging each other to keep warm.

Not to mention Mui Wo, I have friends on Lantau Island, Lamma Island and Tung Ping Chau. "

Ding Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction: "You pay 20 in Zhan Mi's hand and tell the guy in Saigon.

On that day, they were only allowed to arrest Dongxing's people, not Liansheng's people.

As for the pressure from above, I will greet Brother Zi and ask him to help them withstand it. "

"Brother Feng! You don't need 20, give me [-], and I can handle it!" Zhang Yaoxiong straightened his face and said, patting his chest.

Ding Yunfeng threw a cigarette in the past: "Silly, if you only bring [-] to Saigon, doing things this time will definitely consume a lot of favors you have accumulated before;
But if you bring 20 there, then you will be these big water pipes rushing to the street, and everyone will be grateful to you for taking them to fetch water for doing the same thing, but these friends still owe you favors! "

"Ah Xiong, you should just follow Brother Feng's orders.

Money is not a problem, we must consider the long-term when doing things. "Qiu Jinjiang made a point in a flat tone.

Since entering Stanley, Ah Qiu's vision has improved a lot, far surpassing that of Zhang Yaoxiong who followed Ma Jun.

Arranging Zhang Yaoxiong to deal with the Saigon police, Ding Yunfeng looked at Qiu Jinjiang: "You go back to Stanley to let the wind go, the coolie will lead people into Saigon, and no gang on the road is allowed to send troops to help Dongxing!"

"Okay! Brother Feng." Qiu Jinjiang nodded and got up, and immediately opened the door to go out.

Seeing this, Zhan Mi took Zhang Yaoxiong back to get the money.

Ding Yunfeng made a few phone calls and learned that lard boy was paying the fee at the Shau Kei Wan Police Station.

After greeting Chen Jiaju and others, Ding Yunfeng drove to Shau Kei Wan.

As soon as he entered the police station, Ding Yunfeng was teased by Zhu Youzai and Chen Xijiu.

There was a game at noon, and they didn't notify them. Ding Yunfeng must be punished tonight to invite them to the rich man.

It happened that there was a need for someone, and Ding Yunfeng readily agreed. While Chen Xijiu was drinking tea, he talked to Lard Boy about the fact that Li Jie was almost killed by Dongxing's people, which caused the coolie to step into the room. About Saigon.

Both Zhu Youzai and Chen Xijiu are Lei Luo's confidantes, so they naturally know what role Li Jie played in the attack on the Cointreau Hotel.

Lardboy immediately said that he would personally watch over the incident in Saigon this time, and he would help Ding Yunfeng take care of any ghosts in the police force who might be involved in such matters, so as not to let the coolies suffer.

"Brother Zi, replace wine with tea, let me toast you first."

"Afeng, the family doesn't talk about two different families. Xiaoxia is my adopted sister. Speaking of which, you are still my sister-in-law!"


While Ding Yunfeng was helping coolies pave the way.

The camel that led people away from Yunlai teahouse angrily before appeared in Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

"Mr. Luo, what do you mean?" Jiang Tiansheng looked at the box of banknotes in front of him and smiled pretending not to understand.

Luo Tuo laughed: "Jiang Sheng, Ming people don't say dark words, here is 100 million, I want to borrow 150 swordsmen from Hongxing to do things."

"Mr. Luo, you spent so much money just for this breath?

Why bother, you might as well add a little more at the teahouse and make peace with He Liansheng directly. "Jiang Tiansheng looked at the banknotes in front of him and smiled.

The last time Liangkun borrowed troops from the association, he paid a deposit of 500 yuan for 50 swordsmen. Later, Jiang Tiansheng took the lead and forced him to make up the deposit of 300 million yuan.

This time, Camel borrowed 100 soldiers from Hongxing for 150 million yuan, which is considered to be in line with the market.

Because, the last time Liangkun paid 350 million yuan, he spent about 170 million yuan afterwards, and the rest were refunded.

If you win, you have to retreat, but if you lose, you don't have to retreat.

Who let Liangkun's life be good, and the flag was successfully planted.

"Jiang Sheng, don't say you can't see it, Fat Deng doesn't want to talk about it at all today!
This dead fat guy, he can't deal with coolies, so he wants to use my knife, Dongxing, to help him get rid of this person.

Alas, riding a tiger is difficult, Dongxing has no choice but to retreat. As a leader, I can't be intimidated by He Liansheng's red stick, right? "

Luo Tuo smiled bitterly and sighed, Jiang Tiansheng nodded slowly, looked at the banknotes in front of him, and said slowly: "I'll ask Ah B to help you.

However, this time Hong Xing was a middleman, and it was too ugly to end up in the battle.

Although I can let them wear stockings to do things, but you have to be prepared.

Afterwards, He Liansheng must find someone else to act as a middleman. At that time, if you talk about it, I can't help you. "

"No problem, at most I'll save myself and beg Ni Kun!
Now let's keep Saigon first, Jiang Sheng, you choose the strongest and most evil boy for me. "Camel said harshly.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled and nodded: "No problem, I guarantee that the strongest and the worst, Ah B's winning horse Liangzi Nan, we Hong Xing agree that apart from the crown prince, he is the best horse!"


That night, Ding Yunfeng accompanied Zhu Youzai and Chen Xijiu to play in the rich man until very late before returning home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Han Bin sitting on the sofa making tea, and Liang Kun and Dinosaur buried their heads in eating pork knuckle noodles.

"Brother Feng, you're finally back. My sister-in-law can't bear it anymore and has to go to rest first." Han Bin stepped forward to help Ding Yunfeng take off his suit jacket.

Ding Yunfeng bit his cigarette, asked Liang Kun to light it, sat down and asked, "Did the camel ask Hong Xing for a loan?"

(End of this chapter)

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