Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 201 Over 1 Dozens of Saigon

Chapter 201 More than 1 million to defeat Saigon

Hearing that the pheasant was showing mercy, the nest skin hurried over.

After looking at Da Tian Er, who was still breathing, Chaopi looked up at the pheasant: "It was my idea to catch Liu the ghost just now, if you want to fight or kill the pheasant, just come at me.

Along the way, Brother Nan lost a lot of blood. If he didn't save him, he would die. "

Pheasant looked at the angry Chen Haonan with complicated eyes: "Ever since that night at the bar, he grabbed a knife to kill me, and he and I are no longer brothers.

There are rules in the Walled City. If you have money, you can do it easily.

What hasn't my master seen?You used a fake watch to fool him, and he didn't turn his back on the spot, so you're lucky. "

After finishing speaking, Pheasant walked into the clinic and threw a syringe to the nest: "Give him a little adrenaline, it can last a little longer."

"Thank you, thank you Nishanji!!" Chaopi quickly took the injection.

The pheasant held the knife and walked towards the wooden dummy, and said in a cold voice, "You are welcome. From now on, I will have nothing to do with you from bridge to bridge, road to road! Also, I am not a pheasant, I am Zhao Shanhe , Wing Chun Zhao Shanhe."

After giving Chen Haonan the injection, he secretly rolled his eyes when he heard this.

In his view, the pheasant will always be the dwarf mule of "My name is pheasant, the mountain of pheasant, the chicken of (there should be fill in the blank)".

I practiced for a few days,

I ate a few nights of porridge,

Just want to be decent?

Just wishful thinking!
Pheasant didn't pay attention to what Chaopi was thinking at all, he kept swinging his knife at the wooden dummy seriously.

Chao Pi took the initiative to talk to him several times, and seeing that Pheasant refused to pay attention to him, only one of them endured the pain, dragged Da Tian Er onto the cart, and dragged him out of the city together with Chen Hao Nan.

Fortunately, ten minutes later, Fat Guy Li and Sister Liang rushed over with Baopi.

Hearing that Da Tian Er and Chao Pi were so daring, they not only wanted to fool Liu with fake watches, but also started a fight with each other.

If it wasn't for Jiang Tiansheng personally ordering to try his best to rescue Liang Zai Nan before he came.

Fat guy Li and sister Liang wanted to turn around and walk away, ignoring the gangsters under Big Boss B who were causing trouble all day long.

"Doctor Zhang, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Carrying Chen Haonan and Da Tianer into the white car, Sister Liang said to Jiang Tiansheng's personal doctor.

"This patient has received epinephrine. I must perform an operation on him immediately. Whether he survives depends on his luck."


Not long after Ding Yunfeng came back from Robinson, Chen Yaoqing drove over from Saigon.

Knowing the details of the First Battle of Saigon from Chen Yaoqing, the veins on Ding Yunfeng's forehead twitched. He took a few deep breaths to suppress the sudden surge in blood pressure.

"That is to say, we sent more than 2000 people to fight in Saigon this time?"

"Brother Feng, there is no way.

The brothers signed up enthusiastically one by one, and we couldn't stop them.

Lucky for you, it only takes half a day to recruit people. If it takes one more day, we might have to recruit 5000 people! "Chen Yaoqing explained sarcastically.

Ding Yunfeng rubbed his brows, this group of people rushing to the street, how can they really cause trouble, these 2000 people are enough, why are 5000 people involved?

"Enough is enough, now I want to be quiet.

Ah Qing, you rush to Tsuen Wan immediately and tell Jimmy that the bonus you promised in advance must be paid out in place.

Then those pensions for the dead and injured must not miss others.

Tell him to take care of these things and come to me as soon as possible, I have something for him to do. "

Ding Yunfeng waved Chen Yaoqing back, and immediately called Lard Boy: "Brother Zai, I'm sorry, I didn't know that this time it made such a big scene.

By the way, Guilao, if you want to spend money, just use it, you must suppress this matter..."

"Oh? Brother Luo already helped me get it done?

What?He wants to answer the phone?
Do not!No, I still have something to do, let's talk about it next time! ! ! "

Hearing Lei Luo's roar from the opposite side, Ding Yunfeng hung up the phone first.

Before the bell rang, he decisively called Lai Hao: "Brother Hao! Thank you this time!"

On the other side of the phone, Wu Shihao had just extorted 20 yuan from Jiang Tiansheng, he smiled with a cigar in his mouth, "Don't thank me, I need manpower, I don't have soldiers for you?
Send Jamie to bring 200 million to hit me in the face?
If it weren't for the fact that Williams and Williams were useless, believe it or not, I would be standing in front of you now, pointing at your nose and cursing. "

"Hey, hey, you're wronging me like this.

I also thought about it, you and Jiang Tiansheng were with Brother Luo.

I go to Brother Luo's house for a meeting every month, and you two don't see each other when you look up, I'm afraid that Brother Hao will be embarrassed! "Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao are not polite, and joked back.

Wu Shihao laughed when he heard the words, he shouted a few words to his mother-in-law on the phone, hung up after he and Ding Yunfeng made an appointment for a dinner, and then continued to clean up Xiaowei who was not doing well today.

In this battle of Saigon, Coolie Qiang and Liansheng Ding's troops can be regarded as playing a majestic battle!

Before nightfall that day, Dongxing evacuated all the horses in Saigon.

Chen Yaoqing brought a few men who were busy building real estate and did not participate in the war, and settled in Saigon overnight, setting up the banner of being a strong coolie.

And Jimmy was busy in Tsuen Wan for several hours, and finally sent out all the money.

Including the resettlement allowance paid in advance before the war, the capture of Saigon cost more than 100 million.

Coolie sat next to him and witnessed Zhanmi handing out the money.

At the beginning, he was still smiling and enjoying the compliments from his younger brothers, but later, watching the boxes of banknotes being emptied, brother Qiang's heart felt like bleeding.

In order to lay down this broken Saigon where birds don't shit, chickens don't lay eggs, and turtles don't dock!
Did you spend so much money on Brother Feng?

How many years will it take to get back the money.

"Brother Qiang, I'll leave it to you here. Ah Qing said in the afternoon, Brother Feng asked me to come over after finishing my work, and I'll go first." Zhan Miqiang stood up energetically.

Seeing this, Chen Yaoqing quickly threw the car key to Ah Hong.

Li Jie stepped forward and snatched it: "I'll send Zhan Mi over there. For my business, with such a big scene, I have to have a face-to-face talk with Sir Ding."

"It's... that's fine too! Then Brother Jie will give me a ride." Zhan Mi winked at Chen Yaoqing, picked up the bill and walked in front.

Although Li Jie's injury is still not healed, in terms of his physical fitness, driving is not a big problem.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at Ding Yunfeng's home.

They accidentally discovered that there was also a heavyweight present - Chief Inspector Lei Luo!
"Oh! I just talked to Ah Feng about you, and you came here.

Tell me, how much did you spend for a broken Saigon? " Lei Luo asked with a cup of coffee, yin and yang.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and nodded to Zhanmi. Zhanmi endured his uneasiness, and reported a number that even patted the forehead of lard boy: 1123 million.

"Okay, very good! Our brother Feng is really proud.

For a rotten ghost Saigon, I burned 1123 million, and I, Lei Luo, will obey you. " Lei Luo bit his cigar and continued to mock Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and handed him a cup of Kung Fu tea: "Saigon is worth this money. Build a pier, carry some specialties back to your hometown, and earn back in a few trips.

This place is remote, it is not easy to attract the attention of ghosts..."

"Brother Luo, these words don't suit me, I'm applying to go to the bathroom..." Lard Boy raised his hand and said with erratic eyes.

Lei Luo glared at him: "I've already talked about this, whoever walks away at this time may become a traitor. Sit down and silence me!"

(End of this chapter)

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