Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 204 The Camel Visits the Prison

Chapter 204 The Camel Visits the Prison
Ding Yunfeng, who took Qiu Jinjiang away, heard Dasha's words, and remembered the scene where this bastard pleaded for Dongxing last time.

In fact, before the incident, I really thought Jimmy was setting off a smoke bomb...

Ding Yunfeng stopped, he didn't look back, he just waved his hand, took Qiu Jinjiang and left quickly.

There is no way to explain this matter!
Seeing Ding Yunfeng acquiescing, inside the prison, Shabiao, Fat Sheji, and Han Kun were all shocked and looked at Dasha who was standing at the door of the prison with his fists clasped.

I pick!

Dasha's rush to the street really made him beg for mercy in front of the Stanley Overlord?
"Silly brother, hurry up, sit down and eat cigarettes." In the past two days, he has become the idiot of the first brother in the prison, and immediately ran over to offer cigarettes.

Dasha took it calmly, and then he was reluctant to be invited by Shabiao to sit in the C seat where he just blew water.

A Dong Xingzi came over proudly to help the boss squeeze his shoulders, and Han Kun's poker face, which had never changed for thousands of years, rarely forced a smile on Dasha.

As for Fat Snake Ji, he even announced loudly that he was the witness when the idiot went to ask Sir Ding to intercede.


The wind in Stanley quickly blows outside.

Worrying about how to invite someone to be a middleman, to set up the table and the camel with the first wine.

Hearing a close friend report, this time Dong Xing was just laid down in Sai Kung, it was actually his bodyguard back then, Dasha, who begged for a favor from Brother Feng in Stanley!
"Zhiwei, get someone to prepare the car, I'm going to visit Dasha in Stanley immediately." Luo Tuo stood up abruptly, looked at the smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei and said.

Wu Zhiwei's right arm was hanging in front of his chest, but after hearing the good news, how could he care about such a small injury?
Commanding Ma Zai to fill the trunk of the car with the supplies for the prison visit, Wu Zhiwei sat in the passenger seat and accompanied the camel to Stanley.

The head of Dongxing arrived in person, and Stanley quickly made preparations for visiting the prison.

Dasha, who was photographed comfortably by several big shots from other clubs in the prison, excitedly followed two prison guards to the visiting room.

In the past few years, the boss camel rarely came to see him.


"Brother Camel."

"Long time no see."

"Yes, it's been two years."


After a few unnutritious conversations, Luo Tuo felt a little ashamed.

Back then, Dasha was arrested to protect him. Except for the first few years, he never came here in person...

"Dasha, there's not much time left. Now there's something in the club, and I want you to come forward..." Luo Tuo interrupted Dasha's incessant reminiscence, with a serious expression on his face.

Seeing this, Dasha hurriedly closed his mouth and nodded at the camel.

But when Dasha heard about it, Luo Tuo asked him to intercede with Ding Yunfeng again, and asked what price Dongxing should pay to make peace this time.

Dasha looked embarrassed, he was straightforward, but not really an idiot.

In front of Shabiao and others, it's okay to brag, but Dasha can roughly understand how much weight his own words have in front of Ding Yunfeng.

"Silly, it's difficult for the leader to know this!
But now Dongxing's situation is very difficult, Jiang Tiansheng has already said that he will not help.

If we went to find Ni Kun, he asked us to give up Causeway Bay. You all know how many brothers in the club rely on Causeway Bay for food. "Wu Zhiwei took the opportunity to persuade.

Dasha glanced at Luo Tuo, hesitantly advised: "Brother Luo Tuo, in fact, I heard people say that the people under Ding Sir are doing the right thing, earning more followers than the club, why don't we..."

"It's not as good as a hairy! Are you stupid to go to jail?
Dazi Hongxing and Sizai Dongxing jointly produce chicken essence.

If the brothers in the community have the ability to go straight to get water, why should I take them to make a living?

In a word, will you help with the association's affairs this time? "The camel was furious and asked, patting the table.

Seeing Long's hair soaring, Dasha nodded quickly: "Help, of course, I'm from Dongxing, how could I not help?"

Seeing that Dasha let go, Luo Tuo's expression softened a lot.

After hitting the stick, he immediately gave a sweet date: "Don't worry, the society will not treat you badly,

When I go back, I will ask Huang Dawen to help you file a lawsuit and try to reduce the sentence to less than five years.When you come out, I will release you to be the hall master. "

"Really?" Dasha was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Wu Zhiwei glanced at him, and suddenly smiled and said, "Dasha, you're going to ask Sir Ding to plead anyway, why don't you ask him by the way.

Can you leave a small pier for Dongxing in Saigon? You and Ding Sir have such a good friendship. If you tell him that this pier is the place where Dongxing promised to let you go out of prison, I think he will agree to you. "

Good plan!

Luotuo's eyes lit up, and he gave a guarantee through the glass: "Zhiwei is very good! As the leader of Dongxing, I, Luotuo, promise you that this vast land from Sai Kung to Tseung Kwan O and Clear Water Bay will be all yours when you come out." It's over!"


The camel and the smiling tiger fooled Dasha, left behind a large amount of supplies, and quickly got into the car and left.

Don't look at Ding Yunfeng working for three days and taking five days off. In fact, whenever there is trouble in Stanley, the staff will report it to the shit-eating dog and Qiu Jinjiang, and then the two will select important reports to Ding Yunfeng to know.

Dongxing Longtou's car drove away for less than 3 minutes, and Ding Yunfeng was sitting in the office and got wind.

This time the camel and the smiling tiger came over and wrote out a big bad check, fooling Dasha into begging himself for mercy.

"What a great deal, Saigon, Tseung Kwan O, Clear Water Bay..." Ding Yunfeng stood in front of a map of Hong Kong Island with a smile, and circled a large area on it with a red pen.

Qiu Jinjiang snorted disdainfully: "It seems that these places have been branded as uniform by Dongxing, and Dongxing can give it to whomever he wants?
Besides, even if Huang Dawen was really invited to make a move, Dasha would have to wait for another three to five years anyway.

When he goes out, whether the camel is still the leader of Dongxing, I'm afraid he will have to say something. This kind of promise is not even a picture. "

Ding Yunfeng smiled and said nothing, Luo Tuo wanted to use the relationship between Dasha and himself to reserve an enclave for Dongxing in Saigon, but in his opinion, this guy was simply a scapegoat who offered to come to his door.

Originally, I was still worried that once the smuggling pier was built and the goods were transported to the other side, people from He Liansheng would not be able to take the blame every time.

It's all right now, and Dongxing actually jumped in on his own initiative, so let Brother Dasha gain some embarrassment again.

"Go and ask Dasha to come over, I have something to ask him." Ding Yunfeng looked at Qiu Jinjiang and ordered.

Qiu Jinjiang was a little surprised: "Brother Feng, don't be tricked by Dongxing Xing. I don't think they have been beaten enough for such outrageous demands!"

"Hey, Ah Chou, we are public officials under the Correctional Services Department, so don't beat and kill at every turn.

Peace is the most important thing, harmony makes money, go quickly, call Dasha for me. "Ding Yunfeng put away his smile and put on a serious face.

Ah Chou is very familiar with Brother Feng's expression, this is the prelude to deceiving people.

Knowing that Ding Yunfeng had the bottom line in his heart, Qiu Jinjiang stopped talking nonsense, and he quickly brought Dasha over.

Dasha wasn't ready to speak yet, seeing Ding Yunfeng, he swallowed embarrassingly, and was thinking about how to speak.

Ding Yunfeng has already said directly: "I can allow Dongxing to keep the small pier in Saigon.

However, the camel must agree to two conditions. First, this pier is not allowed to be used to sell fans; second, this pier must be supervised by He Liansheng before you are released from prison. "

(End of this chapter)

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