Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 207 Beware of being shot in the back

Chapter 207 Beware of being shot in the back

Not surprisingly, Fat Deng also hit a wall with Zhan Mi.

In fact, even Chen Yaoqing can overcome the greed in his heart, so he can't fall into the trap of Fat Deng, let alone Zhan Mizai who has always been sober and rational?

Zhan Mi chose to join the club in order not to be bullied for doing business. If Ding Yunfeng hadn't said that last time, he wouldn't even bother to stick a white paper fan!
Sneering and hanging up Fei Deng's phone, Zhan Mi immediately called Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, that fat guy just called me..."

Ding Yunfeng smiled and listened to Zhan Mi, and immediately told Zhan Mi that before Fei Deng called him, he also called Chen Yaoqing.

This old fox is about to die.

"Brother Feng, don't worry. The rest of us, even if you have to lift it, will help you up the restaurant." When Zhan Mi heard that Chen Yaoqing also called Ding Yunfeng to report, he immediately felt relieved.

That night, at eight o'clock.

Lei Luo's villa.

Ding Yunfeng, in a suit and leather shoes, and Shi Shi, who was wearing an exquisite skirt, walked towards Lei Luo and his wife in style.

Bai Yuechang and Shi Shi got along very well, and the two women walked aside smiling.

Ding Yunfeng took the cigarettes that Lei Luo handed over. Ever since he heard from him, the bosses in his hometown smoked special cigarettes.

Once there are only two people, Luo Ge will switch to smoking cigarettes. According to his words, the habit must be changed from a small point.

"I received the wind in the afternoon, blowing the chicken and kneeling in front of Guan Erye, vowing to be Fei Deng's dog.

It's a pity that Fat Deng doesn't like him, and would rather give you the latest Chen Yaoqing to accept, than still refuse to give him a chance! "Lei Luo walked into the villa with his arms around Ding Yunfeng's shoulders, and Zhu Youzai, Siyan Kun, Fat Sen and others came up to say hello.

Ding Yunfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he found that Zhu Youzi changed his name to Brother Feng.

Lard Boy smiled all over his face, ignoring the astonished eyes of Siyan Kun and the Lei Luo veterans, he walked slowly behind Lei Luoding Yunfeng, and walked up to Lei Luo's study on the second floor of the villa.

Another ten minutes later, Lai Hao came over with Xiao Wei, followed by Ni Kun, Jiang Tiansheng and Fei Deng.

The four major families were all present, but in the past, they always brought money to pay the bills.

This time, Lei Luo held a meeting impromptu. Wu Shihao and Ni Kun, who roughly guessed the reason, just sat down and immediately looked at Jiang Tiansheng and Fat Deng playfully.

"I won't talk nonsense, this time, he and Lian Sheng and Dong Xing were drying their horses in Sai Kung, leaving corpses everywhere and blood flowing like rivers.

I am very dissatisfied with this matter, and the ghost above is even more dissatisfied! Lei Luo waited until the servant served the tea, and immediately scolded him.

Fat Deng and Jiang Tiansheng hurriedly stood up to plead guilty.

Dongxing rented Hong Xing's signboard, which was regarded as Hong Xing's vassal society.

This time, Jiang Tiansheng took the money from the camels and sent people to join the battle. He knew it would be fine if he didn't explain, but if he argued, Lei Luo might have to deal with him first.

"Mr. Jiang has just left, and Ah Sheng has just taken over, so I can forgive him for his inexperience.

But Deng Boyi has been out for so many years, what should be done and what should not be done, do you not know what to do? Lei Luo knocked Jiang Tiansheng and let him go, and walked to Deng Bo with the teacup.

Fat Deng twitched twice in fright, and he spoke first: "Brother Luo, I'm so confused.

I don't think I'm fit to sit in this position, and I want to step back so that my stupidity won't cause something like Saigon's big sun horse. "

Count you acquainted!

Lei Luo didn't have a chance to spill this cup of tea, he was a little disappointed and turned back to seat C: "You make a lot of sense, then do as you said..."

Seeing that Fat Deng, who used to turn his hands into clouds and rain in the club in the past, faced Lei Luo's cup of tea tonight, and he was scared?

Blowing Chicken secretly smiled wryly, this kind of thing, he actually rushed forward to be a dog for others in the afternoon?The most exasperating thing is that I have given up my personal dignity, but people still don't want it!
"Since everyone has no objections, then I will announce that from today onwards, Boasting Chicken will be the new seat with Liansheng." Ignoring the rules inherited from Liansheng's new term, Lei Luo announced on the spot that Boasting Chicken will take over.

As for the leading stick that the various forces competed for in the movie, in the eyes of Inspector Lei, that thing was meaningless at all.

"Congratulations, Brother Blowing Chicken."

"Haha, blowing chicken, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and thank Brother Luo?"


The waves of congratulations full of hypocrisy awakened the blow chicken who was in self-pity and self-pity.

He looked at Lei Luo who was standing in front of him expressionlessly, and then at Coolie Qiang who was standing beside him, clasping his fists and saluting him.

Chui Ji secretly pinched his thigh, the severe pain proved that he was not dreaming, he really became a sitter.

"Brother Luo. I... I promise to be obedient in the future. I will do whatever you say!!!" Chuiji fell into ecstasy and spoke incoherently, which caused everyone present to despise him even more.

Lei Luo patted Chuiji on the shoulder symbolically: "I'm just making a proposal. I won't participate in the ceremony of your club. But it's better to hurry up, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

The last sentence, Lei Luo meant something.

Blowing Chicken thoughtfully looked at Fei Deng who had an ugly face.

Deng Bo noticed the two special eyes of his disciples, and he was furious in his heart, but when he was about to stand up, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then he buried his head and fell into a coma amidst the exclamation of everyone.

"Xijiu, Call Bai Che, you guys carry him out, don't die in my study, how unlucky!" Lei Luo gave Fat Deng a disgusted look, and led him out of the room.

Ding Yunfeng winked at Coolie, who then stepped in to help the fat man, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, drag him out of Lei Luo's villa.

Chui Ji entered the role very quickly. He just asked which hospital Bai Che belonged to, and then ran back to win over Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi.

"Ah Qiang, Zhan Mi, you guys have to support me from now on!
I won't be stingy about bragging, no matter the territory or the number, everything has to be discussed! "

As for Fat Deng who was sitting in the hall...

A past tense sitting in the hall that incited many confrontations during his reign.

It's okay for this old man to be smart, but if he jumps around and talks wildly, sooner or later, he will be bombarded with a troll and hit the street!

With a few words to settle Fat Deng, Lei Luo went downstairs to announce the opening of the banquet. Ding Yunfeng and Li Hao sat on his left and right sides, followed by Ni Kun, Zhu Youzai, and Jiang Tiansheng.

It was the first time for Chuiji to sit at the main table. He poured wine and toasted attentively. Everyone knew that he was a puppet chosen by Lei Luo, so he should deal with it with some face.

When the show was over, Chui Ji felt that the soles of his feet were light and light, as if he was stepping on clouds.

"Brother Chicken, the hospital has a result. Grandpa has a cerebral hemorrhage, and he also has motor and language barriers after being cured." The head horse of blowing chicken has four eyes, and hurried over to support the drunken blowing chicken.

The two of them got into the car, and while rubbing his palms on his face that had been smiling all night to sober up, he said vaguely: "Cure? Grandpa's condition is so serious, I don't think it's possible to be cured. Mingzi, you Ming Don't know what I mean?"

 I originally planned to write 4 chapters today, but in the afternoon I was hijacked by two old friends. They said that a person died 2200 kilometers away, and I must go to celebrate tonight!I said at the time that I still had a lot to write, and I couldn't leave.But when they say that the other party is the devil APJS, I think this game is really unstoppable!Then I ate hot pot and listened to them sing and changed the original plot. This kind of big event of national celebration should be recorded if there is no condition to create the conditions. This is the chapter. First release 2 Chapter, others continue to be written, everyone understands!
(End of this chapter)

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