Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 209 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie

Chapter 209 The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie
Lin Huaile actually came to visit him so late, it seems that something must have happened.

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Go and bring him in."

The servant got the letter and hurried down to lead the man.

Lin Huaile walked in with his bag on his back, and seeing Dongxing Camel and Smiley Tiger present, he smiled slightly, took out the camera from his bag, and put it in front of Ding Yunfeng.

"Brother Feng, my name is Lin Huaile, and Liansheng Caoxie is currently in Jordan to see the fruit bar. I want to talk to you. This tape is my sincerity."

Ding Yunfeng was slightly startled when he heard the words, he grabbed the camera and pressed the playback button.

Looking at the picture on the small screen, Ding Yunfeng looked up at Lin Huaile: "You are very courageous!"

Luo Tuo and the two were very puzzled. They saw Lin Huaile gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Feng, I really want to be with you. Please give me a chance. I will definitely be no worse than Zhan Mi and Chen Yaoqing."

"You can even do this kind of thing, why do you think I will trust you?" Ding Yunfeng turned off the camera and took out the master tape inside.

Lin Huaile glanced at the two Luo Tuo, then replied to Ding Yunfeng in a deep voice: "Brother Feng, this roll of tape is my capital to win your trust.

One day, if you think that I, Lin Huaile, are going to turn against you, you just need to make this tape public, and both black and white will drive me away! "

This guy... Camel looked at Lin Huaile in surprise.

Judging from Ding Yunfeng's reaction, the content of this tape is absolutely shocking!

This Guolanle, who gave out such a terrible trick, but only for a chance to make a fortune, is really a ruthless person who dares to ruthless himself!
Looking at this Le Shao who created the meme of "wear a helmet when fishing" in the original plot.

Ding Yunfeng pondered for a dozen breaths, and finally, under Lin Huaile's expectant gaze, he put the tape by his hand: "I see, you go first."

"Thank you, Brother Feng! Thank you, Brother Feng!" Lin Huaile was overjoyed, and while bowing, he backed away from Ding Yunfeng's villa.

Luo Tuo glanced at the video tape in Ding Yunfeng's hand, and tentatively said: "Ding Sir, I see this person's face, but he is that kind of rebellious villain, you have to be careful."

"The villain has the use of a villain, and the gentleman has the usage of a gentleman.

If there are no villains under his command, then who will do the dirty work?Brother Camel, is there any reason for you to say what I said? "Ding Yunfeng laughed.

Luo Tuo laughed, talked nonsense, got up and took Wu Zhiwei to leave.

As soon as he left Ding Yunfeng's villa, Luo Tuo immediately gave an order: "Send someone to investigate this Jodun Le Shao as soon as possible!
Ding Yunfeng doesn't care about anything, but after watching that video tape, he accepted Lin Huaile. I want to know the content of that video tape! "

"Okay! I'll go back and arrange for people to do it immediately."


The next day, before Wu Zhiwei found out anything, and the embarrassment of Liansheng's previous sitting in the hotel, Deng had already shaken Hong Kong Island's black and white.

Jiang Zhen stepped down and disappeared, and Fei Deng fell to the street.

All the big and small clubs on Hong Kong Island, but all the leaders who are over [-] years old are like frightened birds. This is too evil.

"Oxygen infusion equipment failure? For this kind of reason, it's okay to lie to children, but explain to us and Liansheng, no!" Shuang Fandong patted the table vigorously, his face was full of anger.

Chuan burst into a sip of tea: "Calm down, the hospital has paid compensation! Besides, the oxygen delivery device is indeed broken.

Death is like a lamp going out, and now you still want to make trouble, what result do you want to make? "

"Hey! Dumbledore is our sitter, is it possible to let him die for no reason?" Huo Niu replied very unconvinced.

Fei Hua sighed: "The incident happened in Mingxin Hospital.

This hospital is sponsored by many senior ghost officials.People have this kind of background, how do you want to check?Brother Luo, he will promise us to investigate? "

"Forget it, with the compensation of 25 yuan given by the hospital, Deng Bo's family can live well."


With Chuanbao and Feihua taking the lead, many hall masters who didn't want to be troublesome, or who were unhappy with Fei Deng, all offered to help.

The opinions of Shuangfandong and Fire Niu were quickly lost in the crowd.

Seeing that the matter was overturned, Blowing Corns coughed lightly.

The master of the auditorium responded, announcing that the ceremony of blowing the chicken to the top has been scheduled for next Monday, and at the same time, the club will arrange 188 seats on that day to entertain all parties who come to watch the ceremony and celebrate.

Time flies, and it's next Monday in the blink of an eye.

Blowing Chicken sent an invitation to Ding Yunfeng, but Ding Yunfeng declined, and Lei Luo was also too lazy to show up.

The ceremony of being promoted to the leader is very cumbersome, and the fat Deng who was sitting in the hall before Liansheng had just hit the street.

The big bosses of various clubs who came to watch the ceremony that day, all of them were tense until Chuiji walked through the process holding the faucet stick and announced that he would go to have a backbone to celebrate. The depression that permeated the entire ceremony finally disappeared.

"Blow chicken brother, congratulations, congratulations!"

"Thank you for the noodles, I must drink a few more glasses."


Chuanji warmly greeted the members of various associations with his four eyes. Although Shuangfandong and Huoxinu were smiling, they could tell with a little discernment that they didn't accept Chuanji at all.

"Brother Luo didn't come, Brother Hao didn't come, and even Brother Zai didn't come, so Inspector Abalone brought two flower baskets to pretend..." Shuaigou sighed while looking at the guests present.

Shuang Fandong snorted: "The dog invites its tail to its master, and the master throws two bones out. That's about it."

"Don't say a few words, it's embarrassing to sit in the hall. As hall masters, can we hold our heads up when we walk outside?" Chuan Bao knocked on the bottom of the cup and reminded in a low voice.

Fei Hua, Leng Lao, Gao Lao and others tried to persuade them one after another, but Shuang Fandong was reluctant, and finally raised his glass to help Xin sit in the restaurant to entertain many Jiang Hu people present.

Since none of the important figures in black and white appeared on the stage, the scene was almost dispersed in less than two hours.

Blowing Chicken took everyone back to Tuodi, and according to the practice on the road, he announced the convening of his first general meeting.

However, what surprised everyone was.

Not only did blowing chicken fail to increase the number of everyone's monthly payment, but it delegated a lot of independent power to each hall master.

Everyone got real benefits, and Shuang Fandong, who had complained before, stopped talking.

The group of Ding troops who are strong coolies will naturally benefit the most.

However, what surprised Chuanji was that Le Shao was still clamoring in front of him and Fei Deng last week to compete with the Ding family to the end.

Today, after he announced the adjournment of the meeting, he left with Coolie Qiang and others.

"Grandpa, Young Master Le..." Siyanming rushed to blow chicken angrily.

Blowing Chicken waved him to stop him: "Those who know current affairs are brilliant!
It seems that Le Shao followed Tongfeng's path.

Forget it, let him go, as long as he pays the bills on time.

As for the rest, we can't control it, and we have no ability to control it. "

(End of this chapter)

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