Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 215 The Father and Daughter Confrontation

Chapter 215 The Father and Daughter Confrontation
Le Huizhen, who came home crying from the venue, received a call from Gan Lianghong. She said she would not go, but in fact, she had already started thinking about what clothes she would wear tomorrow morning, and which color of lipstick she would use. .

silent night...

At eight o'clock the next day, Peninsula Hotel.

Ding Yunfeng looked at Le Huizhen who kept his face away, but he was secretly observing him from the corner of his eyes.

He took out the forged wine purchase contract, and said to the other party: "The contract you gave me last time was actually a fake one. My old one has already been sold by your old man."

"What! Fake?"

Le Huizhen was shocked when she heard this.

Although she is a bit silly and sweet, but she works in a news post, of course she knows that the authenticity of the contract must be very serious, especially when both parties are the most important man in her heart.

"I... I really don't know, Brother Feng, you have to trust me..." Le Huizhen's eyes were full of horror as she saw the contract in Russian that passed through her hands.

She took it and flipped through two pages, and found that it was better than what she had given to Ding Yunfeng.

On the contract, there are not only a few red annotations, but also photos of the winery involved, as well as some fraudulent evidence obtained through the investigation of Robinson's contacts.

Facts speak louder than words, Le Huizhen finally knows.

Why did Le Xiaowen suddenly agree with her to associate with Ding Yunfeng, and even asked Wang Yifei to be a matchmaker in public at the Chinese merchant reception without telling her.

This is treating her daughter as compensation for dropping Ding Yunfeng's contract!
"Brother Feng, I know, you won't believe anything I say now!
However, I will prove to you that this incident was completely planned by my father, and I was also kept in the dark by him from the beginning to the end. "Le Huizhen sniffled, wiped away her tears and smiled reluctantly at Ding Yunfeng.

After saying this, Le Huizhen stuffed the forged contract into the Kun Bao, got up and walked towards the exit of the hotel.

As soon as the person turned around, Le Huizhen couldn't help but shed tears.

Especially when she walked out of the hotel, she still couldn't get Ding Yunfeng to stay behind her. She gritted her teeth and called a taxi to the broadcasting channel where Hong Kong Island TV was located.

"Brother Feng, I think Ah Zhen really didn't know about this matter. Isn't it heartless for you to do this?" Gan Lianghong, who was hiding a few tables away and was ready to come out to rescue the scene at any time, trotted over and sat opposite Ding Yunfeng .

Ding Yunfeng lowered his head and lit a cigarette: "This little girl has been spoiled by her family since she was a child. Is it possible for anyone to read a contract and get someone to translate it?
Shi Shi came across, she didn't understand, but I can understand.

Ah Zhen is a journalist, doesn't she understand? "

"Oh, Ah Zhen also wanted to help you. Who would have predicted that Uncle Le would do such a thing?" Gan Lianghong replied with a wry smile.

Ding Yunfeng didn't want to continue discussing this issue, he handed a file bag to Gan Lianghong: "Here, what I promised you last night."

"Wow! Brother Feng, you really brought me a gift?" Gan Lianghong took it in surprise.

Seeing that he was about to open it on the spot, Ding Yunfeng quickly stopped him: "Go back and find a place where no one is around to open it.

In addition, you promise me one thing first. After you read it, you must calm down. If you really don’t know what to do, you can call me or give Zhan Mi, and you must not do anything stupid. "

"Mysterious..." Gan Lianghong laughed when he heard the words, but he impatiently agreed to Ding Yunfeng's repeated request.

However, before Gan Lianghong left, he persuaded Ding Yunfeng for Le Huizhen.

The Gan family and the Le family are family friends. Gan Lianghong and the Le family sisters have known each other since they were young. Naturally, they hope that Ah Zhen and Brother Feng will have a good result.

On the other side, the taxi Le Huizhen took was parked downstairs at Hong Kong Island TV Station.

As the host of location programs all the year round, once Le Huizhen puts aside love, her IQ regains the high ground of her brain.

Before she got out of the car, she not only held back her tears, but also put on her crying makeup.

After paying the driver to leave, Le Huizhen returned to the TV station, and the first thing she did was to call the fat cameraman.


Fatty, who was a colleague, follower, punching bag, background board, etc., immediately put down his work and came to report.

Le Huizhen kicked him hard, to vent her depression first.

Then, Reporter Le told Fatty with a depressed expression that something happened to the document he had asked someone to translate last time, and this time he planned to steal the original document back and prove his innocence in front of Brother Feng.

"Wow. Miss, let me help you go to the chairman's office to steal the contract? You may be fine afterwards, but I, Tang Ma, will definitely lose my job!"

"Anyway, if you don't help me today, I'll take your dog's life first! Now two roads are laid out for you, you can pick one yourself!"


Yielding to Le Huizhen's majesty, Tang Ma could only cover for her, and in the name of Le Xiaowen, transferred the staff around the sealed old office.

Knowing father Mo Ruo daughter, before Le Xiaowen suddenly announced the closure of the original office, Le Huizhen felt a little strange.

Now based on what Ding Yunfeng said, Le Huizhen is very sure that the contract in Russian language that was swapped out was hidden in the safe in the original office by her old bean.

Tearing off the transshipment yellow talisman posted on Le Xiaowen's publicity, Le Huizhen opened the door with the key, and rushed in angrily.

Le Huizhen didn't gain anything by opening a few safes that had been opened by the black panther.

Finally, she stood in front of the Swiss electromechanical lock safe that had trapped Panther and Rose.

If people like Father Wang and Black Panther are present, they must consider that if the password is entered incorrectly too many times, it may trigger some bad consequences!

Le Huizhen didn't have so many worries. She tested several passwords that Le Xiaowen used frequently and found that they were all wrong.

"He always says that my mother and I are the most important people to him, so why did I enter wrong birthday dates for both of us?" Le Huizhen wiped the sweat from her forehead, and with an attitude of giving it a try, she entered Le Xiaowen's Gregorian calendar Birthday date and Lunar birthday date...

"Ah Zhen! What are you doing?"

Before Le Huizhen pressed the handle of the safe door, there was a roar from behind.

She turned around in horror and met Le Xiaowen's angry eyes: "Father, I... I came to your room to find something..."

"Nonsense! How can I have your things here?
What's more, I have strictly ordered no one to open this office, you are here to find..." Le Xiaowen found that the conversation between the two had already attracted several TV station staff, he hurriedly swallowed the second half of the conversation.

Seeing Lao Dou's guilty expression, Le Huizhen immediately knew that Ding Yunfeng hadn't lied to her.

Opening the Kun Bao, Le Huizhen took out the forged wine purchase contract, and threw it forcefully on Le Xiaowen's face: "You lied to me! You really gave away Brother Bao Feng's contract, this is fake, I really want to You are ashamed..."

"Bad girl! Shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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