Chapter 218 Thinking Too Simple
The Lejia brothers looked ugly and walked out of the Huashang Guild side by side.

Standing by the window facing the street of the guild hall, looking at the car where the two drove away, Brother Tai angrily lowered the curtains.

He looked at Brother Ping who was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea leisurely.

Brother Tai shouted loudly: "What did you drag me under the table just now? That one hit the street! He snatched Xiao Ding's big ship contract, and he will not pay attention to us!"

"Calm down, you're already in your decades.

I didn't hold you back just now, do you want to draw a gun and shoot at Ah Wu?

It doesn't matter if you shoot him or he kills you, in the end it's a cheap bastard. "Brother Ping put down his teacup and persuaded in a gentle voice.

"Shoot to death!
Such a thing as patriotism should be mixed with utilitarianism?

Le Jia's bastards have impure motives. If they use the big boat to make a good impression on the other side, I'm afraid there will be even more disasters in the future! "Brother Tai has a fiery temper, and when he picks up the phone, he will send a number to help him do things.

He Xin bit his cigar and pressed the back of his hand hard: "Don't be impulsive, even if you want to move the Lejia brothers, you can't let the media position fall into the hands of the ghosts!

We first make preparations to take over the property under their name in a smooth manner. "

"Brother Xin is right today! The Le family brothers were forced by us once, and Le Yiwu must have rushed to Mao Xiongguo to buy a ship.

We can take advantage of their departure and snipe their companies in the stock market. Brother Ping shook his suit, got up and said.


Just when the Chinese business giants decided to strike at the Le Group, Le Yiwu and Le Xiaowen had already flown to Mao Xiong Country with the contract.

Ding Yunfeng sent He Liansheng Mazi, who was following at Kai Tak Airport, to pass the news in time.

"Have a nice trip, Mr. Le!" Ding Yunfeng looked at the north, raised his glass and smiled.

Robinson snorted dissatisfiedly, and poured the red wine himself: "How long will it last for you?"

"Hey, old Sun, you just need to pay more attention to the news these few days." Ding Yunfeng put on his suit with a smile, and left Robinson's villa with A Cong who came to report the news.


One day later!
In the capital of Maoxiong, through the introduction of acquaintances, Le Yiwu and Le Xiaowen finally met Ivanov who had returned to his country for a briefing.

"Dear Comrade Ivanov..." The translator invited by Lejia Brothers didn't finish his sentence.

Ivanov, who was drinking vodka, sneered and swept the contract in front of him to the ground: "I don't remember signing such a contract with you, my time is precious, you can go."

what's the situation?
Want to ask for a bribe?

Le Yiwu signaled Le Xiaowen to pick up the contract, and he whispered a few words to the translator.

After hearing this, the interpreter worked hard to overcome his fear, took the check from the benefactor, and carefully placed it in front of Ivanov: "Comrade Ivanov, this is the deposit that Mr. Le brought for the purchase of the ship. He promised that the sum The transaction was successful, and they have a lot to thank."

"1000 million dollars?" Ivanov glanced at it, took it and walked to the desk, picked up the handset and dialed an intercom number.

After packing up the contract, Le Xiaowen felt a little uneasy when he saw this scene.

Le Yiwu was smoking a cigarette with his face sinking like water. This situation was really beyond his expectation.

What shocked them was yet to come.

Less than a minute after Ivanov made this call, a group of bear guards with live ammunition rushed in.

Hearing the crisp sound of the bullet being loaded, the translator who was collecting money for the job, retreated to the wall and quickly raised his hands.

"Mr. Ivanov, are you breaking the contract?" Le Yiwu shouted while struggling.

Ivanov sneered again and again, and replied directly in Hong Kong: "You used extremely despicable means to snatch the contract from my friend Ding Yunfeng. How dare you come to Maoxiong Country to buy me a boat today?"

"As much as Ding Yunfeng gives, I, Lejia, will give double!" Le Xiaowen found out that Ivanov could speak Hong Kong, so he hurriedly added money to save his life.

At this time, Ermao Consul Sergey pushed the door out from the inside.

The middle-aged bald man who split wine with Ding Yunfeng at Zhenbao Seafood Restaurant back then held a palm-sized S4M expressionlessly.

First, he fired two shots at Le Xiaowen's side, and Sergey took out a document with a fire stamp, and forced it into Le Xiaowen's inner pocket of his suit.

"This man is an economic spy sent by the United States, arrest him immediately for interrogation!" Ivanov waved his hand, and Le Xiaowen cried and was escorted away.

Le Yiwu was shocked when he saw this, and before he could move a little, Sergey's muzzle was already on his head: "Since you like the document so much, today we will give you a free copy, why are you unhappy?"

"Sir, you have something to say." Le Yiwu raised his hands and shouted.

With a bang, Ivanov thumped the table directly: "Shut up! I have nothing to say to you!"

"Go away, we will see you in Maoxiong Country tomorrow, so you can go to the prison to accompany your brother." Sergey pushed the muzzle of the gun and shouted sharply.

Soon, Le Yiwu was driven out by the guards in a desperate state.

Looking up at the heavy snow all over the sky, Le Yiwu felt a chill in his heart.

By this time, he had come to his senses, whether Le Xiaowen or himself, had always thought of this ship purchase contract too simply.

Ding Yunfeng is a small prison guard, even if he owns several properties hidden in the dark.

Why did he make friends with two foreign consuls, and sign such a special contract worth over [-] million U.S. dollars with each other?
"I'm stunned, I'm really stunned, no, I have to find a way to save Ah Wen..." Regret patted his forehead, Le Yiwu grabbed the translator with a face full of fear.

A roll of banknotes was stuffed in the past, and Le Yiwu took this person to visit many Maoxiong officials who had contacts with Lejia for several days.

Receiving Le Xiaowen's promise not to be shot in the near future, Le Yiwu bought a plane ticket and rushed back to Hong Kong Island in a hurry.

This time their brothers stumbled in Mao Xiong Country, but the person who can save Le Xiaowen at this time is in Hong Kong Island!

The Huashang Guild Hall is still the same room as last time.

Brother Tai read an international newspaper with relish, and Brother Ping drank tea slowly.

Le Yiwu opened the door and came in. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng was also present, his expression instantly became unnatural.

"Is Ah Wu here? Please sit down!

Today, Fengzai came to ask me for a loan to open a newspaper. It was definitely not Taige who asked him to come here to see how embarrassing you are.

Please trust us, we will not be so boring. Brother Ping said, looking at Le Yiwu with a smile.

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)!

Dead old ghost, if you are like this, why don't you explain it!

Holding back his anger, Le Yiwu smiled and sat across from them: "Hello, brother Tai, hello, brother Ping! Ah Feng, you want to run a newspaper, do you want me to send a few people to help you set up the frame?"

"Thank you Mr. Le for your kindness! However, I think that "Hong Kong Island Daily" has been in business for more than 20 years and has a daily sales volume of more than 3 copies.

As long as my new employer gives a group of old employees a reasonable salary and the respect they deserve, everyone will definitely help me run the newspaper better than before! "

(End of this chapter)

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