Chapter 242
Through the phone, Jiang Tiansheng scolded Chen Haonan.

But when he hung up the phone, the bell rang again.

"Hey, what's the matter, I'll talk about it later, I don't have time now..." With an impatient expression on his face, Jiang Tiansheng hadn't finished speaking when the person opposite him declared himself, and he froze instantly.

"I'm Wu Shihao. If Jiang Longtou doesn't have time to spare, then we won't talk about it."

"No! Brother Hao, we have something to talk about! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you who called me just now..." With a smile on his face, he explained a few words on the phone, Jiang Tiansheng changed his clothes, and accompanied by Chen Yao, went up The car rushed to the place where Wu Shihao had an appointment.

In Victoria Harbour, the Rolls-Royce that Wu Shihao was riding on was parked by the side of the road, surrounded by dozens of bodyguards with strong auras.

As the money empire created by Lei Luo became more and more stable, Yiqun's leading travel became more and more prestigious. It is conceivable that Brother Hao has made a lot of money during this period.

"Haha, brother Hao, the pier is very windy, why don't we go to a coffee shop and sit down and talk slowly?" Jiang Tiansheng got out of the car and took Chen Yao with him, and walked towards Wu Shihao with a smile.

Wu Shihao was wearing a suit and a brown windbreaker, he smiled and hugged Jiang Tiansheng: "You're welcome, Mr. Jiang, I've heard about what happened last night.

Next, I think you must be very busy. Someone just asked me to bring you a few words, and I will leave after I finish speaking. Today I have an appointment with Luo Ge for morning tea. "

"Well, that's good, then when I'm free in the future, I will definitely make an appointment!"

"Definitely make an appointment!" Wu Shihao pointed to Jiang Tiansheng, put away his smile and said, "Ah Feng asked me to ask you, Mr. Jiang, do you remember those two favors in Haojiang last time?"

Ding Yunfeng! ! !
Jiang Tiansheng's complexion changed drastically. Thinking of what happened in Causeway Bay last night, he vaguely guessed what Lai Hao was going to say.

as predicted!

Wu Shihao patted him on the shoulder: "Mr. Jiang, Tongluowan, I think that's it.

If Ah Feng didn't get someone to shoot him down first, he would directly use favors to ask for it, whether you agree or not, anyway, you will definitely feel more uncomfortable than now.

I thought about it for a long time, Ah Feng is a good man.

In the matter of Causeway Bay, he has always been thinking of you.

His advantage, I think, is very worth learning for you and me.

You see, in order not to embarrass you today, I didn't come to your door to talk to you directly, but asked you to come over to this secluded place to talk. You won't make it difficult for me, will you? "

After Wu Shihao finished speaking, he took Jiang Tiansheng in his arms and took a few steps forward.

Looking at the deep sea water under his feet, Jiang Tiansheng's heart beat wildly.

Under Chen Yao's anxious gaze, he forced a smile and replied: "Ding Sir is a man in society, and everyone can see it.

Today he was afraid of embarrassing me, so he specially invited Brother Hao to be a middleman. I am really touched.

Brother Hao, please tell Sir Ding that one favor will be exchanged for one Causeway Bay, I agree. "

Wu Shihao showed his face and smiled, and retracted the arm that was on Jiang Tiansheng's shoulder: "I just said, Mr. Jiang will definitely understand.

Alas, Ah Feng has a shortcoming that he is timid. Next time we meet, I will criticize him.

Why don't you just talk about this kind of trivial matter, let me come forward, it makes me feel like I am forcing Mr. Jiang. "

"Brother Hao was joking..."


Not long after the last beach fight in Saigon, another large-scale street fight involving more than a thousand people broke out in Causeway Bay last night.

This morning, both black and white are concerned about how Hong Xing, the defeated side, can regain his position.

It is said that there is a handicap in the Walled City, you can bet on Jiang Tiansheng that it will take a few days to get back the land in Causeway Bay!
Unfortunately, this time, it is destined to surprise everyone.

Until noon, Hong Xing was still calm.

In addition to being seen, Chen Haonan, who was lost in Causeway Bay last night, had a splint on his right leg and was pushed into Hong Xingtuo's land by Chaopi in a wheelchair;
It was the person in charge of each district in Hongxing, who rushed over with the leading horses one after another.

"Mr. Jiang."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang..."

Uncle Xing and Aniu, the weaker hall masters, saw Jiang Tiansheng's face as black as the bottom of a pot when they entered the door, so they greeted him and sat down.

After a while, the prince, Han Bin, dinosaur and others all arrived.

Seeing Chen Haonan who was seriously injured, several people secretly sneered, having obtained so many resources from the society.

Less than an hour after the start of the battle, the person involved in Causeway Bay actually fled the battle, resulting in the loss of the city and territory.

Everyone gradually gathered, Liangkun entered the door and saw Chen Haonan, and smiled disdainfully: "Hey, isn't this Brother Nan?"

"Akun!" Jiang Tiansheng looked up: "We'll be waiting for you, hurry up and sit down for a meeting."

"Okay, anyway, I have something to say today." Liang Kun spread her hands to Chen Haonan and sat down beside Han Bin.

Chen Yao said a few opening remarks as before, leading the topic to Causeway Bay last night.

"A'nan, as the speaker of Causeway Bay, what do you want to tell everyone about what happened last night?" Jiang Tiansheng put down his teacup and said with a straight face.

Chen Haonan's face was pale. He glanced at Big Brother B who was also sitting in a wheelchair, and told how he lost to Coolie Qiang, how he suddenly passed out, and then was carried away by someone.

In order to protect the nest skin, Chen Haonan concealed the details of being knocked unconscious by the opponent and forcibly taking him to the city.

As a result, his rhetoric naturally appeared to be full of loopholes.

The speakers from all the districts were all dissatisfied and shook their heads. After he finished speaking, the prince immediately slapped the table to attack.

"Before you came to power, Causeway Bay was always in my hands.

Who knew that I was beaten down less than a month after I was handed over to you?

If you run away from the battle, you run away from the battle, and you still make such an excuse that the preface does not match the postscript.

Do you think everyone is an idiot who can't even tell the truth from the lie? "

Chen Haonan's injury is serious, he had surgery last night, and came to the meeting this morning.

Having said so much just now, he has no strength to refute now: "I didn't..."

"People are going to be unlucky, and it's useless to say anything.

Talking hesitantly, afraid of being overheard? "Jingkun smiled disdainfully, he threw a black leather bag on the table, and a ball of white powder scattered out, causing everyone present to change expression.

"Akun. What do you mean?" Chen Yao got up and asked, his face sinking like water.

Liang Kun stood up slowly, pointed to the seals mixed in the powder and said, "What do you mean?
Last night I heard that someone had lost Causeway Bay, so I sold my old face in the first thing in the morning, went to find my acquaintances with Liansheng, and wanted to help the club get back the account books and seals related to Causeway Bay.

Who would have thought that as soon as I walked in, someone pointed to Brother Nan's personal belongings left in the office and asked me:

Don't you Hong Xing claim to not be fans?

Why are there so many contraband under the sofa in the office of Liang Zai Nan, the speaker of Causeway Bay? "

As soon as Liang Kun said this, everyone looked at Chen Haonan.

Chen Haonan, who lost a lot of blood and was in low spirits, was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat. He argued forcefully: "I didn't do these things. The people from Liansheng planted me."

(End of this chapter)

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