Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 247 Chinese Gambling King Competition

Chapter 247 Chinese Gambling King Competition
Seeing that Chen Zhichao's card was played and Nie Wanlong was finally left behind, Le Yiwu was secretly relieved.

Strike while the iron is hot, Le Yiwu continued pouring wine and said: "As for Hong Kong gambling king Hong Guang...

Robinson was able to mobilize contacts and asked the giants of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to force him to make concessions.

Le Mou has been operating in the media industry on Hong Kong Island for many years, and also knows many good friends.

Find someone to talk to Mr. Hong, I believe he can save face. "

"No need! As for Hong Guang, that good-for-nothing who speaks with an electronic throat, I'll teach him how to be a man." Hearing that Chen Zhichao helped carry Lei Luo, Nie Wanlong stood up: "I heard that Hong Guang's It looks very similar to me. It's really out of line, there can only be one Qin Pei in the gambling world on Hong Kong Island, and that is me, Nie Wanlong!"

Hey, that's not what you said in the last chapter...

Le Yiwu resisted the desire to complain, brought up a glass of red wine, and pushed the other glass to Nie Wanlong: "Third, Ding Yunfeng and Robinson are backed by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Le Mou is late, and has just become friends with Sir James.

In Hong Kong Island, after all, the ancestors have the final say.I'm done talking, does Mr. Nie still have concerns? "

"Ghost?" Nie Wanlong frowned: "Ghost, it's not very reliable..."

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit! You and I work together, are you afraid that you can't beat these ghosts who only know how to make money?"


A few days later, Hong Kong gambling king Hong Guang threw down a newspaper angrily.

The big beauty Qimeng, who has two temperaments of sassy and charming, went to pick it up when she saw it, and saw the headline of the newspaper, using a particularly conspicuous bold bold - on the 1st of next month, Star Entertainment City will officially open in Le's Building!
"Master Hong, why is there another starry sky entertainment city? Isn't it called Moon City?" Qimeng asked with a cold expression.

Hong Guang, who was not yet crippled, raised his electronic throat against his vocal cords: "Moon City is what Lu Binsun and Ding Yunfeng want to open.

And the bosses of this starry sky city are Le Yiwu, the head of the Le family, and Nie Wanlong, who is the most showy. "

"Haojiang Gambling King Nie Wanlong?" Qi Meng showed a shocked expression at the right time. As the needle sent by Frog Island Gambling King Chen Song to Hong Guang's side, it's basic practice to cheer up every day.

Hong Guang said with a sullen face: "That's the one who rushed to the street!
Hmph, this noodle sausage was beaten black and blue by He Xin and Nie Aotian in Haojiang.

This time, he didn't even say hello, and he was going to gamble on Hong Kong Island. Outsiders didn't know, and thought I, Hong Guang, was a soft-legged shrimp, and I was the best to be bullied! "

"Master Hong, what should we do now?" Qi Meng just said.

A boy in a black suit came in to report, and Nie Wanlong sent someone over to post the post.

Qimeng took the post and opened it to take a look: "Master Hong, Nie Wanlong wants to treat you to dinner. The time is noon today, and the place is set to be at the high-end Japanese food restaurant in Leshi Building."

"Hmph, it's eleven o'clock and you're here to invite people? This Nie Wanlong is not sincere in holding a grand banquet..."

"Then, Master Hong, are you going?"

"Go! Of course I will! If I don't go, I will fall into his trick.

This attack on the street will definitely be publicized with the outside world. I, Hong Guang, dare not go to the appointment for fear of battle.Billy, prepare the car, and accompany me to meet the gambling king of Haojiang. "


Ten minutes later, the Rolls-Royce that Hong Guang was riding in slowly stopped at the downstairs of Le's Building.

Billy and Qimeng protected Hong Guang and walked into the elevator, and soon came to a high-end Japanese restaurant on the 44th floor.

"Master Hong, my humble Nie Wanlong, I've looked up to you for a long time."

"Mr. Nie, you are being polite. When you won the gambling kings of the ten countries in one game in Las Vegas, Hong was also deeply impressed!"

After exchanging polite words, Hong Guang and Nie Wanlong sat down opposite each other, with Qimeng and Billy sitting next to one, and He Zunan and Qin Jian sitting on both sides of the other.

Because, Hong Guang and Nie Wanlong discovered that the appearance of the other party was indeed as rumored, somewhat similar to their own.

Therefore, after the two gambling kings sat down, they all put away their smiles and stopped talking, as if whoever spoke first would be at a disadvantage.

Seeing that the atmosphere had suddenly dropped to freezing point, Le Yiwu greeted with a smile: "Everyone, although Le doesn't have a good impression of Fusang, but when it comes to handling fish, this group of people really have two skills. Give it a try, please!"

Hong Guang and Nie Wanlong didn't move their chopsticks, so the subordinates brought by them naturally didn't dare to raise their chopsticks.

Seeing this, Le Yiwu frowned, this Nie Wanlong, it was you who asked to post to find out about Hong Guang.

Now that he has come, but you are more patient than the other party, what can you find out like this?

Feeling that he couldn't go on like this, Le Yiwu suddenly smiled and talked about the fact that he chose the original Fusang military camp on Hong Kong Island when he chose the location of Le's Building.

Hearing that the Fusang soldiers could not accept the fact that they were defeated, Qi Qi committed suicide by cutting his belly in the barracks. Hong Guang and Nie Wanlong were finally moved.

"Mr. Le is so proud that he dares to build a building on such a ferocious place. Hong admires him." Hong Guang raised his electronic throat and gave Le Yiwu a thumbs up.

Le Yiwu waved his hand boldly: "What is a fierce place? It's all fake!

In this world, how can there be any gods and ghosts?
Lord Hong, we have to believe in science. A few years ago, newspapers were still writing, and there were people with supernatural powers on the other side. "

"Mr. Le, as the saying goes, it's better to believe what you have than to trust what you don't have." Nie Wanlong was also surprised by the courage of this partner.

Seeing this, Hong Guang took the opportunity to ridicule Nie Wanlong for his lack of self-confidence.

Nie Wanlong was naturally dissatisfied, the two of them talked and found that neither could convince the other, so they simply decided to use gambling to determine the outcome.

They took out a deck of playing cards at the same time, and after a fancy shuffling operation by both parties.

Hong Guang and Nie Wanlong showed their hole cards together, and they both had a royal flush of spades.

It really is a strong enemy!

The two put away their small eyes, stopped eating Japanese food, and fought dice, Pai Gow, and mahjong successively. When they found out that they couldn't find the hole cards, they couldn't beat each other at all.

"Hong Ye, the king of gambling on Hong Kong Island, is worthy of his fame!"

"Nie Wanlong, the gambling king of Haojiang, really lives up to his reputation!"

Nie Wanlong and Hong Guang spoke one after another, and immediately laughed together.

Hong Guang held his electronic throat against his vocal cords: "Mr. Nie, with our gambling skills, unless we give it a go, it will be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

I have a suggestion, why don't you and I co-organize a Chinese Gambling King Competition.

I won, you return to Haojiang,
You win, I stay away from Nanyang. "

"Good suggestion, that's it. I'll ask Mr. Le to promote it in the media." Nie Wanlong smiled confidently.

Hong Guang nodded: "I will report to the International Gambling Association and ask them to send referees. See you at the competition next month."

And just when Hong Guang and Nie Wanlong made a bet...

Lei Luo looked heavy, holding a notice, ignoring the greetings of many servants, and walked quickly into Ding Yunfeng's study: "Ah Feng, why did Chen Zhichao, Gebo and the ghosts from the Correctional Services Department suddenly collude and send you to Scotland Yard?" train?"

(End of this chapter)

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