Chapter 254
Kai Tak Airport, passenger exit.

Li Jie led dozens of bodyguards in black suits with grim expressions, standing at the front to protect Shi Shi and Wang Xia.

A few steps away from them are Zhan Mi, Gan Lianghong, Chen Yaoqing, Qiu Jinjiang, Zhang Yaoxiong, Lard Boy representing Lei Luo, and Qian Wendi representing Robinson.

As for Ma Jun, Miao Zhishun, Lan Bao, Yuan Haoyun and He Dongshi, they naturally stand a little further away.

A total of three groups of people came to welcome Ding Yunfeng, occupying less than half of the passenger exit.

Several patients with terminal pink eye disease went to the airport to complain. Two airport police officers came over and took a look.

"Brother Zi, my name is Wu Aqiu, and this is my partner Beethoven."

"I know, I know, you don't need to wait here. Why do you go, don't block us from waiting for others." Lard boy held a cigarette in his right hand, impatiently, and waved at the two of them.

There are eight hundred people in the Hong Kong Island Police Force who want to flatter him every day.

I can't even remember the plainclothes that give cigarettes in the box, let alone the two military uniforms that smoke health cards?

With a smile on his face, Wu Aqiu hurriedly pulled away Beethoven who still wanted to chatter.

It's okay for the two of them to be funny in the police force, but not in front of lard boys. If they get angry with each other, they might not even have to wear military uniforms.

"Aqiu, it's rare to meet brother Zi, why don't you chat a little more?"

"Stupid! Didn't you see Brother Zi was waiting for someone? It's good that we can get acquainted. If you annoy others, be careful not to lose your job."

"Oh!" Beethoven quickly covered his mouth in fright.

Wu Aqiu pulled him, and pouted at Ma Jun and others: "Ma Jun from Shau Kei Wan, Miao Zhishun from Kowloon, Lan Bao from Wan Chai, Yuan Hao Yun from Mong Kok, and the tomboy from Central District.

Nearly two years.The most popular detectives in the police force are here.

We can't climb Brother Zi, but if we can find a thigh among these people, it's not bad..."

"I want to hug a man's thigh! People on the edge say she likes to wear black silk the most!" Beethoven's eyes lit up, and he raised his right hand and shouted excitedly.

After a word fell, the audience was silent.

Countless searching gazes all around gathered below He Dongshi's waistline.

The tomboy wearing a skirt, her face was flushed from suffocation, her right leg was placed on the railing, revealing the gun pouch pinned to her thigh.

Oh!Sure enough, black silk...

Lsp made silent sighs at the same time.

Lan Bao hurriedly unbuttoned his jacket and covered Miss He Dongshi's thighs: "Senior Sister, pay attention to the influence..."

"Hold his old mother's voice, wait until my old lady kills these two and then go to the street!" The man was mad, took out a . Passengers coming out with luggage.

Ma Jun and Yuan Haoyun, these two guys don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, they are arguing and booing;

Miao Zhishun and Lan Bao desperately stopped the furious tomboy, and the scene got out of control in an instant.

Ding Yunfeng had a lot of luggage, so he hired ground staff to help push the cart. When he came out, he saw the extremely chaotic scene in the airport hall.

On the one hand, Li Jie led bodyguards to protect Shi Shi and Wang Xia and kept retreating.
On one side, Lard Boy was sweating profusely, blowing the whistle vigorously to shake people,

The man in the middle is holding a pistol, trying to break through the blockade of Miao Zhishun and Lan Bao. On the opposite side is a man who looks like Dashengdi, with a curly hair, who is specially burrowing into crowded places...

Could it be that a pair of police force team who are dedicated to causing trouble are the two big pot kings in "The Brave Double Cannon"-Wu Aqiu and Beethoven?

Ding Yunfeng glanced roughly at both sides, handed the suitcase to the ground crew next to him, and immediately used stealth to rush towards the man.

He snatched Madam He's short dog with his hands, and before the opponent could react, Ding Yunfeng turned around and threw himself at Wu Aqiu. Hit him hard on the back of the head with the handle of the gun.


One rushed to the street and the other hugged his head.

Around the two of them, a dozen innocent passengers lay among countless suitcases.

Ding Yunfeng tossed the point [-] to the man, and asked deliberately with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for two years, are you guys using this formation to welcome me?"

"Ding Sir. It's them..." The man-in-law put away her gun, unable to speak out because of her grievance.

At this moment, Shi Shi and Wang Xia ran over and hugged Ding Yunfeng.

The two girls, one on the left and one on the right, hugged Brother Feng, and whispered in his ear how the two of them, Wu and Aqiu, were so nonchalant in public that the man and the woman drew out their guns regardless of the lard boy's presence...

"Brother Zi." Ding Yunfeng nodded to a large group of subordinates first, and then found dozens of lard boys in military uniform blowing the whistle.

"Hey, Brother Feng, you don't need to say it, I know how to do it." Lard boy handed Ding Yunfeng a cigarette, and then he directed at Wu Aqiu and a large group of people who were implicated, pointing at the noisy passengers waved.

Seeing dozens of uniformed policemen approaching with batons, the tourists who thought they could take the opportunity to get a fortune all rushed to pack their luggage and trot away from the scene.

Not only did Wu Aqiu and Bei Duofen almost poke a big basket in public, but they were so tired that Lard Boy's cheeks hurt from blowing the whistle, and Lard Boy was sent to guard the reservoir on the spot.

Watching the couple leave the airport in frustration, Ding Yunfeng smiled. If Chen Jiaju, the hot pot king, solved the case by skill, Wu Aqiu and Beethoven, the hot pot king, solved the case by luck.

From another point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that these two guys are lucky generals.

Ding Yunfeng felt that it was very possible that he would use these two people again in the future.

He pulled Lard Boy and gave some instructions in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, do you know them?" Lard Boy was a little surprised when he heard that Ding Yunfeng pleaded for these two people.

Ding Yunfeng made an excuse casually. Lard boy's eyelashes were all empty. Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't go into it.

Instead, he promised on the spot that these two people would be arranged to guard the pond for a few months first, and when he found an opportunity, he would transfer them back to work as plainclothes.

"Brother Feng, it's getting late. I'm afraid Brother Qiang has the guts to wait..." Zhan Mi came over and reminded in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng hummed, took the second daughter in his arms, and walked out of the airport accompanied by everyone, got into the car and headed for Backbone.

Compared with the many subordinates who have the backbone to set up [-] tables and clean up the dust for Ding Yunfeng.

Hong Kong Island is black and white, and many people are in a bad mood when they hear the news of Stanley Overlord's return.

Liang Kun just came out of a meeting in Hong Xingtuo, and immediately drove here with Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Ji Ge who had just been released from prison.

"Hey, silly Qiang, where have you been?
I just received a call from Brother Qiang, who said that we haven't delivered the gold plaque we ordered yet! "Jing Kun yelled while clutching the mobile phone while driving.

"Boss, we got the plaque, we're stuffed in the tunnel..."

"Pujie, it's almost eleven o'clock, and you just told me there was a traffic jam?

I'll give you 15 more minutes. Even if you carry it, you must carry this gold plaque to me before Brother Feng arrives and has the backbone! "

(End of this chapter)

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