Chapter 261
Under Ding Yunfeng's insistence, Li Jie and Zhan Mi could only agree that he would go to the meeting alone and walk into the city to meet Wu Shihao alone.

Seeing Li Jie and Zhan Mi, both of them stared at the entrance of the city with serious expressions.

Dawei looked helpless, and lit a cigarillo: "Don't worry! Brother Feng is very kind to Brother Hao.
Even if Brother Hao touches the governor, he won't touch Brother Feng! "

Li Jie and Jamie couldn't care less about him. The former sat on the hood of the car with his head bowed to form two black stars. The latter took out his mobile phone, walked to the side and began to shake people.

Da Wei and Serena were speechless when they saw this, but they could also understand.

To this day, behind Ding Yunfeng, there are also many people following him for food.

The responsibilities of Li Jie and Zhan Mi have changed places. At this time, Wu Shihao is going to the Hongmen Banquet, and the two of them might even carry the bazooka.


Ding Yunfeng walked alone in the narrow and damp alleys of the Walled City. He passed by a grocery store, and he even bought a pack of lucky tickets.

Needless to say, Ding Yunfeng came to the rented room in the Walled City where Wu Shihao had not yet made a fortune.

Pushing open the dilapidated door, Ding Yunfeng saw a casserole with fragrant meat, two sets of bowls and chopsticks, and three bottles of pineapple beer, arranged in a good order on a square table.

Wu Shihao leaned on his walking stick with both hands, turned his back to the door, and looked up at the full moon outside the window.

At this time, a plane preparing to land at Kai Tak Airport passed over the old building. The strong air current and noise shook the cups and plates on the table slightly.

Ding Yunfeng walked slowly to Wu Shihao's side, he opened the lucky lottery he bought on the way, shook out one and handed it over.

Wu Shihao smiled and reached out to take it, and also took out a lighter, and helped them light it one by one.

A woman who looked like Xu Xian in women's clothing came over with a plate of washed vegetables: "The meat is almost rotten in the pot, why don't you two come over and sit down?"

Wu Shihao responded with a smile, he pulled Ding Yunfeng towards the woman: "This is your sister-in-law, Xie Wanying.

Ah Ying, this is Ah Feng whom I often mention to you. "

Xie Wanying heard the words and put down the vegetables: "Ah Feng, sit down quickly!

Tonight, I would like to trouble you to persuade Brother Hao.He is very old, and he still has to fight all day long!
The money we have now is beyond the reach of ten generations.Sister Mei and I really don't know what else he wants to fight for? "

Even when meeting Ding Yunfeng for the first time, Xie Wanying spoke in the same tone as her family.

Compared to Amei who is as gentle as water, this strong woman who drives a big truck to support her family dares to complain in front of Wu Shihao even if she is a junior to Wu Shihao.

"Okay, okay, I'm talking to my brother, so don't interrupt."

Impatiently, Wu Shihao picked up his chopsticks and called Ding Yunfeng to sit down: "This pot of fragrant meat has been cooking since you went to Luo Ge's house. Eat it quickly, or it will really rot."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ding Yunfeng first unbuttoned his suit, then his tie, and poured another pineapple beer for Brother Hao.

Xie Wanying wisely closed the door and left the room for the two of them.

"Where are Sister Mei and Xiaobin?" Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao asked directly after touching a glass of beer.

Wu Shihao swallowed a piece of fragrant meat, said while chewing: "Last month, I sent their mother and child to Wadao, and I also sent the children Ah Ying and her ex-husband had.

Let me tell you first, when Ah Ying entered the door, it was Amei who nodded her head. Don't think Brother Hao is Chen Shimei! "

Ding Yunfeng's face softened a little when he heard the words, just seeing Xie Wanying's Ye Tong face, he knew that the plots of "Chasing the Dragon" and "The Lame Man" merged.

Apart from these few words, the two of them will not talk about anything else for the time being, until the pot of Li Ji's fragrant meat, which is full of heat, falls into the belly of the two of them.

Wu Shihao hiccupped, picked his teeth, and asked, "Ah Feng, Brother Luo and me, who are you going to help?"

"It's really come to this point?" Ding Yunfeng was startled when he heard the words, and fixedly looked at Wu Shihao.

With a blank expression on his face, Wu Shihao picked up his limping right leg and smashed it on the greasy square table: "Ah Feng, you know why my leg is limping.

Five years ago, here, in this Kowloon Walled City!

That night, in order to protect Lei Luo from the siege, I was beaten and crippled by Fat Boy Chao!
Five years later, he actually let Fat Boy out?

In the past five years, what should be done, what should not be done, what is clean and what is not clean.

As long as Fan Leiluo said something, I, Ahao, helped him settle it without a second word!

But today, he let my enemy out, why does he want to divide my territory?
I regard Lei Luo as his brother, what does he regard Wu Shihao as me? "

Seeing Wu Shihao who suddenly fell into agitation and had fierce eyes, Ding Yunfeng shook out a lucky draw and handed it over: "Brother Hao, you misunderstood Brother Luo.

Five years ago, before Fat Boy Chao forced his move by the doll, he had already paid the ghost Henry to leave him a way out.

At that time, Luo Ge was just a powerful detective.

The ghost above wants to protect Fat Zaichao, he really can't help it.

That night, the three of us were raped by Fat Boy Chao and Doll, and we were chased away with a large group of people.

Afterwards, whenever there is a chance to do something, Luo Ge will let the fat boy who chased him alive? "

"Then why didn't he tell me in advance before letting Fat Boy out?

It's been two months since Fat Boy came out, and he's been convening the old Chaozhou gang during this time!

If I hadn't been waiting for Lei Luo to give me an explanation, I would have sent someone to kill that bastard a long time ago! "Wu Shihao took the cigarette and held it in his mouth. His fingers trembled several times and he couldn't light the lighter.

Ding Yunfeng took out the limited edition zippo that Lilith gave him, shot out a bunch of orange flames, and lit it for him: "You two buried needles next to each other, Brother Luo knows, even if he doesn't tell you, you will definitely know.

The matter of Fei Zaichao was written by Gui Lao. Brother Luo knows the grievances between the two of you. He feels ashamed of you, and he cannot speak out to you.

Who knows, you deliberately pretended not to know, and waited for him to take the initiative to show you. "

Wu Shihao hesitated when he heard the words, then shook his head again and again: "Anyway! Now I have nothing to say to Lei Luo.

I alone account for [-]% of white powder on the market.

I often say that life and death are fate, and wealth is in the sky!

Ah Feng, Lian Sheng and Hong Xing have your people.

Now as long as you and I work together to bypass Lei Luo first, buy the ghosts behind him with money, and then wipe out the miscellaneous fish clubs and street gangs on the road, the underground world of Hong Kong Island can be divided equally.

Ghosts are greedy for money, if Lei Luo can feed them, so can you and me!

In the past two years, I have lost more than ten tons of fans alone.You help me with this matter, in the future twenty tons, thirty tons, one hundred tons...

I, Wu Shihao, can swear that for the rest of your life, Ding Yunfeng, you can use banknotes as firewood..."

Looking at Wu Shihao who was completely blinded by greed and reason, Ding Yunfeng slammed his fist on the square table: "Enough! Don't say any more! I won't go crazy with you!
Leaving aside your plan, the success rate is almost zero; even if you were lucky enough to succeed, wouldn't it be a pain for your compatriots and a fat ghost?
How much blood will we Chinese shed during this period?How many people will die?Have you ever thought about it? "

Seeing Wu Shihao cast a disdainful glance at himself, Ding Yunfeng stared at him coldly: "The most important thing, I will never allow you to turn Hong Kong Island, the oriental pearl, into a city of white powder!"

"Putting the collar mother!" Wu Shihao was furious when he heard the words, overturned the dining table, pointed at Ding Yunfeng and yelled: "Putting the collar mother! Punching the collar mother! Punching the collar mother!

You Ding Yunfeng is noble, you Ding Yunfeng are amazing!

At most, I would stick needles around Lei Luo, and buy at most a dozen or twenty detectives.What about you?Your subordinates are almost taking blowing chicken and Jiang Tiansheng away!
Lei Luo laughed at me, Wu Shihao, wishful thinking, wanting to be the underground emperor of Hong Kong Island all day long!
But I see you, Ding Yunfeng, have already become the uncrowned king of Hong Kong Island! "

(End of this chapter)

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