Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 263 Can't Sleep Tonight

Chapter 263 Can't Sleep Tonight

"Brother Feng, it's good that you're fine."

"Great, brother Feng is here, report to sister-in-law and sister Xiaoxia that they are safe."


Seeing Ding Yunfeng walking out of the Kowloon Walled City in full length, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, someone called and ordered the younger brothers who were preparing for the battle to disband, and someone called Shi Shi and Xiaoxia to report that they were safe...

"Mr. Gan is Mr. Gan. It seems that I will not be here in the future, so I have to ask you to come out and stop these gangsters." Ding Yunfeng stepped forward to put Gan Lianghong's shoulders, and found that in the middle of the winter night, the other party's pure cotton The pajamas were drenched with sweat.

Ding Yunfeng showed an apologetic smile at Gan Lianghong, and learned that he had entered the city alone to face Brother Hao.

In addition to worrying in his heart, Gan Lianghong also had to help himself suppress the two subordinates who were about to have internal conflicts. This kind of pressure was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"It's okay? Just say it's okay!

At least make a phone call to your subordinate gang!
Can you imagine the feeling of being dragged off the bed by A Cong when I rarely dream of Monroe? "Gan Lianghong had been holding back his anger for a long time, and finally had someone to vent his anger on.

Ding Yunfeng laughed, pointed at Chen Yaoqing and Dasha and cursed: "Did you see that? Because of your two sausages, you are so angry that you are so angry?

Now, I will punish you two to find a big wild horse overnight and send it to Mr. Gan's bed to help him put out the fire!
As for the others, except Jimmy and Jiege, they went home and went to bed. "

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

"Brother Feng, I'm going first."


Except for Gan Lianghong who was hijacked into the car by Chen Yaoqing and Dasha, Coolie Qiang, Liang Kun and others drove away with their men.

Seeing that the other side had dispersed, Da Wei and Serena finally took the opportunity to come and explain.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry, even Young Master Gan was alarmed by what happened tonight." Dawei stepped forward to offer a cigarette.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Ding Yunfeng put one hand on Dawei's shoulder and the other around Serena's neck: "Brother Hao and I, the talk broke down tonight."

"Ah? How could it be like this?" Dawei was frightened.

Serena even frightened the cigarette from her mouth: "Brother Feng, this..."

"Hush!" Ding Yunfeng made a gesture of silence: "I will hold a banquet at home the day after tomorrow, hoping to clear up the misunderstanding between Brother Luo and Brother Hao, and by the way, persuade Brother Hao to turn around.

If Brother Hao doesn't come by then, we will go our separate ways with him in the future.

Dawei, remember to keep an eye on Aping, don't let him be used by opponents;

Serena, there is a knife on Sezi's head, you can take care of it yourself. "

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng patted the heads of the two of them vigorously, took Jimmy and Li Jie, and sat on the Bentley without looking back.



Hearing Dawei change back to the address they met when they first met, Ding Yunfeng recalled the scene when he was going to the Walled City ring, Dawei told him to fight Guan Qiao, and sharpened his sword hard at the same time...

Rubbing his sore nose, Ding Yunfeng closed his eyes: "Zhanmi, I remember that Williams and Serena said that they are in their hometown, and there is a grandmother who raised them. You have to help me remember this."

"Okay Brother Feng, I'll make a note of it."

"Well, hurry up, it's getting late."


The people who couldn't sleep at night, besides Ding Yunfeng and Wu Shihao, were Lei Luo who sat alone in the living room and poured himself a drink.

"Brother Luo, at 1:30, there is no news from the Walled City. I think we can't wait any longer." Chen Xijiu looked up at the clock and said in a deep voice.

The drowsy lard boy looked up in shock when he heard the words. He rarely wore a gun bag, and the ashtray by his hand was full of cigarette butts.

Rubbing his fat face vigorously, Lard Boy raised his head and smothered the remaining wine in the cup: "3 hours so soon?
Brother Luo, I also feel that I can't wait any longer.

Brother Hao now, no one knows what he will do! "

"No. I know Ah Hao very well. He may make things difficult for me, but he will definitely not make things difficult for A Feng." Lei Luo took a sip of whiskey, frowned, and added two more ice cubes.

With a helpless expression on his face, Zhu Youzai opened a pack of camels and threw one to Chen Xijiu.

Inspector Abalone took it and threw it on the coffee table, obviously unable to smoke anymore.

After a while, Fat Sen ran in: "Brother Luo, our people have seen Brother Feng walk out of the walled city, and now Brother Feng has been sent home by Zhan Mi and Li Jie."

"Thank God!" Zhu Youzai clasped his hands together, Chen Xijiu heaved a sigh of relief, picked up the cigarette and lit it.

Lei Luo, who had been calm all night, suddenly sat up straight and stared at Fat Sen: "You mean, Ah Feng walked out of the city by himself? Ah Hao didn't send him out?"

"No, our buddies saw it very clearly, only Brother Feng walked out of the city wall, and Brother Hao didn't show up all night.

By the way, Brother Luo, there is one more thing, Chen Yaoqing and Dasha under Brother Feng's command..."

Hearing that Laihao didn't send Ding Yunfeng out, Lei Luo was in no mood to listen to anything else.

He stood up with a straight face, and told Lardboy: "Notify Ahao, Arong, Achao, and Rose tomorrow, and come here for a meeting at nine o'clock in the evening. It's late now, I'm going to bed first, and you guys are too." Rest early, too."

After saying this, Lei Luo looked gloomy, and walked up the stairs while holding on to the handrail of the stairs.

A loud sound of closing the door spread throughout the villa.


The next morning.

Due to his mood, which affected Ding Yunfeng's driving skills, he felt a little guilty and pulled himself out of the two delicate bodies.

Quickly freshen up and change into brand new clothes.

Ding Yunfeng walked down the stairs and enjoyed a long-lost Chinese breakfast in his own dining hall.

"Brother Feng! Good morning!"

Zhan Mi, who came ahead of time to wait for orders, brought a detailed report on the profits and losses of many industries under Ding Yunfeng's name in the past two years, and arranged a very compact itinerary for Brother Feng.

"Zhan Mi, you're here so early, have you had breakfast yet?"

"I've eaten it. Congee with preserved egg and lean meat. It's appetizing and offending." Zhan Mi replied with a smile, and first handed the report to Ding Yunfeng.

"That's good." Ding Yunfeng took it over and flipped through it. He read it for more than an hour, and finally had a general understanding of the development of the property under his name in the two years since he left.

In general, Ding Yunfeng's net worth is about 1 million now.

It's not that Hong Kong Island's market has been bad in the past two years, nor is it that various departments are not doing well.

But at the beginning, Ding Yunfeng never thought about eating alone, no matter Moon City or Brilliant Real Estate, or even Yese Bar, Hongxin Handbag Shop or even Dashuangkou BBQ.

In these industries, Ding Yunfeng allocated nearly half of the shares in the big ones, and one-third in the small ones. If it were some traversers who like to eat alone, the 1 million here would have to be quadrupled at least.

"My colleagues in the police force, have you made an appointment for me?"

"Yes! I specially followed your instructions. Not only did I invite Sir Ma and the others for you, but I also specially invited Sir Jane from the Flying Tigers! By the way, Sir Chen also agreed to the banquet." Jamie took out the Notebook, said quickly.

"Ka Kui figured it out? That's right, it's not his fault that his old man Chen Zhichao plotted against me?
When I received your letter back then, saying that he not only broke up with his family because of me, but also swore he would have no face to see me, why bother? "Ding Yunfeng smiled wryly and looked at the wall.

There is a photo frame hanging on the wall, inside is a group photo of Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy in the background.

As the squad leader, Chen Jiaju was standing in position C, with Ding Yunfeng on the left and Miao Zhishun on the right. The smiles of the three were very bright.

 There is another chapter that writes that I want to hold my dignity and embrace the dignity of San Geng

(End of this chapter)

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