Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 268 Can't Wait For Brother Hao, Wait Until Shit Mules Pooh

Chapter 268 Can't Wait For Brother Hao, Wait Until Shit Mules Pooh

I know that Ding Yunfeng invited Lei Luo and Wu Shihao to come over to talk about things tonight.

Shi Shi not only gave her servants a temporary vacation for a day, she also invited Ou Zhaofeng to bring Tang Ma and Zhao Gangsheng over to prepare a table of sumptuous delicacies.

"Master Ou, I'm sorry for your trouble this time." Shi Shi sent Ou Zhaofeng's master and apprentice out, and sealed a big red envelope before leaving.

Ou Zhaofeng took it with a smile: "Mrs. Ding, you are welcome, as long as Sir Ding wants to eat my food, Oumou is always on call."

After a few words of politeness, Shi Shi watched Ou Zhaofeng's master and apprentice get into the car.

Putting away his smile, Shi Shi worriedly looked at Ding Yunfeng who came over.

"It's 07:30, Brother Luo and Brother Hao, they should be arriving soon.

You and Xiaoxia go to bed early tonight, so you don't have to wait for me. Ding Yunfeng put on a khaki windbreaker for Shi Shi and sent her to the car.

"Brother Feng, be careful."

"Hey, it'll be fine."

Watching the car drive away, Ding Yunfeng opened the door, sat on the sofa alone, poured a glass of Hennessy and drank it by himself.

A few minutes later, the sound of a car came from outside the house, and Lei Luo walked in alone in formal attire.

"Ahao hasn't arrived yet?"

"Well, brother Hao is coming from Kowloon, the journey is a bit far."

Ding Yunfeng poured a glass of wine, got up and handed it to Lei Luo.

Lei Luo took it and took a sip: "During the day, Xi Jiu should have told you what happened last night.

In my house, he cut off Fat Boy Chao's ear in front of me.

Heh, don't even give me face, I think, tonight...he won't come. "

"One person, two brothers, do your best and obey the destiny." Ding Yunfeng drank the remaining wine in his glass, put down his glass and said with a smile: "I will do what I should do, whether Brother Hao will come or not is not something I can control."

"Well, for Ah Hao, you Ding Yunfeng's morality and reason are considered to be in place."

Lei Luo smiled and opened a pack of camels, and threw one to Ding Yunfeng: "Pujie, let's make tea!
I am a majestic Inspector Hua who will accompany you and wait for others, so you don't even greet me with a cup of tea, right? "


The time of waiting for someone always passes very slowly.

The clock on the wall, from eight o'clock to 11:30...

Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo, from Narcissus to Eight Immortals, changed to Qilan halfway.

The open door of the villa has never seen the burly figure of Wu Shihao...

"Hey, rushing to the street, it's almost twelve o'clock!" Lei Luo's face turned blue, he pressed the button to remove the tea dregs, and was about to replace it with Ding Yunfeng, who was fragrant with duck droppings.

"You said you can't move the dishes on the table over there, because Ah Hao doesn't like to eat leftovers from others.

But you have to be considerate when you rush to the street, I am 51 this year, and I drank three brews of Gongfu tea with you on an empty stomach! ! !
This smells like duck shit, I won’t tell you whether Ah Hao will come or not, you can call a white car and take me to the hospital to get glucose. "

"Then, why don't you let brother Zi send Chaozhou Chi over for supper?"

"Chaozhou Chi?? Ding Sir, do you want to add ten more bowls of rice and ten bowls of porridge?" Lei Luo laughed angrily at Ding Yunfeng's words.

"Boy, do you think I don't know the secret code that Lard Boy has agreed with the police stations in various districts?
If the head of the culprit is taken away, and his family finds out that he is related to lard boy, he will ask someone to give a bowl of Teochew wings to the 'prisoner' to show that this is the person he is covering.

As for the ten bowls of porridge and ten bowls of rice, they were threatening the other party's police station.

If he is released, he will eat dry lard with him in the future; if he is not released, he will have to drink water in the days to come.

Ma De, I haven't seen you for two years, your boy is even worse.

You lied to me today and waited all night for nothing, and even treated me as a scapegoat..."

Lei Luo pointed at Ding Yunfeng and yelled furiously, halfway through the scolding, he laughed instead.

But at this moment, Lard Boy, who had just been ridiculed by the two of them behind his back, suddenly ran in with a panicked expression.

"What are you doing? Forget that I told you yesterday that no one is allowed to show up tonight except the three of us?" Seeing Lard Boy, Lei Luo's complexion darkened.

Compared with him and Ding Yunfeng joking with each other, he, who had been lame for a whole night, clearly used lard boy as a punching bag.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry, it happened so suddenly." Lard Boy sat down panting, he wiped the sweat off his face first, looked at Lei Luo nervously and said, "Brother Luo, the ghost Henry has been chasing you all night .

About two hours ago, there was a big incident in Siam.

The United States sent a foreign woman named Shi Mubai to support a warlord named Naimi, and fought against General Somchai.

When this Naimi came to power, he immediately abolished the terms and conditions that fans from all over the world had agreed with Somchai.

He has announced that he will sell 6000 yuan for one kilogram of goods in the future.

The gang of ghosts in the ancestor's family are all crazy, because the market can't afford it at this price.

But if Siam doesn’t have fans, it will be out of stock on Hong Kong Island in about three weeks.

The ghost above ordered you to settle this matter as soon as possible and maintain the white powder supply on Hong Kong Island..."

Before the lard boy finished speaking, Lei Luo had already smashed his wine glass: "Pu Lingmu, I, Lei Luo, is the Chief Inspector of Hong Kong Island. Now let me go talk to the Siamese warlords about the price of white powder? Pu Lingmu , mother-in-law..."

Seeing Lei Luo's eyes were red and his expression was like a man-eating and hungry tiger, Ding Yunfeng poured him a glass of ice water, looked at Lard Boy and asked: "Brother, why did the United States suddenly send that shit..."

"Shit mule bah." Seeing that Ding Yunfeng couldn't pronounce the ghost's tongue-in-cheek name, Lardboy immediately answered: "In the past two years, the goods exported from Hong Kong Island are both beautiful and cheap, and they have occupied a large market in the United States.

Brother Feng, I received Feng, and the powder exported to the United States from Brother Hao is about ten tons..."

Dozens of tons? ? ?
It seems that in the Walled City that day, Brother Hao had some reservations...

No wonder the United States suddenly threw a pile of shit towards the East.

They want to force the fans out of Hong Kong Island by raising the price of raw materials in Siam, or it should be said, to take back the white powder market that was occupied by the ghosts of the ancestors!

"I, Lei Luo, can't do this!" Lei Luo raised his head and drowned the ice water.

He looked at Ding Yunfeng and said: "Whether we can talk about Naimi or not, I, Lei Luo, will become a pawn in the game between the ancestral ghost and the American ghost.

If I wade into this quagmire, I will never be able to wash it off for the rest of my life!

Ah Feng, if there is anything else I can do, you can tell me right away while I'm still in office, and I'll arrange someone to do it right away.

A week later, or three days sooner, I will apply for early retirement!
Convex!Originally, I wanted to stay until the fog in my hometown was lifted, and use this position to help the other side to give some strength.

Now it seems that I can't do it if I don't retreat.

Fucking the mother-in-law's shit mule, it happened to be stuck at the key point of our development and bad things happened.

I pray to my grandfather to ensure that the United States has flu every day, people die every night, the whole country is dying, and the world is peaceful. "

"Brother Luo, if you want to quit, then I will quit too!
But what about other people?Many brothers in the police force follow you to make a living! "Lard boy was stunned when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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