Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 276 Not a person inside or outside

Chapter 276 Not a person inside or outside

At the gate of the Sanatorium and Hospital in Wanchai District, Hong Kong Island, several Ford cars stopped almost at the same time.

Yan Tong pushed the door to get out of the car, and ran in quickly.

A dozen or so Wanchai plainclothes guards stood beside Yan Ye, and they pushed aside all the nurses and patients they met along the way.

"Doctor! Where is the doctor? Where did he die?"

Hearing that A Bing had been shot eight times by Ding Yunfeng, Yan Tong led a group of his men and went straight to the outside of the operating room.

Knowing that Inspector Yan was coming, Sanatorium and Hospital sent a director to greet him.

From the other party's mouth, Yan Tong learned that A Bing was still undergoing surgery, and he was a little relieved that this guy who had been causing trouble outside all day rushed to the street.

Of course he was very dissatisfied, but the yellow-faced woman in the family was just such a young man, if he was shot to death, he would definitely have nothing good to eat when he returned home during this time.

After a while, the operating light went out, and two nurses came out pushing a hospital bed.

A Bing was lying on it, wrapped up like a mummy. Yan Tong grabbed the doctor and asked nervously, "What's going on now? Is he still alive?"

"The patient was shot eight times, the first seven were in his limbs and we removed the bullets.

Only the eighth shot hit his vitals as a man.

Even if he can survive the dangerous period after the operation, he will still be an incomplete man in the future. "Doctor Guilao was so busy that he was sweating profusely. He didn't come out with a red envelope, but Yan Tong grabbed his neckline and sprayed wildly. Naturally, his tone of voice was not very good.

Yan Tong's complexion changed drastically, and he asked word by word: "Pujie, what do you mean, even if he is saved, he will become a eunuch in the future?"

The director of the hospital was afraid that Dr. Guilo would be angered by Yan Tong, so he hurried up to smooth things over: "No, no, it's a little short, but after the wound heals, we can still take medicine and oil in the future, and we can still do things."

"He was already 3cm, how short can he be?" Yan Tong pushed the doctor away hard, and he lit a cigarette through gritted teeth: "Ding Yunfeng, who jumped at his mother-in-law, even told me that his marksmanship is not good. I can still hit the target, pick it!"

This time, taking advantage of Lei Luo's abdication, he took the initiative to seek refuge with Yan Tong, and was transferred from the reservoir to work as a plainclothes Huo Qilin.

Seeing that Yan Tong's scolding gradually subsided, he seized the opportunity to persuade: "Master Yan, this is the end of the matter. Why don't you arrange a ward for Brother Bing to live in, and as for revenge, let's make plans later."

"You, immediately arrange a special ward, if the patient dies, I will arrest you and kill you!
Leave two people here to take care of them, and everyone else will get in the car with me. Today, I will seal the Cointreau Hotel! "

Yan Tong cursed a few words, and strode out of the hospital with his subordinates.

Although Huo Qilin was not optimistic about this method of sealing up Moon City for no reason, but he saw that Yan Tong was angry, so he didn't dare to speak out to persuade him, so he followed everyone to the car.

Yan Tong was filled with anger, but he also knew that sealing Moon City could not be achieved simply by bringing people to the door.

He first returned to the Wan Chai Police Station, fabricated some criminal evidence, and then rushed to the police headquarters without stopping, intending to ask Gebo to sign a search warrant.

"Sir, these are the criminal evidences I have collected about the Cointreau Hotel Moon City engaging in illegal activities. I would like to ask you..."

While talking nonsense, Yan Tong opened a small suitcase, which contained more than 20 small yellow croakers.

One of the police force, Gebo, had just finished making a phone call, and glanced at the gold bars in front of him.

He played with a Parker gold pen with both hands, got up and said slowly: "Inspector Yan, the meaning of the existence of the Hong Kong Island Police Force is to eliminate violence and maintain law and order, not a tool for someone to vent their personal anger.

I say this, do you understand? "

"Sir, I don't understand."

"OK, let me put it more simply, the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce just called the security department.

People accused some police officers of using public equipment for private use, and even threatened to blackmail members of the chamber of commerce with guns. This matter is very serious and has a very bad impact.

Before you came over, I received a call from the Security Department requesting that the matter must be downplayed.

I say this, you get the idea. "

"Understood...understood...I understand how to do it." Yan Tong's face collapsed. He didn't expect that this incident would alarm the Chinese business giant.

Seeing that Gebo Yan Tong was sensible and used A Bing to successfully test out Ding Yunfeng's attitude towards Moon City, he got up and poured two glasses of wine: "Detective Yan, don't worry, you Chinese have a saying-the future will be long."


Damn you, how long is the future?
It was you who asked me to move Moon City, and it is you who do not let me move Moon City now.

You can say all the good and bad things, but let me take the blame for offending others?

Yan Tong endured his anger and took the wine glass from Gebo. He glanced at the gold on the table and asked tentatively, "Sir, what about this box of gold..."

"What?" Gebo's face immediately pulled down: "Fake You, is your mind filled with poop?

I ordered you to investigate Moon City, but I didn't allow your people to shoot people at the entrance of the private club!
Today, do you know that I took the blame for you for throwing yourself into the street, and got stuck on the phone by the boss of the security department for half an hour?


If I don't protect you, the higher ups will definitely push you out as a scapegoat this time!

If I help you carry this matter, is it too much for you to have a box of gold?

Convex!You can't talk more than your head, get out! "

"Yes Sir! Thank you Sir! Thank you Sir for your great kindness. Everything is my fault. I will go back and reflect on myself immediately. Sir, take care of your health and rest well..."

"You! Get out!"


The search warrant was not received, but a box of small yellow croakers was lost, and Gebo's face was washed with saliva. Yan Tong was so angry that he strode out of the police headquarters.

Seeing this, Huo Qilin didn't dare to ask, and drove Master Yan back to Wanchai Police Station.

Yan Tong walked back to the office with a dark face, and just sat down when the phone rang in front of him.

"Hi! I'm Yan Tong, what's the matter?" One second, he picked up the receiver and started spraying, and the next second, Yan Tong changed into a smile and kept apologizing: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you..."

"Inspector Yan, don't talk too much!

I'm making this call to tell you that even if you climb up to the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce, you were able to be a detective in the first place, but we people from Wuyi made money to get you up!
Brother Tai just called me and said that your brother-in-law went to Robinson Robinson's club and shot him.

This incident has made us Wuyi people feel ashamed in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce!
I warn you, if this kind of thing happens again, don't expect us Wuyi people to support you in the future! "A majestic male voice came over the phone, and the other party sprayed and hung up immediately.

Yan Tong was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, but less than a second after he put down the receiver, the bell rang again.

This time it was the boss of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce who called, and the other party sprayed him on the phone as well.

After receiving several scolding calls in a row, Yan Tong was physically and mentally exhausted.

At this moment, let alone taking revenge on Ding Yunfeng, the key is whether he can retain the support of these donors.

"Made, I was shot by the ghost!
To untie the bell, the person who tied it has to be tied, it seems that this time, we can't get around Ding Yunfeng who hit the street..." Yan Tong thought for a while and let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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