Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 281 Brother Zai Is Still Your Brother Zai

Chapter 281 Brother Zai Is Still Your Brother Zai

After waiting for a long time and laying a lot of groundwork, Ferrari, who knows the inside story, has been waiting for this moment!

He pretended to be surprised and shouted: "No way, Brother Bing, he used Ye Yan and your name to sign several bills in my venue."

Seeing that eunuch Bing's face changed when he heard this, the fat mantis quickly opened the drawer and threw out several IOUs signed by Huo Qilin.

Eunuch Bing took a look at it, and his pockmarked ugly face immediately darkened: "It doesn't matter that this man who suffered a thousand knives ruined my reputation, but it's not okay to cheat my brother-in-law like this!

Fat brother!You don't have to give me face, copy guy! "

Ferrari was secretly proud, and immediately ordered his men to close the door and work.

Huo Qilin is both a heavy drinker and a bad gambler. He usually only relies on the plain clothes on his body and the squirt around his waist to make a fool of himself.

This time the eunuch Bing personally ordered him to be moved, and the thugs in the casino finally felt welcome.

Although he didn't use the blade to cut off his hands and feet, but the blow of the blade and stick on his body quickly caused Huo Qilin to vomit blood, and many bones were broken all over his body.

"Boss, that bastard can't take it anymore." The leader in charge of watching the scene came in to ask for instructions.

Ferrari looked at the eunuch Bing, who snorted and walked out twisting his waist.

Glancing at Huo Qilin who had been beaten all over the floor, the eunuch Bing Kuan walked up: "Oh, oh, don't hit, don't hit, my own, my own."

The casino thugs retreated following the sound, and the eunuch Bing walked up to Huo Qilin, looking down at him with a cigarette in his mouth: "Brother Huo, what's going on, why are you in such a mess today?"

"Bingge, lend... lend me ten thousand..."

"Ten thousand? Are you kidding? My brother-in-law and sister are so strict with me now, how can I have ten thousand?"

"Ten thousand is not... a thousand is fine..."

"One thousand? No, really not, but I came out today and brought 10 yuan to buy cigarettes, or..."

Seeing Huo Qilin who shook his head, grabbed 10 yuan, and ran out of the casino clutching his chest, Fat Mantis laughed.

"Okay, okay, it's just a misunderstanding."

"It's okay, it's okay, let's keep playing!"

After dismissing Huo Qilin, the god of plague, Ferrari stabilized the scene, but he and the eunuch Bing didn't pay attention.

Among the gamblers who just stayed to watch the fun, someone wrote a detailed report on the matter the next day, and sent it to Ding Yunfeng through Zhan Mi's hand.

"It's really a dog that can't change and eat shit! It seems that our master Yan's kpi of 100% detection rate in the first month will not be achieved." Ding Yunfeng laughed after watching it.

Zhan Mi put the documents into the shredder: "Brother Feng, I heard people say that sister Xiaoxia's old man was almost killed by the fire unicorn back then. Do you want me to order the people below to do things?"

"Don't, let Qilin run for a while. If you want to collect his skin, I have asked someone to do it a few years ago. Why wait until today? I still have use for this person..." Ding Yunfeng thought about the "Empire of Money" Plot, shook his head and said.

After hearing this, Zhan Mi didn't ask any more questions. He immediately opened the file and reported to Ding Yunfeng what happened in various industries recently.

After half a month...

Yan Tong came back from the police headquarters with a look of embarrassment on his face. As soon as he entered the office, he immediately slapped the table and shouted, "Come on! Bring that bastard Huo Qilin to meet me! Immediately, go!"

Of the more than 60 cases assigned to the Kowloon Police Station, less than half of them were cracked, while other police stations all fulfilled their targets.

Even in the jurisdictions of Lanjiang and Hansen, the two of them, seeing that Lord Yan put down his dignity and took the initiative to say hello, they also gathered enough to solve the case and gave them support.

Now that outsiders have given face, but our own people have lost the chain, how can Master Yan not be angry?
Huo Qilin, who still had bruises on his face, washed his face with saliva from his cheap old man, and the plain clothes he had just recovered for a few years were stripped off.

Handing in his gun on the spot and receiving his baton uniform, Huo Qilin was driven back to guard the pond by Yan Tong.

And at this time, Han Zhibang, who had been treated for half a month in the hospital, had just been discharged from the hospital today, and was immediately brought by Yang Baa to visit Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng works as a tactical consultant for the Flying Tigers. He seems to be of a high level, but he is actually half-employed.

Seeing Han Zhibang, the future ICAC pioneer officer, he smiled: "Lao Yang, you're here right now. Why are you being so polite? Sit down, everyone."

"Ding Sir, thank you so much this time. Without your call, we really don't know what to do." Yang Baa smiled silly at Ding Yunfeng, while suggesting that Han Zhibang called for someone.

Han Zhibang squeezed out a shy smile: "Mr. Ding, my name is Han Zhibang. Fortunately, the Hong Kong Island Police Force still has a righteous man like you..."

Lardboy, who was sitting by the side watching this scene, saw that Han Zhibang said a lot of polite words, but none of them were useful.

He put away the smile that had been hanging on his face for the past few years, and replaced it with the fake smile that made both black and white awed when he helped Lei Luo collect rent: "Yang Baa, this kid is the woman who slept with you My sister was born with someone else, right?"

"You!" Han Zhibang was furious when he heard the words, and turned to stare at Lard Boy.

Yang Baa cried out that it was not good, so she quickly got up and stood between the two of them, and said with an apologetic smile to Lard Boy, "Brother Zi, your words are really humorous, just like Liang Xingbo."
"Haha, other than you, everyone else said the same!
Over the past few years, whenever I have time, I go to the new Ma Shizeng to rehearse humorous plays.

Someday I have a movie released, and your whole family should come to join in the show! "Lard boy laughed.

Pushing Yang Baa away, he looked at Han Zhibang who was dissatisfied: "Boy, I'm just joking with you, so you can't help it?"

"I, I didn't." Han Zhibang wanted to turn his face, but also worried that he had just relied on others' strength to be rescued, and his expression was very tangled for a while.

Ding Yunfeng patted Lard Boy and gave him a wink.

Lard Boy represented Lei Luo back then, dealing with all kinds of forces, black and white, on Hong Kong Island all day long.

His sense of words and demeanor has become almost instinctive. Seeing that Ding Yunfeng did not allow himself to be too aggressive towards Han Zhibang and Yang Baa, he immediately put away his smirk: "Okay, what I just said was all a lie to you. Can you get away with it this time?" The Kowloon Police Station came out, and I was just helping to pull the line.

However, in order to help you, Brother Feng sold favors to Chief Inspector Lan Jiang of the Hong Kong Island District!
You have to remember his kindness!
Don't worry, don't worry!
You are a Hong Kong Island university student who has not yet graduated, even if you want to repay your favor now, what can you do?

You just keep this matter in mind, when Brother Feng asks you to do something, University Student Han, you can't refuse! "

Lard boy even frightened and coaxed him, and let him talk all kinds of good and bad words.

At this time, Han Zhibang, he has not yet entered university, who is the opponent of Lard Boy?

Ignoring Yang Baa's wink, Han Zhibang stood up blushing, looked at Ding Yunfeng and said: "Mr. Ding, you saved me this time, I, Han Zhibang, will never forget, someday you need me, I will definitely come .”

(End of this chapter)

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