Chapter 287 Ghost Henry
Yan Tong went to see Lai Hao.

Not only did ICAC, who was staring at the two of them, know that Ding Yunfeng, who had been planning how to face ICAC for the past few years, also received wind.

Due to the tight wind outside during this period, Zhan Mi listened to Ding Yunfeng every day. He put a pot of pickled weedel on the dining table and said.

"Brother Feng, just now Brother Serena sent a pot of pickled wedels over.

He also said that Brother Hao ordered him to bring a message to apologize to you and Brother Luo..."

Ding Yunfeng walked over, picked up a pickled cricket and put it into his mouth: "Zhan Mi, eight years ago, the food I had when I came ashore on Hong Kong Island was the pickled crickets from Brother Hao's house.

Today, he asked Serena to send something like this, do you know what he means? "

"In the past eight years, Brother Hao still remembers Brother Feng's favorite pickled weedel. He wanted to say that he has never forgotten you—he, Wu Shihao, misses the past."

"Yeah, not only Brother Hao, but also Brother Luo and I.

It's a pity that he is too deep, and Luo Ge and I can't pull him. "Ding Yunfeng sighed a few words, suppressed his emotions, and took the information from Zhan Mi's hands.

Since the establishment of ICAC, Four Eyes Kun will send someone every day to collect and send to Ding Yunfeng the news he received in the police force the day before.

Five years ago, Lei Luo took advantage of Naimi's incident and applied for early retirement.

Before leaving, Luo Ge divided his strength in the police force into two, one was given to Fei Sen, the chief inspector of the New Territories District, and the other was given to Lan Jiang, the chief inspector of the Hong Kong Island District.

Only Ding Yunfeng knew that Lei Luo had entrusted all the hidden connections of the police force to Four Eyes Kun!

If it hadn't been for the meeting at his home last time, this old plainclothes man who had been friends with Brother Luo since the days of Inspector Chen Tong would have been overlooked by many people.

Compared with Yan Tong who sees the ghosts doing real things, he is like a headless chicken flying around.

Ding Yunfeng was not in a panic. He was familiar with the plot and had known for a long time that the Hong Kong government's thorough investigation of corruption would end with a conflict between the police and integrity.

Of course, no matter how good the relationship between Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo is, it is impossible for him to say that I am a time traveler, and I knew that such a day would appear.

Boss, please help me pave the way ahead of time, and then I will raise my arms and become the leader of the Hong Kong Island Police Force in the new era!
Ding Yunfeng believed in Brother Luo very much, if he knew the truth, he would definitely support himself!
He is even more afraid of the problem. After Lei Luo listens to him, he is very likely to be arrested as a researcher at the Abnormal Human Research Center!
Therefore, since Wu Shihao settled Naimi in Siam last time, he was supported by the ghost to become the number one fan owl on Hong Kong Island when he came back.

In the communication between Ding Yunfeng and Lei Luo, it was mentioned from time to time.

As the world's largest, the United States is constantly being hit by white powder exported from Hong Kong Island to the domestic market. It is very likely that the other party will directly put pressure on the ancestors in the past few years.

The same is true!

In just a few years, Wu Shihao's white powder exported to the United States has reached 30 tons.
The CIA in the United States is the ancestor of the fans. How can they bear this kind of thing happening for a long time?

The United States raised a few words in international public opinion, and naturally many younger brothers rushed to echo it.

For a while, corruption on Hong Kong Island suddenly became an international hotspot.

The ancestral family was forced by the international influence, and the deadline for the unblocking of the Hua Kingdom was approaching, so they simply sent a new governor, Mai Lihao, to completely solve this matter.

Closer to home!

With the above guesses, plus some troubles that Ding Yunfeng received from his friends in London.

Lei Luo naturally ordered Siyan Kun to cooperate with Ding Yunfeng fully.

"In addition to the police officers on Hong Kong Island and the New Territories to win over, outlying islands and Tung Ping Chau must not be spared.

This turmoil is unavoidable for everyone in the police force. Zhan Mi, tell Ah Kun right away that you can find Zhang Yaoxiong to do things in these remote corners. He has a very good relationship with these dispatched police officers. "Ding Yunfeng put down the information, thought for a while, and made a direct call to Stanley.

Hearing Ding Yunfeng's call, Zhong Chuxiong immediately ran over with the Four Heavenly Kings of Stanley.

After taking the receiver from Qiu Jinjiang, Zhong Chuxiong chatted with Ding Yunfeng for a few words, and immediately hung up the phone.

He ordered everyone that starting today, all gray activities in Stanley will be suspended.

The four major prison districts, today pre-issued cigarettes for two months, and then called all gang leaders to come to the office for a meeting, asking them to restrain their subordinates in the near future and not to make trouble.

Otherwise, if he sees one, he will turn over one, even if the warden pleads for mercy!

After half an hour.

Hugging the silly sign of two boxes of cigarettes, he looked at Zhong Chuxiong speechlessly: "Brother Xiong, do you want such a big battle?"

"What the idiot said is that the ICAC is catching the police outside, but you prison guards are under the supervision of the Correctional Services Department. Sir, don't be so nervous, right?"

Han Kun also sent Yanzi in advance, and he must be very happy if it was replaced by the past.

But when Zhong Chuxiong brought Qiu Jinjiang and the four heavenly kings to call them over for a meeting, he, a gangster from the big circle, was a little nervous.

"Ma De, it's rare to smoke in advance, you two talk so much?

But let the few of you take your subordinates and be grandchildren for a few months!

how?Don't give me killer face? "Zhong Chuxiong slapped the table with a bang, and the others dared not talk too much.


Not only in Stanley, but also in Heliansheng, Hongxing, Dongxing...

Wherever Ding Yunfeng's influence can be reached, each of the big bosses told their subordinates almost at the same time.

Recently, I have to be restrained in my work, and I have a criminal record, so I immediately take money out to hide from the limelight;

He has a clean family background, so he must also put in his energy to do things, not to make troubles when Brother Feng is at a critical moment.

Another day later, when Yan Tong was busy packing up his belongings, he was about to abandon his job and run away.

A Ping walked into a nightclub with a pale face. He pulled the person in charge of the venue and tried to give him the banknotes in his hand.

"Brother Ping, don't make it difficult for us to be small!

Brother Hao, he let the wind out a few years ago, whoever dares to sell fans to you on the road will have his limbs cut off.

You take the money well, no one dares to sell it to you in any other place outside. "

Not only did this Chaozhou gang red stick who watched the scene not dare to accept A Ping's money, he took out a handful of banknotes and stuffed them into the other party's pocket instead: "Brother Ping, this is the fare for the car, you should leave quickly. If you keep dragging , if Brother Hao sees it, I will definitely rush to the street!"

At this time, Ah Ping's addiction had already been committed, and he wiped away his snot and tears.

Back then he was found out by Wu Shihao, who strictly ordered Dawei and Mute to help him quit.

But ever since Amei took a group of nephews and nieces to hide in Wadao, Aping thought that his sister-in-law was pushed away by the later Xie Wanying.

He quarreled with Wu Shihao and Xie Wanying a few times, and got into this kind of thing again.

Originally, Dawei and Dawei helped him secretly, but recently the rumors are tight, and everyone is busy coping with the crisis, so they ignore the drug addict at home!

Running from dusk to dusk, Ah Ping collapsed in pain at the door of the Dafuhao nightclub, just as his bones were biting like thousands of ants.

A wisp of green smoke rushed into his nostrils, pulling his confused mind back a little.

Looking up calmly, Ah Ping's expression changed drastically. He found that standing in front of him was the ghost Henry who had a grudge against his boss Wu Shihao.

(End of this chapter)

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