Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 289 You want to be the dog of the ancestors

Chapter 289 You want to be the dog of the ancestors
Ding Yunfeng did not expect that his own reminder to save Xiaowei did not change Aping's fate.

"Come on, prepare the car!" Ding Yunfeng said in a deep voice, putting down the information sent by Si Yankun.

Zhan Mi frowned when he heard the words, he looked at Ding Yunfeng and persuaded him, "Brother Feng, ICAC has sent a group of people to stay outside for the past few days, why don't I help you see Aping?"

"Don't talk too much, prepare the car immediately." Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhan Mi, and said with a raised voice: "When I came to Hong Kong Island, the first sweater I wore was lent to me by Aping."

"Sorry, Brother Feng, I'll do it right away." Zhan Mi was greatly surprised, apologized, and ran out of the villa quickly.

The ICAC investigator squatting outside Ding Yunfeng's villa saw Ding Yunfeng's car driving out, and immediately notified the ICAC headquarters by radio.

"Zhibang, you send a team to follow, according to the information we have, Ding Yunfeng is very low-key in the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

After all, there are both black and white rumors, and our Sir Ding has never given the police any black money!

In the past few days, the focus of our work is still on Yan Tong. There are rumors outside that this guy is about to run away. "

Yan Guoliang glanced at the information sent below, and ordered directly.

Han Zhibang nodded in response. From a personal standpoint, he had received Ding Yunfeng's favor before, and he did not hope that one day he would send him to the trial stand of the court.


"Brother Feng, you have a tail." Zhan Mi said in a deep voice while driving the car.

Ding Yunfeng closed his eyes and rested his mind: "It must be people from ICAC, ignore them, and drive directly to Mingxin Hospital.

The law of Hong Kong Island stipulates that we police officers are not allowed to visit patients in hospitals? "

Zhan Mi, who originally wanted to get rid of the ICAC tracking car, laughed on the spot when he heard Ding Yunfeng's words: "Brother Feng is right. If we get rid of them, it will make us feel guilty."

"That's right, be honest."


Ding Yunfeng drove the Bentley without any haste all the way, which confused the ICAC team of investigators who were in charge of tracking.

In the past, when they came out to investigate the case, which police officer would not have glared at them, was a little aggressive, and even stopped to shake his fist.

But like Ding Yunfeng, every time he was waiting for a red light, he would get out of the car and come over to knock on the glass to distribute cigarettes. This was really the first time he encountered it.


"Brother Feng, you are here."

Two Yiqun mazai who stayed behind at the hospital saw Ding Yunfeng's car stopped and quickly ran up to open the door to say hello.

"Where's Aping? How's the situation?"

"Brother Ping, he vomited blood in the morning. The doctor has seen it. He told us to prepare for the funeral."

"Sister-in-law, let us not tell Brother Hao first."

The two Yiqun horses led the way and informed Ding Yunfeng of the progress of the matter.

It even included that Wu Shihao sent someone to plant a bomb at the bottom of Henry's car in the morning, but the news leaked out and the car was blown up, but the person was not hit.

"Sister-in-law." Ding Yunfeng walked to the ward and met Xie Wanying.

Xie Wanying was very surprised that Ding Yunfeng could still come here at this time, and asked in surprise: "Ah Feng, how can you come at this time? Outside..."

He took a look at the two ICAC investigators who were about ten steps behind Ding Yunfeng, holding a horse newspaper as a cover, but actually had almost zero tracking skills.

Xie Wanying waved her hands with a cold face: "Two people in the past broke the legs of the two sausages and threw them on the road in front of the hospital for me."

"Sister-in-law, forget it. These people are also paid for their work, so don't make things difficult for them. I'll take a look at Aping first." Ding Yunfeng stopped Xie Wanying, opened the door and walked in.

Looking at A Ping lying on the bed dying of breath, Ding Yunfeng's heart was flooded with the scene of the two meeting for the first time at the pier eight years ago.

【Brother Feng, I'm sorry, you saved my sister-in-law and nephew last night, but I don't even know how to say thank you】

[Brother Feng, I put my shirt and pants here. You can make do with it, don’t dislike it. 】

Rubbing the end of his sore nose, Ding Yunfeng followed the custom of Chaoshan people, took out a red envelope for visiting patients, and pressed it under Aping's pillow.

"Aping, Brother Feng sees you here. If you are tired, then take a nap and leave the rest to your brother and me!"

After whispering a few words in the other person's ear, Ding Yunfeng endured his sadness and stood up and walked out of the ward: "Sister-in-law, if you need help, please send someone to speak. You are welcome."

"No, no. Ah Feng, take care of yourself! The rumors outside are so tight, even if you don't come, no one will blame you."

"Don't be afraid, I, Ding Yunfeng, am upright and not afraid of slanting shadows!

Alright, I'm leaving first, I need to call...

Forget it, stop calling, send someone, send more people to contact you. "

Ding Yunfeng said goodbye to Xie Wanying. Before leaving, he took a deep look at A Ping through the glass.


The other side!
A famous horse boy raised his head and downed a bottle of Remy Martin, and then climbed into the driver's seat of a truck. He stepped on the accelerator and rushed up to a BMW sedan coming out of the corner.

Drop drop drop...

Henry kept honking the horn, but the truck rushing from the side not only failed to brake, but also drove faster and faster.

"Oh! Shit!" Henry's eyes were full of despair, just when he thought he was going to die this time, a Mitsubishi car behind him suddenly accelerated, rear-ended and pushed his car out of a parking space...

A loud bang!
The van hits the Ford.

Blood, screams, filled the entire road.

Henry hurriedly pushed the door out of the BMW. He saw Wu Shihao on the left side of the road, leaning on Benbao crutches with both hands, and on the right edge of the road was a sullen Yan Tong with eunuch Bing.

"Lame Hao! Are you crazy?" Seeing this scene, and the fact that a bomb was set on his car in the morning, Henry didn't know that Wu Shihao's revenge was coming.


Four cars rushed over, and a group of plainclothes held up spray guns to pick Henry up.

Wu Shihao raised his head and looked at Yan Tong, who was slowly walking up to him: "I'll kill him, you save him! Are the Chinese people trying to embarrass the Chinese people?

Yan Tong, are you being the dog of the ancestors? "

"Hehe, brother Hao, don't speak so harshly." Yan Tong lowered his head, lit a cigar, and sprayed a column of smoke at Wu Shihao: "Back then, there were no ghosts to support you, how could you dominate the fan market in Hong Kong Island?
Speaking of which, I really have to thank you, this time it wasn't you who insisted on killing Henry, maybe I, Yan Tong, really have to be a stray dog ​​who left home!
Now that I have saved Henry, at least my Yan Tong's attitude of being loyal to the ancestors has been shown.

You said, when I save the messengers of the ancestors a few more times under your command, will the superiors give me a chance to escape like Liu Fu back then? "

"Yan Tong, you really have backbone!
It’s the first time that I, Wu Shihao, have seen you acting like a dog for your ancestors and being so confident and confident like you! Wu Shihao laughed angrily, and looked at Yan Tong with cold eyes: "Then come and try, see if you can save Henry the dog's life in my hands!" "

 in another chapter
(End of this chapter)

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