Chapter 291 Hong Kong Island Ours

"This way!"

Identify the direction from which the gunshots came from. The man in front led the way into an alley.

Li Jie followed closely behind with a micro punch in his hand. He was wearing a tactical hood, only showing his eyes and mouth.

Fifteen minutes ago, Ding Yunfeng took him to get his equipment and went out. On the way, he only said that he came to Jiulong to save lives. Listening to the sound now, how could this be saving lives?Almost at war...

"I'll go ahead!"

Seeing that the exit of the Walled City was just ahead, Li Jie rushed to Ding Yunfeng in a flash, and quickly shot a few bursts with a micro-charger. Yan Tong and others who were pressing down on Rose were shot at two people in an instant.

Seeing [-] or [-] dogs with long guns and short dogs firing at this side, Ding Yunfeng leaned against the wet and cold wall of the city wall, pulled the shotgun and fired at the entrance of the alley: "Cross cover!"

Li Jie avoided the wall ash that was splashed by the bullets, and shot sideways at the alley with a micro-charger.

Seeing two more plainclothes being shot in the chest, Yan Tong held up his revolver and hid behind the crowd: "Come on! Lai Hao still has reinforcements? Hit, hit me hard!"

Upon hearing the order, the plainclothes teams rushed to use random marksmanship, and countless bullets hit the walls of the alley violently.

Seeing the reinforcements being pressed into the alley by the fire from the opposite side, Wu Shihao yelled sharply: "Kill Henry!"

"Zai Yantong!" Dawei stood up and rushed out of the bunker, firing several shots, hitting a ghost policeman in the arm.

Seeing the opening of the situation, the morale of the volunteers was boosted.

Although the numbers on their side are not inferior to those on the opposite side, but in terms of firepower, they are certainly not as good as the plainclothes people with a few micro punches.

Therefore, Wu Shihao first sent the dead men to drive two cars out to attract firepower, and then took advantage of the chaos and led the troops to kill them.

Relying on everyone's bravery, the Yiqun elite can still beat the opponent at the beginning.

But less than 10 minutes into the battle, the rebels, who had never even learned casual marksmanship, quickly fell into a disadvantage during the refutation of fire.

After all, in the movie "Chasing the Dragon", Brother Hao switched from a pistol to a shotgun.

Seemingly majestic, chasing the fat boy is super crap, but in fact he has wasted countless bullets, and it is hard to say whether the number of enemies killed is 3.

The dignified leader of the righteous group, the marksmanship is at this ghost level.

What's more, other Yiqun people who touched guns for the first time tonight?

Good luck!

At the critical moment, the magic soldier and the heavenly general.

Not only did we have an extra Li Jie who was born in the army, but also Ding Yunfeng who went to his ancestral home to study for two years and was about to take the ghost's life when he came back!

Seeing the sparse gunshots from Yiqun's side and the constant sweeping of bullets from Yantong's side, Ding Yunfeng took out a grenade with a very old wooden handle, pulled the fuse and threw it out.

Henry's party, who had a great time shooting pistols, never expected that the enemies in the alley even had grenades.

There was a loud noise accompanied by flames, and countless shrapnel shot wildly in a fan shape.

Not only were the two plainclothes officers who were eager to perform meritorious service on the spot taken away, they also severely injured a ghost police officer.


Henry hugged his head and fled to the back. Looking at a large group of plainclothes who were scared by the opponent's firepower and dared not go forward, he was so angry that he kept jumping.

He can still understand micro-chargers and shotguns. Hong Kong Island's arms are big money, and if they have enough money, they can indeed get them.

But a grenade with a wooden handle would be too much!
Hong Kong Island can get this kind of thing, except for Tiu Keng Ling, there is no other place...

Damn it, did Lai Hao spend money to tune Jingling mercenaries?
The identities of the people at Tiujingling are not only on Hong Kong Island, but also internationally, which is also very sensitive.

If I get involved and make things happen tonight, if I don't do it well, I will be on the sub-page of international news in a disgraceful way...

The more Henry thought about it, the more he panicked. He watched as a grenade shot out of the way, and two men in black with hoods came out of the alley.

He grabbed Yan Tong's collar and sprayed foul-smelling saliva in the other's face: "Here, I'll leave it to you to hold on, I'll take the wounded back to the hospital for treatment first."

"What?" Yan Tong was stunned. Seeing people falling down and being in a precarious position, his mind went blank for a moment.

Henry was full of thoughts of the remnants of Tiaojingling taking the opportunity to make trouble. He fired two shots at the opposite side indiscriminately, and took two men who were pale with fright, grabbed a car, flicked its tail, and ran away.

At this time, Wu Shihao recognized Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie from their figures.

He held back the ecstasy, held up a black star, and rushed back with a hail of bullets: "Go, everyone come with me! Don't let the ghost Henry get away..."

The leaders were not afraid of death, almost all of them were outlaws, their morale was boosted, and they came back screaming and killing.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yan Tong pulled over the eunuch Bing next to him: "A Bing, hold on first, I'll go back and shake people over and overturn the lame Hao gang!"

"Ah!!!" Eunuch Bing peed in fright on the spot.

Before he could speak, his good brother-in-law pushed him up, took off his white suit, and walked into a secluded alley into the intricate Kowloon Walled City.

He said he wanted to go back and shake people, but brother-in-law, what do you mean by hiding in the walled city?
Eunuch Bing scolded Yan Tong in his heart for his lack of loyalty, just when he was looking for a way to talk about it.

A group of plainclothes who lost two commanders one after another, someone yelled to run away.

Everyone was scattered in a hurry, cleverly drilled into the walled city, and still had a chance to survive;
Silly turned around and ran for his life along the main road, and just after running a dozen steps, he was killed by the Yiqun elite who came up behind him with knives or guns.

"Brother Hao, Henry and Yan Tong have slipped away..." Dawei said anxiously as he kicked the eunuch Bing over.

Wu Shihao sneered: "They can't run, they are near a few roads where cars can drive.

I sent people to set up roadblocks, Dawei and Dumb came with me, and went with me to collect Henry's skin..."

After saying this, Wu Shihao rushed into an alley on the right with his mute.

During this period, he didn't even look at Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie, as if these two living people didn't exist.

Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie also had a tacit understanding and did not speak. The two held their weapons and followed Serena who got into another alley.

Passing by the eunuch Bing who was kneeling on the ground, Ding Yunfeng suddenly pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger.

A bullet shot out from the back of the eunuch Bing's forehead, and two famous people ran over quickly. One was responsible for pouring gasoline, and the other took out a lighter and lit it...

If it hadn't been for Ding Yunfeng and Li Jie, Wu Shihao, who only occupied a favorable location, might not be able to hold Henry and Yan Tong together tonight.

But now, Wu Shihao, who had completely gained the upper hand, wanted to find out the whereabouts of Henry and Yan Tong in the Kowloon Walled City, the place where he made his fortune. In the dark night, I don't know how many people were willing to help Brother Hao get rid of the wind.

A few minutes later, Wu Shihao drove a heavy bulldozer himself.

Huh, huh, Henry's car parked on the road after only escaping two streets in the push bucket, all four tires were punctured by horn nails.

"Hao! Let me down, I'm going to kill you!!!" Henry raised his pistol to fight back, while letting out a terrified roar.

The BMW 2632 with the license plate AB1500 was pushed off the ground.

Wu Shihao looked at Henry and cursed: "You bastards are greedy and robbing Hong Kong Island. Is Hong Kong Island yours? It's ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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