Chapter 384 The Plan Is Perfect
"Huang Zhengguo, what do you want to talk about?"

Long Si led Song Zijie and Cao Liang into the study room. He turned around and found that besides Huang Zhengguo in a white suit, the other party was also accompanied by a vicious-looking thug, and a cold-faced man who sat on the corner sofa as soon as he entered the door.

"How? I just want you to pay back the money.

If you are sensible, you sign these documents, otherwise, I will ask you to eat a bullet. "

With an arrogant expression, Huang Zhengguo threw out a stack of claims, which he received from others at a high price.

Today's showdown, he is fully prepared.

The cold-faced man will shoot when he receives a signal from him to throw a cigarette. Tonight, Longsi's shipyard—he, Huang Zhengguo, will swallow it!

Long Si picked up a few documents and glanced at them, then glanced at Gao Yingpei who was standing beside him with a half-smile: "A few days ago, my shipyard just injected a sum of money, today Boss Huang came to collect debts, what a coincidence of?"

"Hmph! Long Si, stop talking nonsense! You have to pay back the money today, or sell the factory! Let me tell you, no one has ever made me, Huang, come to power."

"Killing to pay for one's life, debts to pay back money, very reasonable demands.

However, if I want to pay back the money, I have to go through legal channels to pay it back. You want to threaten me with a bullet?Did you think I was scared by Dragon Four?I don't believe you dare to shoot. "

"Don't believe it? Everyone is not clean, you can try it." Huang Zhengguo sneered and walked towards Long Si.

While talking, he glanced at the cold-faced man out of the corner of his eye, and saw that the man reached into his arms and took out a pistol with a silencer...

Huang Zhengguo was determined. Among the outside guests, besides Long Si's invitation, he also brought a group of high social status bank executives, shipyard accountants and lawyer consultants.

These people have already been bought by him in advance!
After getting rid of Long Si and putting the blame on Gao Yingpei, the money collectors will testify for him...

To kill Dragon Four, seize the shipyard, and by the way, use Gao Yingpei as a dead ghost, the plan for tonight - perfect!
It's a pity, what Huang Zhengguo didn't know was that the moment before he popped out the cigarette butt with his fingers and signaled the cold-faced man to do something.

The killer he hired with money had a pair of eyes hidden behind the sunglasses, but he was always staring at Gao Yingpei who was standing beside him.

You, Huang Zhengguo, buy everyone, I only need to buy the murderer, and my plan is perfect.

The corners of Gao Yingpei's mouth curled up, and he barely nodded.

Gunshots rang out and blood spattered.

The killer who had just raised his gun at Huang Zhengguo was headshot in an instant. On the opposite side of the bullet path was Ding Yunfeng, who was leaning against the door frame and blowing the blue smoke from the muzzle!

"Don't move, CID!" Cao Li'ang and Song Zijie rushed forward together.

One pointed a gun at the back of Gao Yingpei's head, and the other pointed a gun at Huang Zhengguo's bodyguard who looked like a fool.

The two moved quickly, and handed over a revolver and a black star from the arms of the captives under their respective guns.

"Ah, ah!!" Huang Zhengguo was still in shock. He looked at the dozens of plainclothes and uniformed policemen from Wanchai who rushed in from outside: "What's going on now? Ah?"

Long Si gave him a disdainful glance, and pointed at the silencer pistol held by the cold-faced man in his right hand: "Idiot!
Take a good look, what direction is this embarrassing killer aiming his gun at?
If Ding Sir doesn't shoot in time, you have already been invited by yourself to be a gunman and sent down to sell salted duck eggs. "

"Huh?!" Huang Zhengguo followed the sound, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He looked at Gao Yingpei angrily, "You bastard, you want to plot against me?"

The news that Long's Shipyard was suddenly injected 1500 million by a certain big water hose was revealed to him by Gao Yingpei yesterday, in exchange for the 20% of the shipyard stock that was originally sold to him.

The plan to kill Long Si this time was also discussed with the other party.

Huang Zhengguo knew very well that he could change the target of the killer he invited temporarily, except for Gao Yingpei who knew his plan, there was absolutely no one else present!
"Boss Huang, I don't have one..." Gao Yingpei was handcuffed by Cao Liang, pretending to be confused and retorting: "Fourth brother, is there some misunderstanding here?"

"Mr. Gao, I am Ding Yunfeng from the Anti-Mafia Division of the Wanchai Police Station. I suspect that you are involved in the counterfeit banknote case of the Hengda Group. I wanted to ask you to cooperate with the investigation. Look, this is an arrest warrant!
Of course, now I have to accuse you of illegal possession of firearms and premeditated murder, Leon Cao, Song Zijie! "


"You take Mr. Gao and Mr. Huang back, these two are big bosses, maybe they can't accept the reality for a while.

Well, out of humanitarianism, let's put the two of them in the same interrogation room to calm down.

After waiting for an hour, you go ask Uncle Zhan to interrogate them. "Ding Yunfeng bowed his head and lit his cigarette, and gave orders lightly.

Gao Yingpei was horrified when he heard the words. Huang Zhengguo, who was in handcuffs, was staring at him through gritted teeth!

"Yes sir!" Cao Li'ang and Song Zijie saluted together, led a large group of men, and escorted the three of them away.

After posing for a long time, the cold-faced killer who couldn't even say a line was put into a body bag by two guys in military uniform who were in charge of scrubbing the floor and carried away.

Another gunshot, another police officer.

In the front, Gao Yingpei and Huang Zhengguo were escorted into a police car in handcuffs, and a body bag was carried out in the back.

The guests in the hall were all terrified.

As the master, Long Si hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him. As the person in charge of this operation, Ding Yunfeng also helped to explain a few words for Song Zihao's sake.

Of course, with such an episode, the guests rushed to ask Long Si to say goodbye.

If you die, if you don't leave, do you have to wait to go to the Wanchai Police Station to make a statement?
"Ding Sir, Gao Yingpei is sure to be embarrassing this time, but Huang Zhengguo is black and white. With a dead gunman, there is probably no way to crucify him." Long Si sent the guests away, and hurried back to the living room, watching Looking at Ding Yunfeng and said.

Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly: "Mr. Long, don't worry. The main beneficiary of this counterfeit banknote channel case is Deputy Police Commissioner Rice. I will ask someone to tell him that Huang Zhengguo is unlikely to stand up."

"That's good, that's good." Long Si heaved a sigh of relief, he turned around and came over with two glasses of champagne: "Ding Sir, I made you laugh.

Without your help this time, I would definitely be ruined by Gao Yingpei!

Alas, I have been away from that circle for 15 years, and I want to go back to the right path, but I am still persecuted, and I want to show my innocence, but no one believes me..."

"Fourth Uncle..." Song Zihao originally wanted to comfort Long Si, but when he thought of Song Zijie who was working on the scene just now and didn't even look at him, he covered his mouth with a sad face.

If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay back sooner or later...

Ding Yunfeng sighed secretly, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass. At this time, Ding Yunfeng accidentally found many models of Long Si in the glass cabinet in the living room.

"Mr. Long, are you interested in warships? Why are there all warship models here?" Ding Yunfeng changed the subject, toasted and walked towards the showcase.

(End of this chapter)

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