Chapter 390 Another 1500 million?
The English name of the Hong Kong Police Political Department is: Special Branch, which means "special work department".

This special agency located on Hong Kong Island is affiliated to the ancestral military intelligence 5 (MI5), and has a very short abbreviation - SB!

The last time the police force on Hong Kong Island was restructured, Cai Yuanqi, who was transferred from Three Flags to the Government Secretariat, was transferred to SB by the ghosts and became the deputy of this organization.

His status is similar to that of Yan Guoliang in ICAC.

The ghost is at the helm, and the yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana man is in charge of doing things and taking the blame.

This is a tradition of the ancestral home on Hong Kong Island, using China to rule China and using China to disrupt China.

Holding the phone receiver in one hand, and pressing the pause button on the monitoring device with the other, Cai Yuanqi lowered his voice: "Is that just one sentence? Do you have any other materials? If not, I'm going to hang up."

"Hey, don't you SBs always say 'you made a mistake, you never let it go'? Facing Ding Sir today, why are you so cowardly?"

"It seems that it's gone, so let's do it. You are a wanted criminal, and I am a public servant serving the Queen. From now on, don't call me."

"Dudududu..." Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Chen Zhichao grinned, revealing his white teeth.

For Cai Yuanqi, an old subordinate, he knew very well, this is a vicious dog that bites but does not bark.

In some respects, Cai Yuanqi is very similar to him, both are extreme egoists who only live for themselves.

Today, when he made this phone call, Cai Yuanqi might not immediately attack Ding Yunfeng.

However, Chen Zhichao was very sure that Cai Yuanqi would definitely be eyeing Ding Yunfeng from today on.

The other party will wait for the opportunity to tear off pieces of flesh and blood from Lei Luo's foster brother...

"Haha...haha..." The laughter grew louder, until it touched the wound where the stitches had just been removed, Chen Zhichao's eyes twitched and he let out a cry of pain.

The bodyguard Ah Shui sent the doctors and nurses away, and when he came back, he saw Brother Chao covering his crotch covered in cold sweat, and hurried up: "Brother Chao, does the dick hurt?

Why don't I call the doctor back and give you an extra anesthesia? "

"No! Don't! Hit again, maybe you won't be able to shush in the future..." Chen Zhichao gritted his teeth, and after a few minutes, the pain eased.

Chen Zhichao was ordered to be discharged from the hospital and drove to his villa in Taoyuan.

People from Hokkien in Wadao mostly gather in Taoyuan and the nearby coastal areas, while people from Cantonese gather in Zhongli, Pingzhen, Yangmei, Longtan, and Guanyin and Xinwu on the coast.

As early as on Hong Kong Island, Chen Zhichao knew very well that no matter whether he was on Hong Kong Island or Wa Island, his influence on the Cantonese gangsters must be far inferior to that of Lei Luo.

Now that the two sides are fighting each other, Chen Zhichao is even more worried about whether Lei Luo will send someone to work on Frog Island to take his life away.

He deliberately chose to settle in a gathering place of Fujian immigrants!

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, let alone a big man like Chen Zhichao who was "gifted" by a marine police boat to leave Hong Kong?
Taoyuan Chen House covers an area of ​​three acres.

It was originally the house of a wealthy local businessman.

Chen Zhichao added more money, more money, more money, and the other party vacated the house in just two days and resold it to the county magistrate of Echeng, Guangdong Province!

"Oh, how did it happen like this?"

The two concubines who followed Chen Zhichao from Hong Kong Island, wiped away their tears, stepped forward and helped him from the car to the house.

Sitting carefully on the soft couch, Chen Zhichao just asked Ah Shui to fetch the newspaper to read.

The housekeeper, Uncle Gen, walked in quickly and told Chen Zhichao that a government official had come to visit him.

"Mr. Hou? Come on, please!" Chen Zhichao's expression changed slightly after he opened the post and glanced at it.

When he first arrived in Wadao, it was this person who, on behalf of the small boss, presented him with a letter of appointment at the pier and appointed him as the county magistrate of Echeng, Guangdong Province.

Thinking of breaking Lei Luo's wrist before going to Lion City and writing a check to him, Chen Zhichao felt warm in his heart.

These frog island government officials are very heart-warming.

Today, I just came back from the hospital, and the other party brought someone to express condolences before my butt was hot...

Instructing his wife and concubines to go down and touch up their makeup and not to be rude to others, Chen Zhichao cheered up and let his bodyguard help him sit on the sofa.

"Haha, County Magistrate Chen, Hou came here uninvited, please forgive me.

I heard from Zong Shu that during this period of time, you were not feeling well and were hospitalized in Taoyuan Hospital.

Oh, how are you doing now, do you need a brother to help introduce a doctor? Wearing black-rimmed glasses, Mr. Hou, who could be a minister in the future, walked in with two young people.

Compared to the young man named Zong Shu, who nodded and smiled at Chen Zhichao, the other was thin and thin, and his appearance was seven points like Zhong Chuxiong's, but his temperament was very cold, which made people daunting.

"Leader Hou, you are too polite, I'm fine.

Everyone sit down, Uncle Gen, serve tea, serve good tea! "Chen Zhichao raised his hand to make false quotations.

Mr. Hou laughed and sat down, pointing to the two young men standing behind him: "Let me introduce, these two are rising stars in the north of our island, Ding Zongshu and Zhou Chaoxian.

Hey, Chaoxian, what are you still doing with the pineapple lotus mist?Hand it over to the housekeeper, hurry up and call someone, stay on the north side, you're dumb, you've never seen the world. "

"Mr. Chen, I am Ding Zongshu, Taoyuan Jiaotou."

"Mr. Chen, I am Zhou Chaoxian from the Pine Forest Gang."

The two who had just made their mark in the Wadao underworld clasped their hands together and saluted Chen Zhichao.

Chen Zhichao nodded with a smile. In his capacity, this kind of hooligan leader has not had direct contact with him for many years.

To be honest, if Mr. Hou hadn't brought him in, these two people really wouldn't be qualified to see him.

Mr. Hou talked a few nonsense nonsense, and when the good tea came, he took a sip and mentioned the reason for his visit.

"Another 1500 million?
Hou...Mr. Hou, the last time I was at the pier, didn't I write a check to contribute to country D? "Chen Zhichao looked at Mr. Hou in astonishment.

Mr. Hou heard the words, and slowly put away his smile: "What is contribution? Mayor Chen, didn't I explain the 1500 million last time at the dock?
That's Goose City, the area under your jurisdiction, which pays taxes to the provincial capital for three years. "

"Mr. Hou, I, I haven't taken office yet! I don't even know where Goose City is!" Chen Zhichao was dumbfounded, his expression froze.

Mr. Hou snorted, and took out a sallow map from the inner pocket of his suit: "Zong Shu, you, take this map of Goose City, and go over and explain it to County Magistrate Chen..."

Looking at the map of Goose City with the characters of the Qing Dynasty vaguely written on it, and the value of cultural relics far exceeds the practical value, Chen Zhichao waved his hands again and again: "No! Don't bother Brother Ding!"

He was afraid that the map would be broken during the takeover.

Maybe it won't be 1500 million today.

Minister Hou put away the map with regret: "Oh, County Magistrate Chen, this is the way to be an official, so you have to take a long-term view.

Goose City covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, surrounded by fertile fields and mines, and when the counterattack returns, you will be Bailihou.

The so-called Qingzhi county in three years, one hundred thousand snowflake silver, Goose City is a big county, just two years, not to mention tens of millions, billions! "

(End of this chapter)

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