Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 403 Good looks affect the efficiency of solving cases

Chapter 403 Good looks affect the efficiency of solving cases

"Is she Mary Dana?"

Song Zijie exclaimed in a low voice, and then, regardless of the lady at the front desk's persuasion, he didn't even fill in the visiting form, and turned to chase the elevator.


Taking a step slower, watching the elevator stop on the 5th floor, Song Zijie quickly rushed to the stairs.

Finally, she saw Mary Danna walking into the billiard room, walking towards the lounge with a man wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker.


Hearing a few words from the lounge, Song Zijie immediately knew that the slightly dark-skinned man sitting opposite Mary Danna was Viper Bing.

Taking a copy of the billiards club's introduction leaflet, Song Zijie pretended to read it, and walked out of the lounge slowly.

"Brother, I'm so shocked! Don't do these things again.

Grandma wrote to you last week, and she asked you, when will you return to the country? ’ Mary Dana took Bing the Viper’s arm.

Just led the team to do exercises upstairs, Mary Dana's little face was flushed after exercising, and her air bangs were soaked in sweat, tightly attached to her smooth forehead. charming.

The poisonous snake Bing ignored the beautiful scenery in front of him, he looked around vigilantly.

Ajie, who was standing in his blind spot, quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

"Stop talking about these things, your brother was betrayed, the migratory locust rushed to the street, he set up a trap to harm me, and now the boss is suspecting that I have swallowed his goods..." Opening his eyes and talking nonsense, the poisonous snake Bing lied Mary Dana.

Mary Donna didn't know the inside story, so she nervously grabbed her brother: "Then what should we do? Why don't we go and go back to the countryside!"

"Don't be kidding, how can you go back without money?

Grandma is still waiting for us to bring money back to live a good life. The poisonous snake Bing looked a little impatient, he pulled out the chair and sat close to Mary Danna: "Sister, listen to me, there is still a big deal at the end of the month, after I finish this time, we will go back to the countryside to live a good life."Come……"

Unzipping the windbreaker, Viper Bing took out a lady's bag that contained 10 pounds of white powder in advance, and stuffed it into his sister's arms.

Regardless of Maridana's terrified face, Viper Bing helped her tighten the towel: "Go change your shirt, I put 2 notes in the bag, take the contents to the place where the red note is written, and give it to the Connector, then you bring the money back and call me at the address written on the white note."

"Doing this kind of thing again?"

"For the sake of life! Well, I can't come out for too long, so let's do it..." Glaring at his younger sister who was a little scared, the poisonous snake Bing pulled on his windbreaker and left in a hurry.

Song Zijie, relying on his good looks, attracted several beautiful waitresses from the billiard hall, just in time to cover himself, and was not discovered by the poisonous snake Bing brothers and sisters.

"Beautiful girls, I really have a date!
The pretty girl at the gymnasium reception above, she invited me to watch Qiu Jinjiang's movie tonight! ! ! Seeing Mary Danna walk into the elevator, Song Zijie coaxed the group of Hong Kong girls away, he rushed downstairs, and found that the poisonous snake Bing who had left early had long since disappeared.

"Hey! It's one step too late. It's annoying to be handsome, which greatly delays my efficiency in solving the case." Depressed, Song Zijie thumped the wall, and went to a phone booth to report the situation here to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng immediately ordered Song Zijie not to take care of the poisonous snake Bing, and continued to bite Mary Danna tightly.

After all, according to the plot of the movie, the other party will soon bring the goods to a high-end restaurant in Central for trading.


After a few minutes……

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, I saw that woman come out, she brought a big bag."

"Follow her, if you have a chance, when you get there, report your location,"

"Yes, sir!"


Ten minutes later, the phone on Ding Yunfeng's desk rang.

Bi Wenzhan picked up the receiver, bit the tip of his pen, and wrote an address: "Brother Feng, it's at the West African Restaurant in Central!"

"Lion Cao, the dog Wang Lun is coming with me. Uncle Zhan called Uncle Hua in the Central District and asked him to send people to surround the West African restaurant immediately!"

"Okay! Brother Feng, you have to be careful, remember to wear bulletproof vests."


Ding Yunfeng walked out of the office building quickly with two subordinates.

Cao Liang is very eye-catching now, he ran to drive a Volkswagen car without Brother Feng's orders.

In each police station, except for the standard Land Rover police car - in the Hong Kong film, it is painted in black and white, off-road with two loud male horns hanging on the roof.

Usually, there are also some nondescript sedans and the personal cars of the officers.

The former belongs to the public, and the latter is private. However, if the private car is damaged during the case handling period, not only will it be reimbursed for repairs at public expense, but it will also have the opportunity to replace it with a new one.

"Allen is driving, Leon, you go and take the passenger seat." Ding Yunfeng knocked on the car window, and then opened the back seat and got in.

Cao Li'ang gave Allen a self-seeking look, got up and changed to the passenger seat, seized the time, and took out a .[-] to check the bullets.

Dog Wang Lun swallowed his saliva, under Ding Yunfeng's urging.

Along the way, he almost smashed the accelerator, ran through seven or eight red lights, and came near the West African restaurant.

"Allen, I don't often have time to take you!
Be a person and do things, be more confident, and don't be looked down upon by others.

You see, to force you, the 20-minute drive in the past was not completed in 12 minutes?

Today, you are going to arrest people yourself, and Leon will help you fight. If you let the suspect escape, you will stay in the police station and keep the dog all the time. "Ding Yunfeng patted the shocked dog Wang Lun and said.

Dog Wang Lun wiped the oily sweat off his face: "Okay, Brother Feng, I, I'll try!"

"Try what? Alan, you can do it, don't worry, I'm here, you'll be fine!" Cao Li'ang patted the dog Wang Lun on the shoulder hard, almost knocking him to the ground.

Seeing A Lun who finally raised his confidence, Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly, walked past the newsstand on the street, dropped two dollars, and bought a copy of "Yijiu Magazine".

[Tan Zhang is fighting for hegemony, becoming more and more fierce, with hundreds of movie fans, fighting in the streets! 】

[Today's headlines, a certain writer suppressed Tan and praised Zhang in the book. He has been bullied by the principal and several female students in the alley for 2 hours. It is said that this person wrote a letter of repentance to ensure that the plot will be smooth in the future! 】


Ding Yunfeng shook his head when he saw "Yijiu Magazine" whose headlines were getting more and more outrageous under Lin Dazun's leadership: "It's too cruel, 2 hours of physical abuse, and she's still a female student. Tsk tsk..."

"Brother Feng, Snake Bing's sister Mary Danna, she has been in the bathroom with a foreign woman for a long time, what should I do now?" Song Zijie ran over from the West African restaurant opposite, with his right hand stuck inside the windbreaker, and he seemed to be holding a spray gun. gun handle.

Ding Yunfeng read the newspaper calmly: "Don't worry, before leaving, I asked Uncle Zhan to help Uncle Hua in the Central District.

At this moment, the entire street was under the control of the Central District Police Station.

Trading in West African restaurants today, don't even think about running away. "

Song Zijie heaved a sigh of relief, and Ding Yunfeng pointed to the dog Wang Lun: "Ajie will catch Mary Danna, and the buyer of the foreign woman will be handed over to Alan.

Cao Liang, you stay with him, unless he can't cover you, otherwise, you are not allowed to help him!Uncle Hua, let me say hello to him and ask him to tell the guys in the central district to cooperate with you. "

(End of this chapter)

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