Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 414 Arrogant and Domineering

Chapter 414 Arrogant and Domineering
That night, Hutchison's currently most prestigious association and Liansheng suddenly posted a hero post, inviting the leaders of various associations/guilds/guilds on Hong Kong Island to come to Sansheng Palace to watch the ceremony at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning!

If it was in the era of Fat Deng, let alone a seniority like Big D.

You are the big boss of the big D who occupies the position of Miza, and you have reached the level of leader/counselor in the Tao. If you are willing to send a leader, or push a retired uncle to come out to meet the occasion, then it can be said that you are giving enough face.

But now...

As soon as he heard that He Liansheng was going to Sansheng Palace to open the incense hall, the red stick still beat Tsuen Wan into a big D...

Not to mention Ni Kun, Jiang Tiansheng and other tycoons who received posts about blowing chicken, even those newcomers who have recently become famous, even if they are not high enough to accept posts, they are all in high spirits the next day.

In addition to fighting and killing in the arena, there are also sophistication of the world. This kind of big scene where big bosses gather is not only a home for He Liansheng to show off his muscles, but also a good time for guests from all walks of life to expand their contacts.

thump thump thump thump...

The eight tigers and lions shook their heads and tails amidst the sound of gongs and drums, constantly making difficult movements in the Kuocheng in front of the palace.

The firecracker paper on the ground is about ten centimeters thick.

The guests who came and went stepped on it, it was softer than the red carpet at the entrance of the Peninsula Hotel!

There are twelve strings of 'five thousand rings' on the bamboo frame next to it, ready to go. In the open space opposite the bamboo frame, dozens of flower baskets are neatly arranged in a square formation. At the front, either Jiang Tiansheng was signed or Ni Kun was written. The scene was so big that those uninvited people from the rivers and lakes kept clicking their tongues.

"Big D, congratulations!

Congratulations to Zhan Mi and Ah Qiang, you two have three red sticks!

I have counted various associations on Hong Kong Island, this kind of grand event is unique! "Ni Kun led the five generals, among them, Han Chen, who helped Uncle Kun carry the bag, had the brightest smile.

Big D grinned from ear to ear, and he didn't dare to say anything, the opposite was the Patriarch of the Ni family, this old guy's seniority was a generation higher than his old top coolie!

Blowing Chicken, Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, and Airplane all came over, the former picked up Ni Kun, and the others greeted Guohua and the others, and welcomed the gang of fans into the guest seats in the palace.

After the Ni family arrived, Jiang Tiansheng and Luo Tuo also came with their troops, all of whom were greeted by Chuan Ji and Coolie Qiang. In addition, some money came after the collapse of the empire. Opportunities are emerging forces that have made a name for themselves in the arena.

"Zhan Mi, that tall fat man is called Lian Haolong;

The old man sitting next to Lian Haolong is Uncle Hai, a veteran in the arms business;
Sitting across from Uncle Hai, that expression that deserves a beating is Johnnie Wang..." Coolie Qiang helped Big D to greet the guests, while reminding Jimmy in a low voice.

Zhan Mi nodded secretly, and with a smile on his face, he secretly tried to remember the appearance and names of these people.

This is what Brother Feng explained yesterday. Taking advantage of this big D's appointment, he can touch all kinds of monsters and monsters that have emerged in the arena during this period of time.

He Liansheng had already prepared a lot of chairs, but he never expected that besides receiving invitations, there would be so many uninvited people.

"Uncle Blowing Chicken, something is wrong. There are more and more people, and the number of guests may be more than twice what we counted last night..." Four-eyed Blowing Chicken, who was greeting Camel, reminded in a low voice.

Chui Ji dissatisfied and glared at him: "Pu Lingmu, are you out of your mind?
The more guests come, doesn't it mean that our society's reputation in the world is getting better?If you have a backbone, can't you open more than a dozen circles?It's not that there is no money in the public account..."

"No, it's easy to arrange for those who have the backbone, because there are not enough seats in the temple." Siyanming replied with a bitter face.

Blowing Chicken waved his hand disapprovingly: "Don't worry, you arrange the guests who have posts to be seated first, as for the others, if you come early, you will have a seat, if you come later, you will stand if you don't have a seat.

If anyone is not convinced, you can talk to him. This is how I do things. If he is unhappy, he can leave. We have nothing to do with Liansheng. "


"Ah, that's it, pass it on according to my original words!"

When Siyanming took the order, Luo Tuo gave Chucky a thumbs-up: "Brother Chucky, show your domineering, I, Luo Bingrun, convince you."

"Hey, Brother Camel, are you here to make fun of me too?
Don't say you don't know, where do I have the confidence to say this? "

"You and Liansheng are the most powerful..."

"Wrong, it's Ding Sir standing behind me, who is not convinced by these few words?

From Sansheng Temple, to the five major police stations, to Stanley, where he wants to talk, I let him choose first! "Blowing Chicken patted his chest, and the few people sitting in the front laughed loudly.

Seeing that the auspicious time was approaching, just as they were blowing chickens to ask the master of the auditorium to come out and start the ceremony of ordination, two groups of people walked over quickly, and it seemed that they were going to enter the temple to watch the ceremony.

"Wait, wait! Two big brothers, the auspicious time has come, please wait outside the temple..." Siyanming, big D-headed horse Mawei and Huadi ran up and stopped each other in time.

Zhu Tao snorted, and took the red envelope from his nephew Zhu Danny: "My name is Zhu Tao, and this is He Yi Babawan."

After saying that, Zhu Tao took his men and retreated to the side, looking curiously at the ceremony held inside.

The other group of people were not as easy to talk to as Zhu Tao.

The middle-aged man who took the lead was wearing a blue-striped suit. He was very imposing, staring at the ponytail and asked, "What? Is this how He Liansheng receives congratulatory guests?
It's been so long since I debuted, Guan Guai Ba, and this is the first time I've been blocked from outside! "

"Mr. Guan, Liansheng and I are four-sighted. It's not a coincidence that you came here. Please wait a moment. Come, please smoke..." Four-sighted took out a cigarette.

Before the four-eyed Ming handed out the cigarette, standing behind Guan Chaba, a tall and thin man with cold eyes suddenly raised his leg and kicked the cigarette out.

The wind of the legs rushed towards his face, his eyes opened up, and he closed his eyes in fright.

Fortunately, Mawei and Huadi supported him in time, so that he didn't fall down and make a big mess on the spot.

"Hmph, even you can be put on the stage? What Hong Kong Island's No. [-] society is really a waste of my time.

Leopard, let's go. "Guan Caiba smiled disdainfully, took out a stack of banknotes and threw them on Si Yanming, then turned around and left with Bao Qiang and Da Tou Xiong.

"Convex (艹盘哉)! Come here..." Siyanming and Ponytail were furious, just when they pointed at the crown and were about to call for someone to stop each other.

Brother Hua pulled the two to the side in time: "The temple is holding a ceremony to tie the post, and it will be very unlucky for Brother D to make trouble at such a critical moment.

Send someone to find out their background, and we will settle accounts with them afterward! "

"Brother Hua is right!

Ma De, dare to break ground on the head of Tai Sui, thinking that we and Liansheng [-] brothers are just paper? "Siyanming ruthlessly tore off his glasses, took out his big brother and told Ma Tsai to do things in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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