Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 422 Liangkun Became the Leader

Chapter 422 Liangkun Became the Leader
Chen Yao glanced at Jiang Tiansheng, and nodded unexpectedly: "Ah Kun is not wrong, that's what Brother Sheng said back then."

"Very good, it seems that not only me, but other people have good memories..." Liang Kun clapped his hands.

Standing up slowly, Liangkun's eyes were like knives, scanning the faces of each hall master and the person in charge of the division: "Since I, Li Qiankun, joined Hongxing, what have I done for the club these years, I think , everyone should be very clear..."

Jiang Tiansheng sneered and said nothing, Liang Kun turned a blind eye to him, and walked up to a strong man: "Brother Chao, we have been playing since we were young, when we went to Lantian to cut Changxingzi, the two of us have had a good relationship since then, don't mention How beautiful it is, do you remember this incident?"

"Of course I remember!" Brother Chao looked at Liang Kun excitedly.

In the era of Jiang Zhen, Hong Xing had a total of 12 regional speakers.

Later, Liang Kun planted a flag in the Central District, and one more speaker was added in the 12th District.

Hong Xing's thirteenth sub-district has a fit, and he can be regarded as Hong Xing's face in the rivers and lakes.

Of course, in a society, there are definitely more than 13 people who have the name of the hall master but not the actual hall master.

Brother Chao, Uncle Xing, Old Niu...

There were about 20 people present as the 'big brother' who was the head of the hall.

Some of these people took up positions during the Jiang Zhen era, and later retired from the regional affairs department;

Some are of the same generation as Liangkun and Fat Sheji, but they lack personal ability and cannot make a living. They usually rely on one or two venues in their hands to make a living.

You say that their eggs are scattered, how many times they have been brilliant;

It can be said that they are awesome, these guys brag to a few of their subordinates, and they will only be remembered when they hold a meeting in the club, and they are invited to gather the number of people.

No, when I saw Liangkun, a celebrity in the club, actually mentioned in public the prestige of everyone when they were young, Brother Chao, who has been a background board for more than ten years, not only he himself was very excited, but also the several Dansan hall masters beside him couldn't help but stand up chest up.

"The old leader wants me to get rid of the sandy skin and take back the fish market in Wanchai. I've done it..."

"Enter Tsim Sha Tsui East, destroy Chen Qi, enter Stanley for the sake of Hung Hing..."

Liang Kun walked slowly in front of the group of elders, counting out the things he had done for Hong Xing one by one.

Uncle Xing took off his foggy glasses and wiped them off: "Unknowingly, Akun has really done a lot for the society."

"That's right, it was almost 15 years ago when I went to Wanchai to collect the fish market?" Brother Quan lit a cigarette with emotion: "I forgot about helping Akun watch the wind back then, but he remembered it. Looking back now, it’s as if it happened yesterday.”

"I just said that labor and management did their best to kill Chen Qi back then!

Everyone doesn't believe it, Brother Kun personally admitted today that he was my waste wood when I went to meet him at the alley, I see who else would dare to embarrass me in the future! "


As Uncle Xing took the lead in launching the memory kill, the hall masters who were usually ignored in Hongxing spoke one after another.

The people's discussion became louder and louder, and Jiang Tiansheng, who took Liangkun as a joke, gradually put away his smile.

Because he heard someone complaining in a low voice, everyone sold Hong Xing's life for decades, the two generations with the surname Jiang forgot, but Liang Kun's surname was Li!

Liangkun saw that the atmosphere was almost ready, he put his hands on the table, and looked at Jiang Tiansheng: "Brother Sheng, I am definitely qualified to sit in your seat, right?"

"Yes!" Jiang Tiansheng gritted his teeth and forced a smile.

These blood-licking tasks were all issued by Jiang Zhen in office, and Liang Kun completed them all.

There were all witnesses at the scene, and he couldn't deny it.

Liang Kun knocked on the table with her fingers, interrupting everyone's discussion: "Also, brothers present, who has something to ask me, when did I not help everyone settle it?
Of course, if everyone thinks that I dug up these old almanacs, there is suspicion of asking for rewards for merit.

So, the last time I helped the association plant the flag in the central district, I killed the coalition forces of the seven associations headed by the Ni family and Dongxing with a machete, can it be regarded as opening up the territory?
Today, I will use this one thing to choose, everyone who supports me, please raise your hand! "

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng was able to guess the result. With his winning horse losing Causeway Bay, and Liang Kun winning the middle district for Hong Xing, he must be at a disadvantage.

Sure enough, seeing that the general situation was over, Chen Yao didn't need to wait for Jiang Tiansheng's signal, and decisively took the lead to raise his hand: "Brother Sheng, I'm sorry."

"Ah Yao, it's okay." Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Chen Yao.

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Bin, Dinosaur, and Fat Snake Ji raised their right hands almost at the same time, and then, like dominoes.Brother Chao, Uncle Xing, Uncle Quan, and useless Chai Lin, whose emotions were aroused by Liangkun, kept raising their hands to vote.

Fat guy Li and Ma Wangjian glanced at each other, just when they were about to follow the crowd.

The crown prince sitting above them, ignored Jiang Tiansheng's ugly expression, and raised his right hand: "Jingkun is indeed qualified."

"Brother Kun, we support you."

"Yes, yes, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts..."

Fat guy Li and Ma Wangjian quickly expressed their opinions.

In the end, apart from taking the opportunity to announce that after the meeting, he would withdraw from the arena, so he abstained from the promise, Jiang Tiansheng found that he had become a loner.

Looking at Liang Kun, who was triumphantly clasping his fists to thank everyone, Jiang Tiansheng got up slowly: "Okay, I've always been a very discreet person.

Akun, I hope you can lead Hong Xing to the next level! "

"Hey, brother Sheng, you used to sit in the air-conditioned room with the remote control in your hand, of course Hong Xing's development is not going well.

Now I take over, I dare not say anything else.

Even if I, Li Qiankun, break my legs, I will bring the brothers from the association to eat and drink. "Liang Kun walked up to Jiang Tiansheng, stretched out his right hand and smiled.

This is all unlucky, and he was even ridiculed by his opponent.

Jiang Tiansheng clenched his hands into fists, with blue veins popping out on his forehead: "There are 10,000+ people in Hong Xing.

Akun, don't talk too much, you have to bring them a full bowl of food..."

"I, Liangkun, spit on a nail. It's one thing to give me a chance to do it, but it's another thing to do it if I can do it. Brother Sheng, who the hell can say what will happen in the future?"

"Okay, then I'll wait and see." Jiang Tiansheng smiled lightly, and then leaned into Liangkun's ear: "Don't think that you can secure this seat if you have Ding Yunfeng's backing. Anyone can play cowhide, but the leader is not so easy Right."

After saying that, Jiang Tiansheng turned around and left with a dark face. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Liang Kun pulled away Jiang Zhen and Jiang Tiansheng's exclusive chair for the two generations, and sat down slowly: "Okay, thanks to the support of all brothers, from now on From now on, Hong Xing will let me, Akun, talk about it.

Let me talk about a rule today, follower, this is the red line strictly prohibited by gang rules.

In the past, I didn't sit in this seat, and whoever did it secretly, I don't hold it accountable.

But from now on, if I find out that bastard is dusted, then don't blame me for turning my back on him. "

(End of this chapter)

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