Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 426 I'll Just Say One Sentence

Chapter 426 I Just Say One Word
Hearing the crow's complaints, Wu Zhiwei grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and stuck out the window with a cigarette in the other. This smiling tiger was smiling, but his eyes were extremely cold.

"They left?" Wang Xia squeezed a bowl of salad into Ding Yunfeng's arms.

Ignoring Brother Feng's helpless expression, she stuffed a large group of vegetables into his mouth.

Ding Yunfeng chewed a mouthful of healthy food, trying to swallow it down: "Of course we're leaving, why don't we let them eat?"

"That smiling tiger, Wu Zhiwei, is much harder to deal with than the crow, Chen Tianxiong.

The crow is like a combination of an airplane and Dongguan Boy, ruthless, impulsive, and greedy.

Wu Zhiwei, I talked to him for a dozen sentences, but his attitude towards me changed two or three times.

This guy is full of small thoughts. "Wang Xia slapped Ding Yunfeng's mischievous paw away, and forked a large group of vegetables to feed him.

Ding Yunfeng was really indifferent to food like salad. He frowned and ate a few mouthfuls, then shouted to the kitchen: "Silly, are you ready? Why has a pot of oysters been open for so long?"

"Here we come, here we come!" Dasha came out with a large bowl of oysters: "I've been busy recently, and my skills are a little rusty. Brother Feng, take your time, Sister Xiaoxia, the boat is leaving tonight, and I have to go back to Saigon to watch over there. Help rush to the street."

"Okay, okay, if you have something to do, go to work first, and when the time is over, I will ask everyone to come out and get together." When Ding Yunfeng spoke, two oysters had already dropped.

Wang Xia sent away the foolishly smiling Dasha, and when she came back, she gave someone a look: "Silly brother has been busy for a long time, and you don't invite him to leave after dinner?"

"Hey, it's right not to invite him, but he will be embarrassed if you invite him. Do you think Dasha is really stupid? Come here, open your mouth, hello..."


Talking about the Golden Ostrich Restaurant, Liang Kun got everyone's support and managed to squeeze Jiang Tiansheng away.

He 'simply' delivered a 'several sentence' of speeches from his superiors, announced a few new regulations, and before he knew it, four hours had passed.

"Hey, let me say one last thing." After Liang Kun finished speaking, Uncle Xing and his older uncles all yawned.

Han Bin found that the prince's complexion was darker than that of Bao Gong, and secretly pulled Liang Kun's sleeve: "Leader, it's almost 1 o'clock, and everyone hasn't eaten lunch yet..."

"Dinner? Is it ready?" The dinosaur, who had fallen asleep, suddenly woke up, stretched and shouted, "Damn, why didn't I see that Akun was so good at talking before?
Convex (艹盘哦), a young and Dangerous boy who has this eloquence and doesn't take the exam for a lawyer. "

"Cough, cough..." Fat Sheji rubbed his throat, and the others also looked like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Liang Kun glanced at the dinosaur, and snapped his fingers at Sha Qiang: "This is really the last sentence, let the restaurant open after speaking.

I have a form here, you take it back, let the younger brothers fill it out according to the sample, and bring it to me at the next meeting.

I have said in front of Mr. Jiang that even if I break my legs, I will help Hong Xing to eat for tens of thousands of mouths. Let's start with this matter now. "

"Brother Kun, I have a question."


"Many people in the community are illiterate, what should I do?"

"Then you fill it out for them and let them know by the way.

This questionnaire to find out what skills they have must be filled out carefully, because the club will arrange for them to start working to find water based on their specialties or abilities in the future.

Illiterate Dansan will definitely earn less than others in the future, and can only do some clumsy work. "


After being nagged by Liang Kun for several hours, many people were already impatient. They took the empty forms and samples and got up and went downstairs to eat.

Liangkun was not impatient, he answered one by one, Han Bin and Fat Sheji helped a few times from time to time, a group of people worked until 2 o'clock, and finally the restaurant could serve food.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the drunken Liang Kun was framed by Han Bin and the dinosaur.

The three of them opened the door and got into the car, only to find that there was someone on it, and it was Li Jie who was in charge of protecting Ding Yunfeng.

"Brother Jie, when will you come over? Can you go in and have a few drinks?" Liang Kun took out a cigar and handed it to Li Jie.

Li Jie looked at him helplessly: "Akun, do you know?

In the morning, Jiang Tiansheng was pushed away by you, and the first thing he did was to find a camel, and asked him to send someone to kill you on the condition that he would help Dongxing find Mr. G in Myanmar. "

"Ah? I'll pick!" Liang Kun broke into a sweat from fright, and ran away seventy percent drunk.

Han Bin Dinosaur pointed out the window, shouting loudly to his horse boys, and the scene became chaotic for a while.

"Calm down, calm down. Since Brother Jie is here, he must be fine now.

Han Bin, you and the dinosaur get back in your own car, and everyone will go back to the Central District first. "Liang Kun wiped his face with his tie, and asked the stupid caller outside the car to come and meet him halfway.

Along the way, when he returned to Tuodi without any danger, Liangkun could force himself to be calm when he got out of the car. When he walked into the office, his legs immediately softened.

"Ma De, Jiang Tiansheng can't afford to lose, he can't choose me, and he wants to make an outside move?

This time I won't (艹盘哣) flip him over, it won't be safe to go out on the street in the future. "Liang Kun held his hands tightly and shouted after failing to light the lighter several times.

Li Jie leaned against the door frame, slowly wiping his pistol: "Camel asked Smiling Tiger and Crow to deal with you, but these two guys turned around and went to Saigon to find Dasha, and sold Camel.

Last time I heard from Ms. Qingqing that Jiang Tiansheng has connections with Frog Island. If you want to touch him, you'd better ask Ding Sheng what he means first. "

"Well, thank you brother Jie, I know how to do it." Liang Kun heard what Ding Yunfeng meant.

At the beginning when he planted the flag in the Central District, something happened to Jiang Zhen that night, and Brother Feng came to the Night Bar to congratulate him at dawn.

Jiang Zhen's death had something to do with Brother Feng. Afterwards, Liang Kun vaguely guessed. Now, combined with what Li Jie said, he has the answer.

"Brother Jie, tell Brother Feng for me, I will wait for his order to do things."

"Well, I'll take it with you. In the past few days, Brother Feng asked me to follow you, lest your head be taken away before you can secure your seat."

"Okay! Come on, come on, Brother Jie, sit down quickly, for the past few days, my brother's life depends on you.

In the evening, I will ask Man Han Lou to deliver a table, and after we finish eating, I will arrange two little stars to relax for you..."

Taking advantage of Liangkun's fawning over Li Jie, Dinosaur pushed Han Bin: "When did Ah Feng have a Miss Qingqing?"

"Miss Qingqing lives in seclusion in Tsuen Wan. Brother Feng and her are considered good friends. The relationship between the two is not what you think." Han Bin didn't know much, so he stopped talking after mentioning it.

The dinosaur scratched its head: "Good friend?

You treat me as the first day I met Ah Feng!Back then when I was fighting with him in the Walled City, those rich women wanted to give him their all.

Ma De, my dinosaur is not bad, and it's too early to appear on the stage, why do all the pretty girls go to follow Ah Feng? "

Han Bin cast a glance at the face of the dinosaur, and turned away speechlessly. There must be a limit to how stinky and beautiful it is.

(End of this chapter)

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