Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 428 Jiang Tiansheng Was Arrested

Chapter 428 Jiang Tiansheng Was Arrested

Looking at the stack of undated search warrants, Camel bowed his head.

Accompanying Ding Yunfeng to the side, Luo Tuo called Smiling Tiger and Crow's head horse, and bluntly said that the original mission of the club was cancelled.

"Isn't that enough?" Ding Yunfeng patted the camel's shoulder, and jokingly said: "Back when Jiang Zhen had an accident, Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyang were willing to follow Wa Dao's orders in order to find out the murderer, which made the governor's office treat Hong Xing very much." dissatisfied.

This guy who was blacklisted by the ghost is too late for others to hide. You Dongxing still want to cooperate with him? "

"Ah? This..." Luo Tuo's face suddenly changed. From Ding Yunfeng's expression, he thought that the other party was not deceiving him.

"Don't believe it? You can wait and see how long he can stay on Hong Kong Island." Ding Yunfeng laughed, shouted to close the team, and led the guys away.

As Ding Yunfeng expected, a few days later, Jiang Tiansheng, who was still waiting for Dongxing to do something, was suddenly taken away by a group of ghosts wearing special uniforms.

Maybe he used a lot of cards that Jiang Zhen left him, and Jiang Tiansheng was finally driven to the Netherlands by the ghost.

"It's really cheap for him. According to our previous guess, he should be accused of espionage." Ding Yunfeng looked at John Smith who had returned from vacation at his ancestor's house and laughed.

John took a sip of red wine: "Ding, Jiang Tiansheng gave a lot of information about Frog Island.

Forget it, he will never even think about coming back in this life, the higher-ups asked me to persuade you, don't bother with him anymore. "

"Les's idea?"

"Not only the first brother, but also others."

"Okay, I'm just trying to save face this time. By the way, those books are okay, right?"

"No, with your words, there will be no problems at the customs.

What's more, Mr. Bean asked for these books, and the National Library of London has already agreed, and people from other departments will cooperate more or less. "

John glanced at Ding Yunfeng, remembering that when he handed over the book list to the curator of the National Library of London, he was still a little bit afraid of the two fire-breathing eyes of the other party.

"Don't worry, these books, I guarantee that they will stay in the Mong Kok Workers' Night School, and none of them can appear outside."

"Good! Ding, you are a reliable person."

Ding Yunfeng sent John away, turned around and took out a list of books to Zhan Mi: "Find a dozen or twenty people who can write beautifully, and hand-copy a copy of the above books.

Mr. Principal has already arranged the transcription room, you can just bring someone to him. "

"Okay! Brother Feng, I'll do it right away."


On the ferry from Haojiang to Hong Kong Island.

After receiving a call from the winning horse, the smiling tiger and the crow, who had been hiding for a week, sat side by side.

The crow lit a cigarette and said in a low voice, "Will the old ghost suspect us if we go back like this?"

"Don't worry, Jiang Tiansheng was chased away by the ghost, and the source of goods that was promised to him is gone. If he is not stupid enough, he will not expose us.

Once he makes everyone look bad, what benefits will he get? "Smiley Tiger analyzed it confidently.

The crow relaxed a little after hearing this, and immediately he thumped the iron railing of the ferry: "I, Chen Tianxiong, have been out for more than ten years, and I have never been so aggrieved.

This time it's not you who force me to go to Haojiang. A week ago, I hated that old bastard.How dare he use me, how many lives does he have enough for me to kill. "

"Hey, keep your voice down. Do you think I don't want to kill him?

The time is not right, you beat him to death, Sha Meng, Lei Yaoyang and Situ Haonan will definitely fight to kill the two of us to avenge him! "Wu Zhiwei pressed the crow, looked around vigilantly, and found that there was only a short, fat man with a dirty leather bag around him.

"You're blind, get out!" Wu Zhiwei pointed at this person and cursed.

"Don't fight, don't fight, let's go now, let's go now..." Arcade Thai, who was also sheltering from the limelight in Haojiang, finally received the news, and learned that Sai Te and Luo Maosen's gang had been embarrassing, and went to the street with his head in his hands. escape.

"Made, if it weren't for the large number of people on board, labor and management would have killed you today." Crow kicked, and Arcade Tai suffered pain in his buttocks, and rolled down the iron stairs from the second floor of the ferry to the bottom floor.

Rubbing a few bruises on his body, Artest took a sip, and then he squatted down in a corner.

In order to clear the blame, Fu Yixing kicked Ding Yunfeng out of the club before Ding Yunfeng's attack. Without the signboard of Lao Fu, Street Jitai was immediately regarded as a fat sheep by the local clubs in Haojiang.

First they played games against Artest on the gambling table, and then they didn't even need to act, they just showed their swords and guns to grab it.

Fortunately, the arcade machine is eye-catching enough, and he always hides a little life-saving money so that he can afford the ferry ticket back to Hong Kong Island.

After half a month.

Arcade Ty has finally returned to the Red Boy arcade.

Because of the shabby clothes, Blade Hua and Fat Boy with Four Eyes almost couldn't recognize him!

Half an hour later, after eating, washing, and changing clothes, Arcade Tai learned from Blade Hua what happened after he ran away.

"Don't worry, even if the society wipes me out of the bottom of the sea, your eldest brother and I can still get along on the road." Artai comforted the top horse Blade Hua, and then took his passbook to the bank to withdraw tens of thousands of yuan: "I haven't been here during this time." , You two not only guard the place, but also stay here and wait for me to come back. Brother is very pleased, here is 5 yuan, each of you will take [-], and the remaining [-] will be distributed to the brothers below."

"Brother, there are no more brothers. During this time, except for the two of us, everyone else has left..." The four-eyed fat boy replied while withdrawing money.

The corners of Artai's eyes twitched, he held back his anger and smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, the wind knows the strength of the grass, the toughness knows the honest minister, and you will share the [-].

Ah Hua, you are still a member of the old man. If you want to let the wind out tomorrow, if you want to recruit younger brothers, first find a few people to stabilize the business. "

"Brother, I'm a forty-nine boy, and I'm not qualified to accept horses."

"Hey, I wasn't the same four-nine back then? But I'll let you out for a year first, so you're just old four-nine." Artest knew what Blade Hua was worried about, and patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll raise the pony for you. So be it.

I haven't rested for a few days, so I'll sleep for a while, and if someone comes to pick me up, call me again. "

After saying that, Artest collapsed on the recliner where he used to rest, and soon there was a snoring sound, and Blade Hua and Fat Boy with Four Eyes carefully closed the door and went out.

In less than an hour, sure enough, the old top crooked uncle led Baitoubin and the two hall masters into the arcade hall aggressively.

"Grandpa." Blade Hua hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

Uncle Crooked glanced at him: "Where's Artest? I heard that he's back, why don't you tell him to come out to see me?"

"Uncle Crooked, I'm sorry, I'm sleeping inside.

It's too noisy here, why don't we find a place outside to sit down and talk slowly. Artest walked out with the fat boy with four eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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