Chapter 430 Rich girl BOBO?

He said it was a treat.

In fact, when Artest saw the bill that Blade Hua brought to the hospital the next day, he was so angry that his two connected arms almost dislocated again: "Eighteen thousand? The fat dog bastard killed me like a fish in water... "

Blade Hua looked at his boss with sympathy: "Brother, these gangsters are too sharp.

I wanted to take them to the Golden Ostrich, but the fat dog who took the lead insisted on going to Fulinmen;

After ruining a table of swallow's wings and abalones, I said to go to Portland Street to knock bones, Fat Dog scolded me in public, saying that I had to go to Da Fuhao for embarrassing him in front of his colleagues.

Fortunately, I found an acquaintance at the nightclub to open the stage last night, otherwise, the cost of the second half would have cost this amount. "

Seeing the winning horse show five fingers, Artest's liver hurts.

In the past few years, he has been an informant for Fat Dog, and he has experienced the other party's greedy character several times.

But he really didn't expect that the fat dog would catch him and squeeze him to death just to save the scene...

"Oh, forget it, forget it.

Just treat it as a waste of money and avoid disasters. Fat dogs are greedy, but at critical moments, they are still useful.

Ah Hua, go help me with the discharge procedures, and Fat Dog has already blown away [-] yuan. In my opinion, it's better to strike while the iron is hot and give him some money.

Let him come forward and help us take this game hall from Lao Fu's hands. "After Artest's heartache passed, he made a decision.


Yau Ma Tei Police Station, murderer group.

Fat Dog came to work humming a ditty in a good mood, and spent Artest's money last night to bring the relationship between the two colleagues closer - blood earning.

Swinging the keychain into the office, Fat Dog found that there was an extra person in front of him, and it was Li Sir, the head who had descended from above.

"What time is it? Why don't you come back after lunch."

"Sorry Sir! Because I received a tip last night and went out to investigate the case in the middle of the night, I overslept."

"Let's not set an example, let's do something."

Li Sir knew that he was talking nonsense, but he had just been transferred to Yau Ma Tei, and he hadn't gained a firm foothold yet, so he could only warn him and let him go gently.

Fat Dog also knows very well that this man is the favorite general of the police force, so he admits it very simply, and promises to go to work on time in the future.

Li Sir didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and announced to a group of guys, don't leave after get off work, he is a boss, and invite the whole department to dinner tonight.

"Wow, Sir Li is so generous."

"We haven't got together to hold a welcome banquet for him, but he wants to invite us to be small ones."


Fat Dog participated in the discussion and secretly had a plan.

After Li Sir has invited this meal, why not take the lead in inviting him back?
Since he was going to make a living under other people's hands in the future, he had to try his best to close the relationship between the two parties.

I don't want to be promoted by Li Sir, I just hope that in the future, I won't be put on by the other party...

After lunch, Fat Dog drove away from the Yau Ma Tei Police Station and went to the Red Boy Game Hall.

"Brother Dog." Seeing the plague god coming to the door, the four-eyed fat boy hurried up to greet him.

Fat Dog pushed him away, walked into the exchange room, and sat in Artest's seat: "Arcade Tai owes me 1 yuan! How much is in the account, please mention it to me first."

The fat boy with four eyes was stunned for several seconds when he heard this.

Until the fat dog opened his mouth to urge him again, the four-eyed fat boy kept shaking his head: "Brother Dog, how dare I decide this kind of thing!

Why don't you wait for my boss to be discharged from the hospital, and you talk to him personally? "

"Wait for Artest to be discharged from the hospital? Are you kidding me? Get the money quickly, I want it now!" Fat Dog's expression turned cold.

The four-eyed fat boy secretly groaned, but fortunately, at this time, Artest came back from the hospital with Blade Hua.

"Brother Tai, Brother Gou is here to pick you up." The fat boy with four eyes had a bitter face, and told about the fat dog's visit to blackmail him.

Hearing that Fat Dog cheated him for [-] last night, and asked for another [-] today, Artest was almost so angry that he was admitted to the hospital again.

Asking Blade Hua to bring a chair over and sit down, Artest looked at the fat dog with an unnatural expression and sighed: "Brother Dog, I am running a game hall, not a money printing factory!

There are 23 arcade machines in the entire field, even if they operate non-stop for 24 hours, it is impossible to earn 48 in [-] hours. "

"Tai, speak with conscience!

I didn't come here in time yesterday, you were killed by Lao Wai and Bai Tou Bin long ago. "The fat dog angrily patted the short dog, and poked Artest's nose with his index finger: "Why, your little life, plus this place, is not worth twenty-eight thousand?" "

"Brother Dog, you can't say that.

You saved me, I, Artest, will remember you well, but your old man has left me a way to survive.

Twenty-eight thousand, seven or eight years ago, was enough to buy half a building. "

Seeing that Artest refused to withdraw the money, the fat dog put away the short dog: "Okay, then if you have something to do in the future, don't come to me."

"Hey, wait, wait..." Artest stood up and stopped the fat dog: "Brother Dog, look, how about this..."

When he heard that Artest was willing to pay 1 yuan a month, Fat Gou's expression softened a lot, and he finally agreed to help him withstand Fu Yixing's pressure and keep the Red Boy Game Center.

Putting away the banknotes, the fat dog patted Artest on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I'll report to Ah-tou when I get back, and arrange an informant for you.

For Lao Fu, our Yau Ma Tei Police Station will settle it for you. "

"Then, thank you very much..." Artest had a bitter expression on his face as he sent the fat dog away.

In this way, not only will a monthly protection fee of 1 yuan be paid, but the handle will also be handed over to the police.

But no way.

In order to save the game.

Changing from the sole informant of Fat Dog to the official informant of the Yau Ma Tei Homicide Squad is the only way.


Just when Artest had to surrender to the police in order to protect himself.

In the Caesars Nightclub, a tall, charming woman was smoking a cigarette, and the ashtray next to her was filled with all kinds of cigarette butts.

"I can't figure it out..."

"Most of the investment of 160 million is big ears, don't let anything happen..."

Listening to the busy voice from Big Brother, Jiajia, the top player in the night, the expression on her face became more and more panicked.

The story begins last month.

She has always been Hong Ye's personal gun bag, and one day she crossed the sea to play in Haojiang.

As a result, in Lisboa, I met a rich girl named BOBO.

BOBO's hands are very generous, playing baccarat can win or lose one thousand or two thousand, without blinking an eye.

Even, seeing Jiajia who was seated next to her lose everything, the rich girl didn't say a word, and directly lent her [-] yuan to turn over the money.

The reason is simple--beautiful girls don't want to see pretty girls down and out.

In less than an hour, Jiajia lost all the 1 yuan lent to her by her new friend.

At that time, Jiajia was very annoyed, she cursed herself and nodded, but her face was full of sincerity and she apologized to BOBO.

Just when Jiajia was making fun of BOBO's innocence and ignorance in his heart, he threw another [-] chips over.

I have been out for so long, and I have seen people who have been prostituted for nothing.

Please bet for nothing, this is really the first time we met Jiajia.

On the same day, Jiajia lost 3 yuan to this newly acquainted sister.

(End of this chapter)

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